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Introduction to stbl

stbl is an acronom for "Static Blog".

What is does

It reads files in a special directory structure and generates a static web site.


The directory contains some special files, like css and templates for generating the html code, a configuration file specific for the site (blog), and directories containing one file in markup format for each article (post).

Design Goals

These are the design-goals / primary requirements for the project.

  • Creates responsive web-sites "out of the box" for an optimal desktop and mobile user experience.
  • Simple to use, friction-less when blogging.
  • Command line program, so that blogs can be generated anywhere.
  • Few dependencies. Avoid pulling in tons of code to do trivial things.
  • Use Markdown for writing.
  • Easy to display code snippets, like on github.
  • Generate the html code from templates to allow maximum flexibility.
  • Fast "time to market" - keep the architecture and code simple.
  • Free form javascript. (Javascript can be used by sites generated by the program, but it is not required).
  • Generates static HTML5 websites that can be served by any http server.
  • RSS feeds

Other features


I like to write. I failed to find an existing tool that did the publishing job for me. I tried several popular approaches (like Drupal and Jekyll), but got nowhere. So I decided to spend a few days making my own program to get it right.


GPl 3 license. It is Free. Free as in speech. Free as in Free Air.

How to build

The source code is now in C++ 20. It should compile with any recent C++ compiler. The project use cmake.


System dependencies:

  • boost libraries >= 75
  • libjpeg library

CMake included projects

  • less Unit test framework

Git submodules

  • cpp-markdown (To do the heavy lifting for markdown processing)


In order to build, clone the project. Then:

    sudo apt install libjpeg-dev libboost-all-dev cmark-gfm
    git clone
    cd stbl
    git submodule update --init
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
    make -j `nproc`
    sudo make install

How to use

File structure

The top-directory of a site have this layout:

  • articles (Directory for content)
  • artifacts (Directory for css, icons, banner images, logos etc.)
  • files (Optional directory where you can put files you want copied to your website).
  • images (Optional directory for images you refer to in your documents)
  • templates (Templates to generate the pages in the static site)
  • stbl.conf (Site specific configuration)


In the articles folder, you can organize articles in a mix of:

  • Textfiles in the articles folder itself. These are interpreted as normal articles (blog posts).

  • Textfiles in sub-folders, with names starting with an underscore. These are also interpreted as normal blog posts. The folders are just a convenience for you to organize your posts. For example by subject, year, year+month, or any other association that makes sense to you. You can add sub-directories like these in as many levels as you wish. However, remember that it's usually best to keep things simple.

  • Textfiles in sub-folders not starting with an underscore. These are interpreted as a series of related posts. The name of the directory will be listed on your main page as the name of the series, and the posts will be listed in chronological order. (RSS feeds will list the newest articles first).

The articles consist of a header section, and then the actual content. The content is parsed as Markdown text. This makes it very simple to focus on writing, and still get nice, structured web pages.

An example:

    author: jgaa
    tags: example, html, testing

    ## Testing HTML
    In order to test HTML, you can use the [Markup Validation Service](

    ## Some code

    for(auto i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
        cout << "The number is ... " i;

In this example we have two header directives, the author (me), and then tags. Then follows the markup.


One thing that often annoys me with blogs, is that the articles are always listed newest first. If you have a series of articles on a subject, you may want your readers to read them chronologically. That way you can expand the topic little by little, or tell a story in a consistent way.

Stbl will generate a cover page for the articles in a series, and list the articles in the series chronologically, oldest first.

As noted before, a series is identified by a directory under articles/ not starting with an underscore. The name of the series is the name of the folder. Underscores in the name are translated to spaces. The forder name "the_adventures_of_my_cat" will result in the series name "The adventures of my cat".

Static content (about, terms of use, policies)

Some pages, like "About" are special in the way that you probably want a link to them from the menu, rather having them listed by date.

Stbl has a special template for such pages, stripping them for metadata about authors and tags. You can even add them to the menu right in the articles header.


    menu: About
    template: info.html
    type: info
    This is just an example / template for a site generated by stbl.

