diff --git a/SUPPORTED-FORMATS.md b/SUPPORTED-FORMATS.md index c17ef99432..3efabbe4f8 100644 --- a/SUPPORTED-FORMATS.md +++ b/SUPPORTED-FORMATS.md @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - + # Supported Report Formats Jenkins' Warnings Next Generation Plugin supports the following report formats. @@ -17,119 +17,121 @@ the [Analysis Parsers Library](https://github.com/jenkinsci/analysis-model/). | Number | ID | Symbol | Icons | Name | Default Pattern | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | -| 0 | acu-cobol | acuCobol() | - - | AcuCobol Compiler | | +| 0 | acu-cobol | acuCobol() | - - | AcuCobol | | | 1 | gnat | gnat() | - - | Ada Compiler (gnat) | | | 2 | android-lint | androidLintParser() | ![Android Lint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/android-lint-24x24.png) ![Android Lint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/android-lint-48x48.png) | Android Lint | | | 3 | ansiblelint | ansibleLint() | - - | Ansible Lint | | -| 4 | armcc | armCc() | - - | Armcc Compiler | | -| 5 | aspectj | ajc() | - - | AspectJ Compiler | | -| 6 | axivion-suite | axivionSuite() | - - | Axivion Suite | - | -| 7 | brakeman | brakeman() | ![Brakeman](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/brakeman-24x24.png) ![Brakeman](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/brakeman-48x48.png) | [Brakeman](https://brakemanscanner.org) | **/brakeman-output.json | -| 8 | buckminster | buckminster() | - - | Buckminster | | -| 9 | cadence | cadence() | - - | Cadence Incisive | | -| 10 | cargo | cargo() | - - | Cargo | | -| 11 | ccm | ccm() | - - | CCM | | -| 12 | checkstyle | checkStyle() | ![CheckStyle](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/checkstyle-24x24.png) ![CheckStyle](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/checkstyle-48x48.png) | [CheckStyle](https://checkstyle.org) | **/checkstyle-result.xml | -| 13 | clair | clair() | - - | [Clair](https://github.com/arminc/clair-scanner) | | -| 14 | clang | clang() | - - | Clang (LLVM based) | | -| 15 | clang-analyzer | clangAnalyzer() | - - | [Clang-Analyzer](https://clang-analyzer.llvm.org) | | -| 16 | clang-tidy | clangTidy() | - - | Clang-Tidy | | -| 17 | cmake | cmake() | - - | CMake | | -| 18 | code-analysis | codeAnalysis() | - - | CodeAnalysis | | -| 19 | codenarc | codeNarc() | - - | CodeNarc | | -| 20 | coolflux | coolflux() | - - | Coolflux DSP Compiler | | -| 21 | cpd | cpd() | ![CPD](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/dry-24x24.png) ![CPD](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/dry-48x48.png) | [CPD](https://pmd.github.io/latest/pmd_userdocs_cpd.html) | **/cpd.xml | -| 22 | cppcheck | cppCheck() | - - | CPPCheck | | -| 23 | cpplint | cppLint() | - - | CppLint | | -| 24 | csslint | cssLint() | - - | CssLint | | -| 25 | detekt | detekt() | - - | [Detekt](https://arturbosch.github.io/detekt/) | | -| 26 | docfx | docFx() | - - | DocFX | | -| 27 | dockerlint | dockerLint() | - - | [DockerLint](https://github.com/projectatomic/dockerfile_lint) | | -| 28 | doxygen | doxygen() | - - | Doxygen | | -| 29 | dr-memory | drMemory() | - - | Dr. Memory | | -| 30 | dscanner | dscanner() | - - | [DScanner](https://github.com/dlang-community/D-Scanner) | **/dscanner-report.json | -| 31 | eclipse | eclipse() | - - | Eclipse ECJ | | -| 32 | erlc | erlc() | - - | Erlang Compiler (erlc) | | -| 33 | error-prone | errorProne() | ![Error Prone](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/bug-24x24.png) ![Error Prone](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/bug-48x48.png) | [Error Prone](https://errorprone.info) | | -| 34 | eslint | esLint() | ![ESlint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/eslint-24x24.png) ![ESlint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/eslint-48x48.png) | [ESlint](https://eslint.org) | | -| 