A React/Reagent frontend to display data from JSON files produced by the covid-data project.
The app was initialized from the reagent-frontend
lein new reagent-frontend covid-web
To start the Figwheel compiler, navigate to the project folder and run the following command in the terminal:
lein figwheel
Figwheel will automatically push cljs changes to the browser.
Once Figwheel starts up, you should be able to open the public/index.html
page in the browser.
The project is setup to start nREPL on port 7002
once Figwheel starts.
Once you connect to the nREPL, run (cljs)
to switch to the ClojureScript REPL.
To work on the project in emacs, start up emacs, jack into clj+cljs, choose figwheel
when prompted,
and it'll start up the server from emacs. Navigate to the http://loalhost:3449/ to browse the app.
lein clean
lein package
Copy contents of public
directory to a static site.