diff --git a/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/gitops/gc/activities/_index.md b/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/gitops/gc/activities/_index.md index 9545834992a..8b3fe809135 100644 --- a/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/gitops/gc/activities/_index.md +++ b/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/gitops/gc/activities/_index.md @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ Garbage collect the Jenkins X PipelineActivity resources ### Options ``` + --all-namespaces Work in all namespaces (requires a ClusterRole) -d, --dry-run Dry run mode. If enabled just list the resources that would be removed -h, --help help for activities --pipelinerun-age duration Maximum age to keep completed PipelineRuns for all pipelines (default 12h0m0s) diff --git a/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/gitops/gc/pods/_index.md b/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/gitops/gc/pods/_index.md index eb40096eba5..b974efee327 100644 --- a/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/gitops/gc/pods/_index.md +++ b/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/gitops/gc/pods/_index.md @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Garbage collect old Pods that have completed or failed ``` -a, --age duration The minimum age of pods to garbage collect. Any newer pods will be kept (default 1h0m0s) -h, --help help for pods - -n, --namespace string The namespace to look for the pods. Defaults to the current namespace + -n, --namespace string The namespace to look for the pods. If empty will work in namespaces labelled by 'env' and 'gitops.jenkins-x.io/pipeline', also will include `'jx-git-operator' namespace -s, --selector string The selector to use to filter the pods ``` diff --git a/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/gitops/namespace/_index.md b/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/gitops/namespace/_index.md index a21fa4af9bf..e3ccfa46e59 100644 --- a/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/gitops/namespace/_index.md +++ b/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/gitops/namespace/_index.md @@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ Updates all kubernetes resources in the given directory to the given namespace # e.g. so that the files 'config-root/namespaces/cheese/*.yaml' get set to namespace 'cheese' # and 'config-root/namespaces/wine/*.yaml' are set to 'wine' jx-gitops namespace --dir-mode --dir config-root/namespaces + + # In --dir-mode when a resource HAS DEFINED NAMESPACE already, but is in wrong directory + # then it will be moved to a directory corresponding it's defined namespace ``` ### Options diff --git a/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/gitops/repository/create/_index.md b/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/gitops/repository/create/_index.md index 19f60c9e53e..94eec0997ca 100644 --- a/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/gitops/repository/create/_index.md +++ b/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/gitops/repository/create/_index.md @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Creates any missing SourceRepository resources --invert-selector inverts the effect of selector to exclude resources matched by selector -k, --kind stringArray adds Kubernetes resource kinds to filter on. For kind expressions see: https://github.com/jenkins-x/jx-helpers/v3/tree/master/docs/kind_filters.md --kind-ignore stringArray adds Kubernetes resource kinds to exclude. For kind expressions see: https://github.com/jenkins-x/jx-helpers/v3/tree/master/docs/kind_filters.md + -n, --namespace string namespace to use, defaults to 'jx' (default "jx") --selector stringToString adds Kubernetes label selector to filter on, e.g. -s app=pusher-wave,heritage=Helm (default []) -s, --source-dir string the directory to look for and generate the SourceConfig files ``` diff --git a/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/gitops/webhook/update/_index.md b/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/gitops/webhook/update/_index.md index 101ed5d9ccc..58798a83f13 100644 --- a/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/gitops/webhook/update/_index.md +++ b/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/gitops/webhook/update/_index.md @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Updates the webhooks for all the source repositories optionally filtering by own ``` -b, --batch-mode Runs in batch mode without prompting for user input + --dev-ns string Disable development namespace auto detection, instead use specified namespace --endpoint string Don't use the endpoint from the cluster, use the provided endpoint --exact-hook-url-match Whether to exactly match the hook based on the URL (default true) --git-kind string the kind of git server to connect to diff --git a/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/verify/install/_index.md b/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/verify/install/_index.md index 657c9289fa6..265c22e7a2d 100644 --- a/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/verify/install/_index.md +++ b/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/verify/install/_index.md @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Verifies the installation is ready -n, --namespace string if not specified uses the default namespace -w, --pod-wait-time duration The default wait time to wait for the pods to be ready (default 2m0s) -p, --poll duration The period between polls (default 10s) + -l, --selector string Custom selector (label query) for pods --verbose Enables verbose output. The environment variable JX_LOG_LEVEL has precedence over this flag and allows setting the logging level to any value of: panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace ``` diff --git a/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/verify/tls/_index.md b/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/verify/tls/_index.md index 358f195fdcd..c7dac86e7ef 100644 --- a/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/verify/tls/_index.md +++ b/content/en/v3/develop/reference/jx/verify/tls/_index.md @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Verifies a TLS certificate, useful to ensure a HTTPS endpoint is using a certifi ```bash # verifies a TLS certificate issuer and subject - jx-verify step verify tls hook.foo.bar.com --insecure --issuer 'CN=Fake LE Intermediate X1' --subject 'CN=*.foo.bar.com' + jx-verify step verify tls hook.foo.bar.com --insecure --issuer 'CN=(STAGING) Artificial Apricot R3' --subject 'CN=*.foo.bar.com' ``` ### Options