35 | findbugs | findBugs() | ![FindBugs](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/findbugs-24x24.png) ![FindBugs](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/findbugs-48x48.png) | FindBugs | **/findbugsXml.xml | -| 36 | flake8 | flake8() | - - | Flake8 | | -| 37 | flawfinder | flawfinder() | - - | [Flawfinder](https://dwheeler.com/flawfinder/) | | -| 38 | flex | flexSdk() | - - | Flex SDK Compiler | | -| 39 | fxcop | fxcop() | - - | FxCop | | -| 40 | gendarme | gendarme() | - - | Gendarme | | -| 41 | ghs-multi | ghsMulti() | - - | GHS Multi Compiler | | -| 42 | gcc3 | gcc3() | - - | GNU C Compiler (gcc 3 and older) | | +| 4 | trivy | trivy() | - - | [Aquasec Trivy](https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy) | | +| 5 | armcc | armCc() | - - | Armcc Compiler | | +| 6 | aspectj | ajc() | - - | AspectJ | | +| 7 | axivion-suite | axivionSuite() | ![Axivion Suite](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/axivion-24x24.png) ![Axivion Suite](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/axivion-48x48.png) | Axivion Suite | - | +| 8 | brakeman | brakeman() | ![Brakeman](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/brakeman-24x24.png) ![Brakeman](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/brakeman-48x48.png) | [Brakeman](https://brakemanscanner.org) | **/brakeman-output.json | +| 9 | buckminster | buckminster() | - - | Buckminster | | +| 10 | cpplint | cppLint() | - - | C++ Lint | | +| 11 | cadence | cadence() | - - | Cadence Incisive | | +| 12 | cargo | cargo() | - - | Cargo Check | | +| 13 | ccm | ccm() | - - | CCM | | +| 14 | checkstyle | checkStyle() | ![CheckStyle](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/checkstyle-24x24.png) ![CheckStyle](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/checkstyle-48x48.png) | [CheckStyle](https://checkstyle.org) | **/checkstyle-result.xml | +| 15 | clair | clair() | - - | [Clair Scanner](https://github.com/arminc/clair-scanner) | | +| 16 | clang | clang() | - - | Clang | | +| 17 | clang-analyzer | clangAnalyzer() | - - | [Clang Analyzer](https://clang-analyzer.llvm.org) | | +| 18 | clang-tidy | clangTidy() | - - | Clang-Tidy | | +| 19 | cmake | cmake() | - - | CMake | | +| 20 | code-analysis | codeAnalysis() | - - | Code Analysis | | +| 21 | codenarc | codeNarc() | - - | CodeNarc | | +| 22 | coolflux | coolflux() | - - | Coolflux DSP Compiler | | +| 23 | cpd | cpd() | ![CPD](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/dry-24x24.png) ![CPD](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/dry-48x48.png) | [CPD](https://pmd.github.io/latest/pmd_userdocs_cpd.html) | **/cpd.xml | +| 24 | cppcheck | cppCheck() | - - | CPPCheck | | +| 25 | csslint | cssLint() | - - | CSS-Lint | | +| 26 | detekt | detekt() | - - | [Detekt](https://arturbosch.github.io/detekt/) | | +| 27 | docfx | docFx() | - - | DocFX | | +| 28 | dockerlint | dockerLint() | - - | [Dockerfile Lint](https://github.com/projectatomic/dockerfile_lint) | | +| 29 | doxygen | doxygen() | - - | Doxygen | | +| 30 | dr-memory | drMemory() | - - | Dr. Memory | | +| 31 | dscanner | dscanner() | - - | [DScanner](https://github.com/dlang-community/D-Scanner) | **/dscanner-report.json | +| 32 | eclipse | eclipse() | - - | Eclipse ECJ | | +| 33 | erlc | erlc() | - - | Erlang Compiler (erlc) | | +| 34 | error-prone | errorProne() | ![Error Prone](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/bug-24x24.png) ![Error Prone](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/bug-48x48.png) | [Error Prone](https://errorprone.info) | | +| 35 | eslint | esLint() | ![ESlint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/eslint-24x24.png) ![ESlint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/eslint-48x48.png) | [ESlint](https://eslint.org) | | +| 