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This is a sampling of code meant to demonstrate collections for attrio. #5

wants to merge 32 commits into from

This is a sampling of code meant to demonstrate collections for attrio. #5

wants to merge 32 commits into from


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@anithri anithri commented Jun 25, 2013

This request is meant for discussion, it is unready for merging.

I'm going to do this work, but I wanted to know what you guys thought of it. It could also be implemented as a plugin for Attrio.

I love the Attrio code so far, and I'm planning to use it in another project soon. However, I need to have similar functionality for collections of objects in addition to the attributes already provided. This outlines one way to accomplish this.

We start by modifying AttributesParser to include a #collection public method which allow you to define collections. Each collection has 3 groups of methods. a Reader which gives you full access to the collection. a AddElement, which adds a new element to the array, and a FindElement which will allow you to read a single element of the collection based on an index.

Collections may be 1 of 3 types. With no special options, Attrio::Collection will create an Array. With a :unique options key set to true and no :index key, Attrio::Collection will create a Set. With a :unique key set to true and an :index key, Attrio::Collection will create a hash, and will call the method defined by the :index key and use the result as the hash key. This would allow you to do something like...

class ClassSection
  include Attrio
  define_attributes do
    attr :name, String
    attr :teacher, Faculty
    collection :students, Student, unique: true, index: :student_id
    collection schedule, DateTime, unique: true
    collection reading_materials, String

the students collection would be a hash in this case, using the return value from student.student_id, as the key.
The schedule collection would be a set, and the reading_materials collection would be an array.

FindElement can be used for any container, the default value defined for the collection will be returned if no element is found.

AddElement should be structured to accept an array of hashes that can be used to add a number of elements at the same time as well as adding only a single one at a time.

This code is not tested yet.

Readme changes are examples of using Collections.
attributes_parser had collection, create_collections, and
fetch_container_type methods added.
collection is a class parallel to Attribute for use with collections.

This code is not tested yet.

Readme changes are examples of using Collections.
attributes_parser had collection, create_collections, and
fetch_container_type methods added.
collection is a class parallel to Attribute for use with collections.
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Coverage Status

Coverage decreased (-0%) when pulling 0779cf6 on anithri:collection_proposal into dda5c73 on jetrockets:master.

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We reviewed a bit your code and these are our thoughts about it.

  1. This is cool and should be added to Attrio
  2. Implementation should be done as follows:
  • we need three different classes: Collection::Array, Collection::Set and Collection::Hash that all should be inherited from Array, Set and Hash instead of passing container to constructor of Collection.
  • these classes should be include module that will implement methods like reader_visilbilty and so on; this module should also be included into Attribute class.
    3) index option should be renamed to key, because it reflects what it actually is; it is a key from Hash.


I used Attrio::AttributeBase as the module name for the shared methods,
but I'm not happy with that name and when I come up with a better name,
I'll rename it.

I left the writer methods in Attrio::Attribute since only Attribute is
going to use those methods.  Factoring those into another module is
something to keep in mind.
I used the DelgateClass as the basis for inheritence because it offers
an easy way to wrap and extend classes while delgating all other calls
to the original class.

Specs are very simple, just testing creation and that they are acting a
little like their delgate.
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Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same when pulling 79dc5b6 on anithri:collection_proposal into dda5c73 on jetrockets:master.

…ble modules

moved attr_reader into Readable module.

removed InstanceMethods module from Readable

decided not to define initialize in a module.  This could be
readdressed.  If so, then the common initialize method needs to call a
class specific method for additional initialization.

moved Collection autoload block to the bottom of Attrio
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Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same when pulling 0bbf141 on anithri:collection_proposal into dda5c73 on jetrockets:master.

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Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same when pulling 167d2cd on anithri:collection_proposal into 717bb55 on jetrockets:master.

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Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same when pulling 0b1fe1a on anithri:collection_proposal into 717bb55 on jetrockets:master.

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Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same when pulling 90975f8 on anithri:collection_proposal into 717bb55 on jetrockets:master.

Earlier I was working thinking that Array.Hash.Set were being used as a
parallel to Attribute, when actually those should be used as the
instance values of a collection, and that we needed Collection as a
class to be parallel to Attribute.

With that new understanding, I changed Collectable back to Collection,
and have been building that class up to do it's job.  Followed the lead
of Attribute and so have no specs yet, though there isn't anything very
complicated in that class.

Hash is the first of the collections that I've started to flesh out. the
type_cast method shoul be factored out into a Collections::Base class
which we can also use to set the interface with the always popular
NotImplementedError.  The key_method works well for providing a unique
value to use for the key of the hash.