The header Section

The following headers are recognized:

  • author: The name of the author of the article. If both authors and author is specified, the author in the 'author' field will appear first among the authors on the generated page.
  • authors: A comma-separated list of authors.
  • banner: A (preferably high-resolution) image to be used as a banner picture at the top of the article. Stbl will make scaled variants for different screen sizes.
  • published: When the article was published: A date in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM' format, or 'no' or 'false' if the article is unpublished. If the value is unset, the system will fall back to the file-date for the article. If the date is set to the future, the article will beheld back1. Unpublished articles will not be generated. This lets you work on articles long before you are ready to publish them, by setting the value to "no" or "false".
  • comments: Can be no, to disable commenting, or any one of the configured commenting services, for example disqus if you have configured your site to use Disqus
  • updated: When the article was last updated. A date in 'YYY-MM-DD HH:MM' format. If unset, the system will fall back to the file-date for the article.
  • expires: When the article expired. A date in 'YYY-MM-DD HH:MM' format. If unset, the article will not expire. Expired articles are not published.
  • uuid: uuid of the article
  • sitemap-changefreq: Sets the changefreq value in the sitemap. One of always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never. See the sitemaps XML Tags definitions.
  • sitemap-priority: A value from 0 to 100, where 100 is then highest search range priority for this page. This can be set individually on articles and series cover pages.
  • title: Title of the article. If not specified, the title is deduced from the file-name.
  • tags: A comma-separated list of tags.
  • abstract: A short abstract of the article, for use in the list of articles.
  • template: Template to use when rendering the article. The default is "article.html".
  • type: "info" if the article is to be held back from listings (like the About page). Default is blank.
  • menu: The name of the menu-item that links to the article. This is typically used for special pages like About or Contact etc.
  • part: Integer, starting at 1 (one), that can be used in series to sort the articles correctly when the series index-page is displayed in the browser. For stand-alone articles the header is ignored.


The configuration-file "stbl.conf" contains site-wide configuration, like the language used, authors (with contact information), menu structure, and some other things. See the example.

Colorized source listings.

stbl can colorize your source code listings, via the chroma command-line program. This is actually meant to be a library, but it's written in the programming language go and can't be used as a library by stbl. It does however also come as a command line program, and that stbl can use.

To use colorizing, download a release of chroma and copy the chroma command somewhere in your PATH (for example /usr/local/bin under Linux) or just specify the full path in stbl.conf in the chroma section.

Embedded videos

Videos can be embedded using this syntax:

![Test video](video/example.mp4;p360)

The video scale is optional and defaults to p720. The following scales are supported:

  • p360
  • p480
  • p720
  • p1080
  • p1440
  • p2160

This feature require ffmpeg* to be installed on the machine. Stbl use ffmpeg to scale and prepare the video in .mp4, .webm and .ogg format.

The original videos must be copied to the video folder before stbl is run.

Upgrade from a version before 0.13

This feature was added in stbl version 0.13. If you are using a site initialized with an older version, you ca add a chroma section to stbl.conf:

; Currently, you must download this app from
;   and copy the `chroma` program to an appropriate location.
chroma {
    ; enabled. One of: true|false|auto
    ; If `auto`, chroma will be used if the application is available.
    enabled auto
    style friendly
    ; path /usr/local/bin/chroma

You should also update the code style in artifacts/default.css to:

pre code {
    display: block;
    margin: 1%;
    border-style: dotted;
    border-color: black;
    border-width: 0.05rem;
    width: 96%;
    overflow-x: auto;
    margin-bottom: 2rem;

Set the colors to match your sites theme.


The templates are snippets of html code with macros that are expanded during rendering.

  • article-in-list.html: Defines how to render the code for an article in a list of articles.
  • article.html: Defines how to render the code for an article
  • author.html: Defines how to render the code for an author
  • footer.html: Defines how to render the page-footer
  • frontpage.html: Defines how to render the front-page
  • info.html: Defines how to render special pages, like About
  • menu.html: Defines how to render the menu
  • menuitem.html: Defines how to render a menu-item
  • next.html: The html-code to link to the next page.
  • page-header.html: Defines how to render the page header (html / head entity)
  • prev.html: The html-code to link to the previous page.
  • pubdate.html: Defines how to render the date of publication
  • pubdates.html: Defines how to render the date of publication and the update date (if the article is updater after it was published).
  • series.html: Defines how to render the cover-page for a series.
  • site-header.html: Defines how to render the top of the page - logo, menu, site-abstract.
  • social-handle.html: Defines how to render a social handle for an aouthor
  • social_handles.html: Defines how to render the list of social handles for a author
  • submenu.html: Defines how to render a sub-menu (not yet fully supported)
  • tag.html: Defines how to render a tag in a list of tags.
  • tags.html: Defines how to render a list of tags.
  • updatedate.htm: Defines how to render the updated date, including the labeling text.

