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Flash Read Cache Stats

View statistics from ESX's Flash Read Cache using Granfana and InfluxDB

This is a method to save (long-term) and view statistics for the vSphere Flash Read Cache. It was tested against ESX 6.7. This was a short lived project as we will now be using third-party caching software, but I wanted to throw something up on GitHub while it is still fresh in my memory.

The idea is to run continuously. It will query all esx hosts defined by $vcenter_server for flash cache statistics. The powershell script queries the hosts every $run_interval minutes. I recommend not setting this below 2 minutes for 3 hosts. The more hosts and VMs you have, the longer time interval you should use.

After statictics are collected, they are stored in the $influxdb_measurement InfluxDB measurement table. Other settings for your InfluxDB server are stored in influxdb_config.json

Edit these settings in flash_cache_stats.ps1

  • $vcenter_server
  • $run_interval
  • $influxdb_measurement

Edit these settings in influxdb_config.json

  • host
  • port
  • name (this is the name of the InfluxDB database)

Edit grafana_vm_template.json (this is for Grafana)

  • replace vfc-IDNUM-GUEST with the cache name, as returned by this command: esxcli storage vflash cache list
  • replace VMNAME with the VM name
  • replace INFLUXMEASUREMENT with the name of your influxdb measurement table, eg: $influxdb_measurement

To get started

  • Install the VMware PowerCLI by running: Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI
  • Run flash_cache_stats.ps1 for about 10 minutes in order to get data into influxdb
  • Verify that results are being saved into the database:
use vmware
-- or whatever you named your database; see the 'db' setting in the influxdb_config.json

SELECT count(MeandiskIOlatencyinmicroseconds) FROM XXX WHERE ("namespace" = 'Read' ) AND time >= now() - 120m
-- where XXX is the name of your measurement table, $influxdb_measurement

Example CLI output:

   [root@esx1:~] esxcli storage vflash cache stats get -c vfc-3111222333-SVRFILE02 
         Cache hit rate (as a percentage): 12
         Total cache I/Os: 167190
         Mean cache I/O latency (in microseconds): 307
         Mean disk I/O latency (in microseconds): 12248
         Total I/Os: 1436803
         Mean IOPS: 183
         Max observed IOPS: 212
         Mean number of KB per I/O: 170
         Max observed number of KB per I/O: 9842
         Mean I/O latency (in microseconds): 5455
         Max observed I/O latency (in microseconds): 7078
         Last I/O operation time (in microseconds): 0
         Number of I/O blocks in last operation: 0
         Mean blocks per I/O operation: 0
   Cache usage rate (as a percentage): 11
   Total failed SSD I/Os: 0
   Total failed disk I/Os: 0
   Mean number of cache blocks in use: 1068360
  • The InfluxDB measurement is structured in 3 namespaces: Read, Evict and Global. The last 4 stats in the example output is saved in the Global namespace.

ESX <-> PowerCLI mappings

esxcli output PowerCLI Example Value
Cache hit rate (as a percentage) Cachehitrateasapercentage 16
Max observed I/O latency (in microseconds) MaxobservedIOlatencyinmicroseconds 4154
Max observed IOPS MaxobservedIOPS 332
Max observed number of KB per I/O MaxobservednumberofKBperIO 7521
Mean I/O latency (in microseconds) MeanIOlatencyinmicroseconds 3511
Mean IOPS MeanIOPS 284
Mean cache I/O latency (in microseconds) MeancacheIOlatencyinmicroseconds 111
Mean disk I/O latency (in microseconds) MeandiskIOlatencyinmicroseconds 8278
Mean number of KB per I/O MeannumberofKBperIO 427
Total I/Os TotalIOs 71525
Total cache I/Os TotalcacheIOs 11258
(TotalIOs - TotalcacheIOs) TotaldiskIOs 60267
Cache usage rate (as a percentage) Cacheusagerateasapercentage 7
Mean number of cache blocks in use Meannumberofcacheblocksinuse 89807

Example Graphs:

Flash Read Cache Stats Graphs


View stats from ESX's Flash Read Cache using Grafana and InfluxDB







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