There seems to be a use case for some functionality around attempting to
add_elements.  Both in raising errors when a key is used again
(redefining a value) and when a value can't be coerced into the correct

If i wanted to add the ability to ignore values that can't be cast, I'd
put in a ignore_type_error option check and add in a catch clause to
catch TypeErrors then continue instead of reraiseing.

If I wanted to add the ability to raise errors when reusing a key, I'd
add a raise_on_duplicate option, and put in a check on the key value
before the new value is assigned.

There are a few gotcha's with the way DelegateClass works, and so I have
kind_of? overridden, but I'm not sure that's needed.  I'm sure when I
implement Array and Set it'll become clear what needs to be done.

While all specs are passing, this commit is not complete by itself.
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Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same when pulling 96b1751 on anithri:collection_proposal into 717bb55 on jetrockets:master.

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Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same when pulling 0429aa4 on anithri:collection_proposal into 717bb55 on jetrockets:master.

There is the potential for adding more advanced find methods.  Don't
think they are needed, but they are there.

for a collection the default value is going to be the return value of
find_element when no element was actually found.  Users can use this to
provide useful defaults such as an appropriate Null class.

Should we provide an :initial_values options to populate the initial

Next up is to finish the CollectionBuilder and Collection and then to
test integration
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Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same when pulling 9662ef6 on anithri:collection_proposal into 717bb55 on jetrockets:master.

Changed Collections to use SimpleDelegator instead of ClassDelegator
updated specs to use .create_collection
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Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same when pulling cab66db on anithri:collection_proposal into 717bb55 on jetrockets:master.

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anithri commented Jul 1, 2013

Alright, things are getting close now. Have a few questions though.

  1. should both attributes and collections go into the :as/attributes hash? If not we need a different option to rename collections to.
  2. DefaultValue has 2 different meanings for collections: 1 is to use as a return value when no element is found using #find_element (Call it :not_found ?) and the other is to initialize the collection with (call it :initial_values ?)
  3. Should we put in any functionality for the following?
  • #add_element can take a single value or an array of values. Currently if 1 element of the array is the wrong Type, a TypeError gets raised and and #add_element is a partial success, all elements before the wrong type are added, none of the ones after are. we could pretty easily do all the Type checks before any got added, we could also add an option to :skip_type_errors to just skip the incorrect values. either way this adds some complexity.
  • when #add_element is used in a Hash, new elements added that use an existing index will succeed, overwriting the existing value. Should we add a check to raise an error when :raise_on_redefine?
  • in your builders, you use: a unless klass.method_defined?(options[:method_name]) block, I prefer to use a guard clause like: return if klass.method_defined?(options[:method_name]). But I don't want to change your style without asking.
  • #find_element finds the first element in an Array (and the only element in a Set). Expanding #find_element offers the chance for multiple matches and thus returning an Array of results instead of a single one. Should there be a sear
  • #find_element is pretty bare bones. I like it for Hashes because it already accounts for the proper index function. it could be easily extended to also take a hash, where the keys of the hash are methods to call for each element and the value is the value(s) you want the results of those methods to match. This makes #find_element much more useful for Sets and Hashes. my_obj.find_users(last_name: ['Jones','Smith','Doe'], first_name: "John") Maybe use a search_elements for this instead and have it always return an array.

I still need to add integration tests to test the whole thing top to bottom.

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anithri commented Jul 7, 2013

Ok after some more code reading and thought, this is the next set of stuff that I'm going to implement.

:collections_as options

:collections_as alias(:c_as) will be the option name to set the name of the collections hash, defaults to "collections"

obj.reset_collections(collections_to_reset) to empty all collections in the collections_to_reset array

obj.reset_collections_initial_values(collections_to_reset) to set collections in the collections_to_reset array to empty, and then filled with initial values

In addition, I'm going to differ from the attributes and make the collections hash a first class object, move most of the functionality for reset and initialize into the object and use dispatch to connect the instances. If it works out, I'd say that the attributes hash could be similarly refactored.

This separation offers some nice opportunities. They could be used as the basis of a plugin system which allows the possibility to add depth in the way classes are created, marshalled, stored, initiliaze...

:unfound_value option

:unfound_value alias(:unfound) will be the option that sets the return value of the find_ method when no matching element is found. This could be used to return a null object or a default value.

:initial_value option

:initial_value alias(:initial_values,:initial) will be the option that takes the values used to initialize the collection. This can be a single value or an array of elements to add.

This code is not tested yet.

Readme changes are examples of using Collections.
attributes_parser had collection, create_collections, and
fetch_container_type methods added.
collection is a class parallel to Attribute for use with collections.

I used Attrio::AttributeBase as the module name for the shared methods,
but I'm not happy with that name and when I come up with a better name,
I'll rename it.