36 | findbugs | findBugs() | ![FindBugs](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/findbugs-24x24.png) ![FindBugs](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/findbugs-48x48.png) | FindBugs | **/findbugsXml.xml | +| 37 | flake8 | flake8() | - - | [Flake8](https://flake8.pycqa.org/) | | +| 38 | flawfinder | flawfinder() | - - | [FlawFinder](https://dwheeler.com/flawfinder/) | | +| 39 | flex | flexSdk() | - - | Flex SDK Compiler | | +| 40 | fxcop | fxcop() | - - | FxCop | | +| 41 | gendarme | gendarme() | - - | Gendarme | | +| 42 | ghs-multi | ghsMulti() | - - | GHS Multi Compiler | | | 43 | gcc | gcc() | - - | GNU C Compiler (gcc) | | -| 44 | fortran | gnuFortran() | - - | GNU Fortran Compiler | | -| 45 | golint | goLint() | ![Go Lint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/golint-24x24.png) ![Go Lint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/golint-48x48.png) | Go Lint | | -| 46 | go-vet | goVet() | - - | Go Vet | | -| 47 | groovy | groovyScript() | - - | Groovy Parser | | -| 48 | hadolint | hadoLint() | ![HadoLint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/hadolint-24x24.png) ![HadoLint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/hadolint-48x48.png) | [HadoLint](https://github.com/hadolint/hadolint) | | -| 49 | iar-cstat | iarCstat() | - - | IAR C-STAT | | -| 50 | iar | iar() | - - | IAR Compiler (C/C++) | | -| 51 | iblinter | ibLinter() | - - | [IBLinter](https://github.com/IBDecodable/IBLinter) | | -| 52 | xlc | xlc() | - - | IBM XLC Compiler | | -| 53 | infer | infer() | - - | [Infer](http://fbinfer.com) | | -| 54 | intel | intel() | - - | Intel Compiler (C, Fortran) | | -| 55 | idea | ideaInspection() | ![IntelliJ IDEA Inspections](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/idea-24x24.png) ![IntelliJ IDEA Inspections](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/idea-48x48.png) | [IntelliJ IDEA Inspections](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/code-inspection.html) | | -| 56 | java | java() | ![Java](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/java-24x24.png) ![Java](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/java-48x48.png) | Java | | -| 57 | javadoc-warnings | javaDoc() | ![JavaDoc](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/java-24x24.png) ![JavaDoc](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/java-48x48.png) | JavaDoc | | -| 58 | jc-report | jcReport() | - - | JCReport | | -| 59 | js-hint | jsHint() | - - | JSHint | | -| 60 | jslint | jsLint() | - - | [JSLint](https://www.jslint.com) | | -| 61 | junit | junitParser() | ![JUnit](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/junit-24x24.png) ![JUnit](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/junit-48x48.png) | [JUnit](https://junit.org) | | -| 62 | klocwork | klocWork() | - - | Klocwork | | -| 63 | kotlin | kotlin() | ![Kotlin](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/kotlin-24x24.png) ![Kotlin](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/kotlin-48x48.png) | Kotlin | | -| 64 | ktlint | ktLint() | ![Ktlint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/ktlint-24x24.png) ![Ktlint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/ktlint-48x48.png) | [Ktlint](https://ktlint.github.io) | | -| 65 | maven-warnings | mavenConsole() | - - | Maven | | -| 66 | taglist | tagList() | - - | [Maven Taglist Plugin](https://www.mojohaus.org/taglist-maven-plugin) | **/taglist.xml | -| 67 | modelsim | modelsim() | - - | MentorGraphics Modelsim/Questa | | -| 68 | metrowerks | metrowerksCodeWarrior() | - - | Metrowerks CodeWarrior | | -| 69 | msbuild | msBuild() | - - | MSBuild | | -| 70 | mypy | myPy() | - - | MyPy | | -| 71 | nag-fortran | nagFortran() | - - | NAG Fortran Compiler | | -| 72 | open-tasks | taskScanner() | ![Open Tasks Scanner](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/open-tasks-24x24.png) ![Open Tasks Scanner](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/open-tasks-48x48.png) | Open Tasks Scanner | - | -| 73 | invalids | invalids() | - - | Oracle Invalids | | -| 74 | ot-docker-linter | otDockerLint() | ![OTDockerLint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/ot-docker-linter-24x24.png) ![OTDockerLint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/ot-docker-linter-48x48.png) | [OTDockerLint](https://github.com/opstree/OT-Dockerlinter) | | -| 75 | pclint | pcLint() | - - | PC-Lint | | -| 76 | pep8 | pep8() | - - | Pep8 | | -| 77 | perforce | perforce() | - - | Perforce Compiler | | -| 78 | perl-critic | perlCritic() | - - | Perl::Critic | | -| 79 | php | php() | - - | PHP Runtime | | -| 80 | php-code-sniffer | phpCodeSniffer() | - - | [PHP_CodeSniffer](https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer) | | -| 81 | phpstan | phpStan() | ![PHPStan](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/phpstan-24x24.png) ![PHPStan](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/phpstan-48x48.png) | [PHPStan](https://github.com/phpstan/phpstan) | | -| 82 | pit | pit() | ![Pit Test Coverage](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/pit-24x24.png) ![Pit Test Coverage](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/pit-48x48.png) | [Pit Test Coverage](http://pitest.org) | | -| 83 | pmd | pmdParser() | ![PMD](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/pmd-24x24.png) ![PMD](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/pmd-48x48.png) | [PMD](https://pmd.github.io) | **/pmd.xml | -| 84 | prefast | prefast() | - - | PREfast | | -| 85 | protolint | protoLint() | - - | [ProtoLint](https://github.com/yoheimuta/protolint) | | -| 86 | puppetlint | puppetLint() | - - | Puppet-Lint | | -| 87 | pvs-studio | PVSStudio() | ![PVS-Studio](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/pvs-24x24.png) ![PVS-Studio](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/pvs-48x48.png) | [PVS-Studio](https://www.viva64.com/en/pvs-studio/) | **/*.plog | -| 88 | pydocstyle | pyDocStyle() | - - | Pydocstyle | | -| 89 | pylint | pyLint() | ![Pylint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/pylint-24x24.png) ![Pylint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/pylint-48x48.png) | Pylint | | -| 90 | qac | qacSourceCodeAnalyser() | - - | QA-C Sourcecode Analyser | | -| 91 | qt-translation | qtTranslation() | ![Qt Translation](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/qt-24x24.png) ![Qt Translation](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/qt-48x48.png) | [Qt Translation](https://www.qt.io) | | -| 92 | dupfinder | dupFinder() | ![Resharper dupFinder](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/dry-24x24.png) ![Resharper dupFinder](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/dry-48x48.png) | Resharper dupFinder | | -| 93 | resharper | resharperInspectCode() | ![Resharper InspectCode](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/resharper-24x24.png) ![Resharper InspectCode](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/resharper-48x48.png) | Resharper InspectCode | | -| 94 | robocopy | robocopy() | - - | Robocopy | | -| 95 | rflint | rfLint() | ![Robot Framework Lint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/robot-framework-24x24.png) ![Robot Framework Lint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/robot-framework-48x48.png) | Robot Framework Lint | | -| 96 | rubocop | ruboCop() | ![RuboCop](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/rubocop-24x24.png) ![RuboCop](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/rubocop-48x48.png) | RuboCop | | -| 97 | scala | scala() | ![Scala Compiler](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/scala-24x24.png) ![Scala Compiler](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/scala-48x48.png) | Scala Compiler | | -| 98 | simian | simian() | ![Simian](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/dry-24x24.png) ![Simian](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/dry-48x48.png) | Simian | | -| 99 | sonar | sonarQube() | ![SonarQube](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/sonar-24x24.png) ![SonarQube](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/sonar-48x48.png) | SonarQube | **/sonar-report.json | -| 100 | sphinx | sphinxBuild() | - - | Sphinx-build | | -| 101 | spotbugs | spotBugs() | ![SpotBugs](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/spotbugs-24x24.png) ![SpotBugs](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/spotbugs-48x48.png) | [SpotBugs](https://spotbugs.github.io) | **/spotbugsXml.xml | -| 102 | stylecop | styleCop() | - - | StyleCop | | -| 103 | sunc | sunC() | - - | SUN C++ Compiler | | -| 104 | swiftlint | swiftLint() | - - | [SwiftLint](https://github.com/realm/SwiftLint) | | -| 105 | tasking-vx | taskingVx() | - - | TASKING VX Compiler | | -| 106 | code-composer | tiCss() | - - | Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio | | -| 107 | tnsdl | tnsdl() | - - | TNSDL Translator | | -| 108 | trivy | trivy() | - - | [Trivy](https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy) | | -| 109 | tslint | tsLint() | - - | [TSLint](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/) | | -| 110 | issues | issues() | - - | [Warnings Plugin Native Format](https://github.com/jenkinsci/warnings-ng-plugin/blob/master/doc/Documentation.md#export-your-issues-into-a-supported-format) | | -| 111 | diabc | diabC() | - - | Wind River Diab Compiler (C/C++) | | -| 112 | xmllint | xmlLint() | - - | XML Lint | | -| 113 | yamllint | yamlLint() | - - | [YamlLint](https://yamllint.readthedocs.io/) | | -| 114 | yui | yuiCompressor() | - - | YUI Compressor | | -| 115 | zptlint | zptLint() | - - | ZPT Lint | | +| 44 | gcc3 | gcc3() | - - | GNU C Compiler 3 (gcc) | | +| 45 | fortran | gnuFortran() | - - | GNU Fortran Compiler | | +| 46 | golint | goLint() | ![Go Lint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/golint-24x24.png) ![Go Lint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/golint-48x48.png) | Go Lint | | +| 47 | go-vet | goVet() | - - | Go Vet | | +| 48 | groovy | groovyScript() | - - | Groovy Parser | - | +| 49 | hadolint | hadoLint() | ![HadoLint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/hadolint-24x24.png) ![HadoLint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/hadolint-48x48.png) | [HadoLint](https://github.com/hadolint/hadolint) | | +| 50 | iar-cstat | iarCstat() | - - | IAR C-STAT | | +| 51 | iar | iar() | - - | IAR Compiler (C/C++) | | +| 52 | iblinter | ibLinter() | - - | [IbLinter](https://github.com/IBDecodable/IBLinter) | | +| 53 | xlc | xlc() | - - | IBM XLC Compiler | | +| 54 | infer | infer() | - - | [Infer](https://fbinfer.com) | | +| 55 | intel | intel() | - - | Intel Compiler (C, Fortran) | | +| 56 | idea | ideaInspection() | ![IntelliJ IDEA Inspections](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/idea-24x24.png) ![IntelliJ IDEA Inspections](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/idea-48x48.png) | [IntelliJ IDEA Inspections](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/code-inspection.html) | | +| 57 | java | java() | ![Java Compiler](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/java-24x24.png) ![Java Compiler](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/java-48x48.png) | Java Compiler | | +| 58 | javadoc-warnings | javaDoc() | ![JavaDoc](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/java-24x24.png) ![JavaDoc](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/java-48x48.png) | JavaDoc | | +| 59 | jc-report | jcReport() | - - | JCReport | | +| 60 | js-hint | jsHint() | - - | JsHint | | +| 61 | jslint | jsLint() | - - | [JSLint](https://www.jslint.com) | | +| 62 | junit | junitParser() | ![JUnit](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/junit-24x24.png) ![JUnit](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/junit-48x48.png) | [JUnit](https://junit.org) | | +| 63 | klocwork | klocWork() | - - | Klocwork | | +| 64 | kotlin | kotlin() | ![Kotlin](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/kotlin-24x24.png) ![Kotlin](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/kotlin-48x48.png) | Kotlin | | +| 65 | ktlint | ktLint() | ![KtLint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/ktlint-24x24.png) ![KtLint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/ktlint-48x48.png) | [KtLint](https://ktlint.github.io) | | +| 66 | maven-warnings | mavenConsole() | - - | Maven | | +| 67 | taglist | tagList() | - - | [Maven Taglist Plugin](https://www.mojohaus.org/taglist-maven-plugin) | **/taglist.xml | +| 68 | modelsim | modelsim() | - - | Mentor Graphics Modelsim/Questa Simulators | | +| 69 | metrowerks | metrowerksCodeWarrior() | - - | Metrowerks CodeWarrior Compiler | | +| 70 | msbuild | msBuild() | - - | MSBuild | | +| 71 | mypy | myPy() | - - | MyPy | | +| 72 | nag-fortran | nagFortran() | - - | NAG Fortran Compiler | | +| 73 | issues | issues() | - - | [Native Analysis Model Format](https://github.com/jenkinsci/warnings-ng-plugin/blob/master/doc/Documentation.md#export-your-issues-into-a-supported-format) | | +| 74 | oelint-adv | oelintAdv() | - - | [oelint-adv](https://github.com/priv-kweihmann/oelint-adv) | | +| 75 | open-tasks | taskScanner() | ![Open Tasks Scanner](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/open-tasks-24x24.png) ![Open Tasks Scanner](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/open-tasks-48x48.png) | Open Tasks Scanner | - | +| 76 | invalids | invalids() | - - | Oracle Invalids | | +| 77 | ot-docker-linter | otDockerLint() | ![OT Docker Linter](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/ot-docker-linter-24x24.png) ![OT Docker Linter](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/ot-docker-linter-48x48.png) | [OT Docker Linter](https://github.com/opstree/OT-Dockerlinter) | | +| 78 | pclint | pcLint() | - - | PC-Lint Tool | | +| 79 | pep8 | pep8() | - - | PEP8 | | +| 80 | perforce | perforce() | - - | Perforce Compiler | | +| 81 | perl-critic | perlCritic() | - - | Perl::Critic | | +| 82 | php | php() | - - | PHP Runtime | | +| 83 | php-code-sniffer | phpCodeSniffer() | - - | [PHP_CodeSniffer](https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer) | | +| 84 | phpstan | phpStan() | ![PHPStan](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/phpstan-24x24.png) ![PHPStan](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/phpstan-48x48.png) | [PHPStan](https://github.com/phpstan/phpstan) | | +| 85 | pit | pit() | ![PIT](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/pit-24x24.png) ![PIT](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/pit-48x48.png) | [PIT](https://pitest.org) | **/mutations.xml | +| 86 | pmd | pmdParser() | ![PMD](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/pmd-24x24.png) ![PMD](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/pmd-48x48.png) | [PMD](https://pmd.github.io) | **/pmd.xml | +| 87 | prefast | prefast() | - - | PREfast | | +| 88 | protolint | protoLint() | - - | [ProtoLint](https://github.com/yoheimuta/protolint) | | +| 89 | puppetlint | puppetLint() | - - | Puppet Lint | | +| 90 | pvs-studio | PVSStudio() | ![PVS-Studio](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/pvs-24x24.png) ![PVS-Studio](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/pvs-48x48.png) | [PVS-Studio](https://www.viva64.com/en/pvs-studio/) | **/*.plog | +| 91 | pydocstyle | pyDocStyle() | - - | PyDocStyle | | +| 92 | pylint | pyLint() | ![Pylint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/pylint-24x24.png) ![Pylint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/pylint-48x48.png) | Pylint | | +| 93 | qac | qacSourceCodeAnalyser() | - - | QA-C Sourcecode Analyser | | +| 94 | qt-translation | qtTranslation() | ![Qt translations](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/qt-24x24.png) ![Qt translations](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/qt-48x48.png) | [Qt translations](https://www.qt.io) | | +| 95 | analysis-model | analysisParser() | - - | RegisteredParser | - | +| 96 | dupfinder | dupFinder() | ![Resharper DupFinder](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/dry-24x24.png) ![Resharper DupFinder](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/dry-48x48.png) | Resharper DupFinder | | +| 97 | resharper | resharperInspectCode() | ![Resharper Inspections](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/resharper-24x24.png) ![Resharper Inspections](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/resharper-48x48.png) | Resharper Inspections | | +| 98 | robocopy | robocopy() | - - | Robocopy | | +| 99 | rflint | rfLint() | ![Robot Framework Lint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/robot-framework-24x24.png) ![Robot Framework Lint](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/robot-framework-48x48.png) | Robot Framework Lint | | +| 100 | rubocop | ruboCop() | ![Rubocop](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/rubocop-24x24.png) ![Rubocop](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/rubocop-48x48.png) | Rubocop | | +| 101 | scala | scala() | ![Scala Compiler](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/scala-24x24.png) ![Scala Compiler](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/scala-48x48.png) | Scala Compiler | | +| 102 | simian | simian() | ![Simian](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/dry-24x24.png) ![Simian](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/dry-48x48.png) | Simian | | +| 103 | sonar | sonarQube() | ![SonarQube Issues](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/sonar-24x24.png) ![SonarQube Issues](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/sonar-48x48.png) | SonarQube Issues | **/sonar-report.json | +| 104 | sphinx | sphinxBuild() | - - | Sphinx Build | | +| 105 | spotbugs | spotBugs() | ![SpotBugs](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/spotbugs-24x24.png) ![SpotBugs](plugin/src/main/webapp/icons/spotbugs-48x48.png) | [SpotBugs](https://spotbugs.github.io) | **/spotbugsXml.xml | +| 106 | stylecop | styleCop() | - - | StyleCop | | +| 107 | sunc | sunC() | - - | SUN C++ Compiler | | +| 108 | swiftlint | swiftLint() | - - | [SwiftLint](https://github.com/realm/SwiftLint) | | +| 109 | tasking-vx | taskingVx() | - - | TASKING VX Compiler | | +| 110 | code-composer | tiCss() | - - | Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio | | +| 111 | tnsdl | tnsdl() | - - | TNSDL Translator | | +| 112 | tslint | tsLint() | - - | [TSLint ](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/) | | +| 113 | diabc | diabC() | - - | Wind River Diab Compiler (C/C++) | | +| 114 | xmllint | xmlLint() | - - | XML-Lint | | +| 115 | yamllint | yamlLint() | - - | [YamlLint](https://yamllint.readthedocs.io/) | | +| 116 | yui | yuiCompressor() | - - | YUI Compressor | | +| 117 | zptlint | zptLint() | - - | ZPT-Lint | | diff --git a/plugin/pom.xml b/plugin/pom.xml index 13192f3eec..8c1703074f 100644 --- a/plugin/pom.xml +++ b/plugin/pom.xml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ ${project.groupId}.warnings.ng 10.3.0 - 10.2.5 + 10.3.0 1.2.1 2.4.0 diff --git a/plugin/src/main/java/io/jenkins/plugins/analysis/warnings/OELintAdv.java b/plugin/src/main/java/io/jenkins/plugins/analysis/warnings/OELintAdv.