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olivierdagenais committed Feb 20, 2017
1 parent 1598bf5 commit e147fdf
Showing 1 changed file with 156 additions and 0 deletions.
156 changes: 156 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@

1. Machine: preferably Linux over Windows, to avoid any weirdness between Cygwin and Git for Windows
1. Oracle JDK 8 (see note in [Installing Jenkins on Red Hat distributions]( about CentOS's default Java)
1. Maven 3.2 or better
1. A recent enough Git
1. Make sure the `COMPUTERNAME` environment variable is defined, as the end-to-end tests rely on its presence. One can use the [EnvInject plugin]( to set it during the execution of the release job.
1. A GitHub clone you can pull from and push to non-interactively. (Consider configuring GitHub with a public key and use the SSH protocol for everything)
1. A "Jenkins infrastructure" account. They have some sort of LDAP server that provides SSO for JIRA, Confluence and Artifactory.
1. If you can log in to with your account, you're set to punch in those credentials in your `~/.m2/settings.xml` file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2. A great test is to try to perform a `mvn deploy`, which should attempt to upload some files to the snapshot repo and will need those credentials.
3. If you're worried about putting your "Jenkins infrastructure" password in plain-text in that file, Maven has a password encryption facility that relies on a master password in another file. Presumably, you secure access to the 2nd file by placing it on a thumbdrive that you carry with you when you're not at your computer, etc.
1. A TFS server or a VSTS account, configured as per ``


1. Pre-release. Perform these manual steps on your workstation:
1. Run a full build, with all its end-to-end tests; it takes about 5 minutes:
mvn clean verify --batch-mode -Dtfs_server_name=&lt;TFS host name or VSTS account host name> -Dtfs_user_name=&lt;user> -Dtfs_user_password=&lt;password>
2. Look at the commits since the last release by going to and clicking the "XX commits to master since this release" link. It will be easiest to surf the associated pull requests, so hit Ctrl+F, search for "Merge pull request" and Ctrl+click every #XXX link to the right of the highlights.
3. Fill in the categories of the `` template, usually in one of the following formats:
1. &lt;Summary>. Thanks to @&lt;GitHub user name> for pull request #&lt;pull request number>.
2. &lt;Summary>, via pull request #&lt;pull request number>.
4. Decide on the release version and on the next development version, based on the rules of [Semantic Versioning](
5. Update `` with the release version and merge/push to `master`.
6. Merge any "wiki" changes to `master`.
2. Automated release. Create a Jenkins job as follows:
1. General
1. Check "This project is parameterised"
1. String parameter **releaseVersion**
2. String parameter **developmentVersion**
2. SCM
1. Git
1. Repository Url: ****
2. Credentials: (select your previously-entered private key file)
3. Name: **origin**
4. Refspec: **+refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master**
5. Branch Specifier: **refs/heads/master**
6. Repository browser: **githubweb**
7. Additional Behaviours:
1. Clean before checkout
2. Check out to specific local branch (to avoid ["Git fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref" while using maven release plugin](
1. Branch name: **master**
3. Build Environment
1. Add timestamps to the Console Output
2. Inject environment variables to the build process
1. **COMPUTERNAME** (the host name of the Jenkins node that will run the job)
2. **TFS_SERVER_NAME** (the TFS host name or VSTS account host name)
3. Use secret text(s) or file(s)
1. **TFS_USER_NAME** and **TFS_USER_PASSWORD** are initialized from a credential
4. Build. Add the following steps:
1. "Shell script" step to check and prepare (filling in the blanks at the `git config` lines near the end)
set +e

# verify releaseVersion and developmentVersion
if [[ "$releaseVersion" != +([0-9])\.+([0-9])\.+([0-9]) ]]
echo "ERROR: '$releaseVersion' is not a valid releaseVersion"
exit 1

if [[ "$developmentVersion" != +([0-9])\.+([0-9])\.+([0-9])-SNAPSHOT ]]
echo "ERROR: '$developmentVersion' is not a valid developmentVersion"
exit 1

# test SSH connection to Git
ssh -Tv
if [[ $? != "1" ]]
echo "ERROR: Unable to connect to GitHub via SSH"
exit 1

git config --local '<your full name>'
git config --local '<your e-mail address>'

exit 0
2. "Maven" step as a dry-run, running all tests and performing a SNAPSHOT deploy
3. "Maven" step to actually release
4. "Shell script" step for post-release actions (filling in the blanks at the `git config` lines near the beginning)
cd target/checkout
git config --local '<your full name>'
git config --local '<your e-mail address>'
git checkout -b update_documentation_for_$releaseVersion origin/master
cat > <<EndOfReleaseNotes
These notes are for release **(to be determined)**.
Other releases and their notes can be found at the [tfs-plugin GitHub Releases]( page.
* Major:
* Minor:
git commit -a -m "Clear out the release notes for the next release"
git push origin update_documentation_for_$releaseVersion
5. Files to archive:
3. Post-release. Perform these manual steps on your workstation:
1. Download the artifacts from Jenkins
2. Create a pull request from the **update_documentation_for_$releaseVersion** branch, then merge it.
3. Edit the tag on GitHub:
1. Copy-paste most of ``.
2. Upload the artifacts downloaded from Jenkins.
3. Publish release.
4. Update ``.
5. Update affected issues with "Fixed in".
6. Check the update mirror after about a day, to make sure the new version was replicated across the CDN:

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