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Configuring the plugin

Damian Szczepanik edited this page Mar 18, 2016 · 1 revision


You can either download the cucumber-reports.hpi from the download link and use the advanced tab in manage jenkins plugins to uploade the hpi file. This will install it and you may or may not have to restart jenkins depending on which version you are running.


There are only two options for configuration:

  • path to *.json reports
  • path to plugin directory

Path to Json Reports

This is the path from the jenkins workspace to the directory where your json result files are generated. You choose where the json files should be generated in the cucumber config for your tests in the JUnit runner. It seems at the moment you can't put the json files in a subdirectory with cucumber - so I'm using maven on my project so my json result files go into the target directory that is generated.

You can click through your jenkins workspace by clicking on the build and then workspace icon. Just make sure you put the path relative to the workspace: The path relative to the workspace of the json reports generated by cucumber-jvm e.g. target/cucumber

Path to Plugin Directory

The path to the jenkins user content url e.g. http://host:port[/jenkins/]plugin - leave empty if jenkins url root is host:port

If you have your jenkins installed so that you access it via http://hostname:port then you can leave this empty. But if you have it somewhere else e.g. http://hostname:port/jenkins then the path to the assets used for the report won't be found so you must specify the url to the plugin directory.

Jenkins exposes user content for a plugin on the url http://host:port/plugin-name/plugin so you have to tell the plugin the route it needs - you have to supply the slashes before and after. e.g. /jenkins/ if your installation is at http://hostname:port/jenkins