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1618f95c4e --- /dev/null +++ b/plugin/src/main/java/io/jenkins/plugins/analysis/warnings/OELintAdv.java @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +package io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.warnings; + +import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor; +import org.jenkinsci.Symbol; +import hudson.Extension; + +import io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.model.AnalysisModelParser; + +/** + * Provides parsers and customized messages for oelint-adv. + */ +public class OELintAdv extends AnalysisModelParser { + private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; + private static final String ID = "oelint-adv"; + + /** Creates a new instance of {@link OELintAdv}. */ + @DataBoundConstructor + public OELintAdv() { + super(); + } + + /** Descriptor for this static analysis tool. */ + @Symbol("oelintAdv") + @Extension + public static class Descriptor extends AnalysisModelParserDescriptor { + /** Creates the descriptor instance. */ + public Descriptor() { + super(ID); + } + } +} diff --git a/plugin/src/test/java/io/jenkins/plugins/analysis/warnings/steps/ParsersITest.java b/plugin/src/test/java/io/jenkins/plugins/analysis/warnings/steps/ParsersITest.java index 7ef189ab42..1a4eb99fb4 100644 --- a/plugin/src/test/java/io/jenkins/plugins/analysis/warnings/steps/ParsersITest.java +++ b/plugin/src/test/java/io/jenkins/plugins/analysis/warnings/steps/ParsersITest.java @@ -925,6 +925,12 @@ public void shouldFindAllQtTranslationIssues() { shouldFindIssuesOfTool(4, new QtTranslation(), "qttranslation.ts"); } + /** Runs the oelint-adv parser on an output file that contains 8 issues. */ + @Test + public void shouldFindAllOELintAdvIssues() { + shouldFindIssuesOfTool(8, new OELintAdv(), "oelint-adv.txt"); + } + private void shouldFindIssuesOfTool(final int expectedSizeOfIssues, final AnalysisModelParser tool, final String... fileNames) { String defaultPipelineDefinition = "recordIssues tool: %s(pattern:'**/%s', reportEncoding:'UTF-8')"; diff --git a/plugin/src/test/resources/io/jenkins/plugins/analysis/warnings/steps/oelint-adv.txt b/plugin/src/test/resources/io/jenkins/plugins/analysis/warnings/steps/oelint-adv.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7f0231376e --- /dev/null +++ b/plugin/src/test/resources/io/jenkins/plugins/analysis/warnings/steps/oelint-adv.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +/disk/meta-some/cppcheck-native/cppcheck.inc:26:error:oelint.task.nomkdir:'mkdir' shall not be used in do_install. Use 'install' +/disk/meta-some/cppcheck-native/cppcheck-native_1.87.bb:0:error:oelint.var.mandatoryvar.SECTION:Variable 'SECTION' should be set +/disk/meta-some/cppcheck-native/cppcheck.inc:1:warning:oelint.vars.summary80chars:'SUMMARY' should not be longer than 80 characters +/disk/meta-some/cppcheck-native/cppcheck.inc:4:warning:oelint.vars.homepageprefix:'HOMEPAGE' should start with 'http://' or 'https://' +/disk/meta-some/cppcheck-native/cppcheck.inc:28:warning:oelint.spaces.lineend:Line shall not end with a space +/disk/meta-some/cppcheck-native/cppcheck-native_1.87.bb:0:error:oelint.var.mandatoryvar.AUTHOR:Variable 'AUTHOR' should be set +/disk/meta-some/cppcheck-native/cppcheck.inc:26:error:oelint.task.nocopy:'cp' shall not be used in do_install. Use 'install' +/disk/meta-some/cppcheck-native/cppcheck.inc:12:warning:oelint.var.order.DEPENDS:'DEPENDS' should be placed before 'inherit' \ No newline at end of file