I left the writer methods in Attrio::Attribute since only Attribute is
going to use those methods.  Factoring those into another module is
something to keep in mind.
I used the DelgateClass as the basis for inheritence because it offers
an easy way to wrap and extend classes while delgating all other calls
to the original class.

Specs are very simple, just testing creation and that they are acting a
little like their delgate.
anithri added 10 commits July 8, 2013 14:13
…ble modules

moved attr_reader into Readable module.

removed InstanceMethods module from Readable

decided not to define initialize in a module.  This could be
readdressed.  If so, then the common initialize method needs to call a
class specific method for additional initialization.

moved Collection autoload block to the bottom of Attrio
Earlier I was working thinking that Array.Hash.Set were being used as a
parallel to Attribute, when actually those should be used as the
instance values of a collection, and that we needed Collection as a
class to be parallel to Attribute.

With that new understanding, I changed Collectable back to Collection,
and have been building that class up to do it's job.  Followed the lead
of Attribute and so have no specs yet, though there isn't anything very
complicated in that class.

Hash is the first of the collections that I've started to flesh out. the
type_cast method shoul be factored out into a Collections::Base class
which we can also use to set the interface with the always popular
NotImplementedError.  The key_method works well for providing a unique
value to use for the key of the hash.

There seems to be a use case for some functionality around attempting to
add_elements.  Both in raising errors when a key is used again
(redefining a value) and when a value can't be coerced into the correct

If i wanted to add the ability to ignore values that can't be cast, I'd
put in a ignore_type_error option check and add in a catch clause to
catch TypeErrors then continue instead of reraiseing.

If I wanted to add the ability to raise errors when reusing a key, I'd
add a raise_on_duplicate option, and put in a check on the key value
before the new value is assigned.

There are a few gotcha's with the way DelegateClass works, and so I have
kind_of? overridden, but I'm not sure that's needed.  I'm sure when I
implement Array and Set it'll become clear what needs to be done.

While all specs are passing, this commit is not complete by itself.
There is the potential for adding more advanced find methods.  Don't
think they are needed, but they are there.

for a collection the default value is going to be the return value of
find_element when no element was actually found.  Users can use this to
provide useful defaults such as an appropriate Null class.

Should we provide an :initial_values options to populate the initial

Next up is to finish the CollectionBuilder and Collection and then to
test integration
Changed Collections to use SimpleDelegator instead of ClassDelegator
updated specs to use .create_collection
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Coverage Status

Coverage decreased (-0%) when pulling 04b14f5 on anithri:collection_proposal into 717bb55 on jetrockets:master.

We prefer :c_as, but will use :collections_as if present

attrio.rb changed to include collection hash and methods

added AttributesParser#add_collection

refactored collection to use #add_collection

Extended Reset to have a #define_attrio_collection_reset method that
defines :reset_collections, :initialize_collections, :empty_collections
all of which call a method on each collection

Extended CollectionBuilder to delegate to reset_collection,
empty_collection, and initialize_collection on the object.  Refactored
calls into a set_delegate and define_delegate methods

Extended Collection to have methods for _name and _visibility methods
for reset, empty and initialize collections.  This is ripe for a
refactor, maybe setting up method_missing and crunching the bits into a
Constant hash using the keys as the base and a string format as the

Refactored Array, Set, and Hash to use __mk_empty_collection__ in
initialize and empty_collection methods

Refactored the type check into #__normalize_value__ method that handles
calls for default values and type_cast everything else.

Extended Inspect to include collections

replaced all mocks with doubles
replaced all stubs with doubles

cleaned up a few TODOs
fixed type in set_spec

altered common to return self from #reset_collection,
empty_collection, and #initialize_collection
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Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same when pulling a26ba2e on anithri:collection_proposal into 717bb55 on jetrockets:master.

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Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same when pulling ebfa661 on anithri:collection_proposal into 717bb55 on jetrockets:master.

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anithri commented Jul 11, 2013

Ok, This now contains a working implementation of collections with working and passing specs. There are some small changes to be made, mostly to match coding styles (I tend to use the {test: "Me"} way of doing hashes while you use {:test => "Me"}). Also it's possible you have more apt names for some of these classes or methods.

I invite all comments, suggestions, changes.... Let me know what you think.


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Coverage Status

Coverage increased (+0%) when pulling 8aaf8b3 on anithri:collection_proposal into 717bb55 on jetrockets:master.

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I see a lot of work done here. Have you seen our light implementation of collections in Attrio? I am thinking about some combination of your approach and our.

@anithri anithri closed this by deleting the head repository Jul 23, 2023
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