The templates have the following macros available, wrapped in {{ }}.

  • abstract: The abstract of the article
  • author: The author(s) of an article
  • authors: Alias for author
  • banner: html5 picture element with scaled images for different screen sizes.
  • comments: html and/or jacascript code for comments on an article.
  • content: The content of an article.
  • expires-ansi: Ansi-date when the article expires.
  • expires: The time the article expires
  • expires: The time the article expires.
  • if-next: The template next.html expanded, if there is a next page.
  • if-prev: The template prev.html expanded, if there is a previous page.
  • if-up: The template up.html expanded, if this is an article in a series.
  • if-updated: Updated date, including the "Updated label - defined in template updatedate.html) if the article as updated after is was published. If not, this macro is empty.
  • lang: The language for the site, typically used as <html lang={{lang}}>
  • list-articles: A list of articles to be placed in a series cover-page or frontpage. Only available when rendering these special pages.
  • menu: The rendered code fot the menu.
  • next: The relative path to the next page (if the front-page is generated over several pages).
  • now: The current date (when the site was rendered).
  • page-url: Full url to the current page
  • prev: The relative path to the previous page (if the front-page is generated over several pages).
  • program-name: The name of the generator (stbl).
  • program-version: The version of the generator.
  • pubdate: Published date, including the "Published label - defined in template pubdate.html)
  • pubdates: Expansion of the pubdates.html template. This is what you will normally use in an article to show when it was published ant updated.
  • published-ansi: Ansi-date when the article was published.
  • published: The time the article was published.
  • published: The time the article was published.
  • rel: Relative path to the root of the site. Enables relative links in the templates.
  • rss-abs: Full url to the rss feed for the page (currently only for the front page).
  • rss: Relative link to rss feed for the page (currently only for the front page).
  • site-abstract: The abstract (or slogan) of the site (from stbl.conf).
  • site-title: The title of the site (from stbl.conf).
  • site-url: The fully qualified url to the site (from stbl.conf).
  • tags: The list of tags for the article
  • title: The title of the article or series
  • up: Link to the series fir articles that are part of a series
  • updated-ansi: Ansi-date when the article was updated.
  • updated: The time the article or series was updated.
  • updatedate: Updated date, including the "Updated label - defined in template updatedate.html)
  • url: The relative url to the article or series.
  • uuid: The unique identifier for an article.

How to create a new blog

The easiest is to let stbl bootstrap a project, and then just edit the config file and start blogging.

~$ mkdir myblog
~$ cd myblog
~$ stbl --init
[2017-11-30 09:54:58.061377] [0x00007ffa0a6c5b80] [info]    Initializing new site: "/home/jgaa/myblog"
~$ ls
articles  artifacts  files  images  stbl.conf  templates

Then, when you are ready, you can generate the site.

~$ stbl -s ~/myblog -d /tmp/myblog --open-in-firefox

If you experience any problems, please open an issue.

Command line

Command-line options:

$ tbl  --help
stbl [options]

General Options:
  -h [ --help ]                         Print help and exit
  -C [ --console-log ] arg              Log-level for the console-log
  -T [ --keep-tmp-dir ]                 Keep the temporary directory.
  -f [ --open-in-firefox ]              Open the generated site in firefox.
  -p [ --publish ]                      Publish the site (deploy on a
  --no-update-headers                   Do not update the source article
  -v [ --version ]                      Show version and exit.
  --init                                Initialize a new blog directory
                                        structure at the destination.
  --init-all                            Initialize a new blog directory
                                        structure at the destination, including
                                        templates and embedded files.
  --init-example                        Initialize a new example blog directory
                                        structure at the destination.

  -s [ --source-dir ] arg               Directory for the sites content.
                                        Defaults to the current directory
  -d [ --destination-dir ] arg          Where to put the generated site
                                        (locally). Defaults to $HOME/.stbl-site
  -L [ --content-layout ] arg (=simple) How to organize the site. 'simple' or
  -P [ --publish-to ] arg               Publish the site to <location>.
                                        Implicitly enables --publish.

Log-levels are:
   error warning info debug trace


To generate the example site that is included in the git repository, and open it in firefox, showing debug-messages on the console:

$ stbl --open-in-firefox --console-log debug  --source-dir ~/src/stbl/examples/default

Note that you have to point the --source-dir option to where the examples/default folder is on your file-system.

Blog posts about stbl

Please open an issue if you know about a blog-post or an article about stbl you would like to see in this list.


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