An attempt to play around with TCG's market prices.
This app saves a copy of the specified product as a local JSON file, and checks every 5 seconds if there is a change in the market value. If there is, an alert is displayed and the user is emailed of the change.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development.
- TCGPlayer
- Mailgun
You'll need to follow the instructions here to get your own BEARER token and replace it within
in the getRequest()
"Authorization": "bearer YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE"
python 3
Check out this blog post I wrote on getting the TCG API setup with postman.
requests, json
- I created this fancy GIF with asciinema.
brew install asciinema
andasciinema rec
Check out the planned work in the issues.
Jesse Peplinski