View chess matches in your browser
The viewer can be seen here where it is hosted on Github Pages
Since the pages are static, requiring nothing more than being served up to the user, they can be easily self-hosted in any of the usual ways.
If you want to serve them up locally then, it should be fine to run the following from the repo directly:
python3 -m http.server
- Point your browser at the main file, chess.html, give it a few moments to load
- Select the match (and game if the PGN file has more than one)
- Press Watch to start playback and Pause to pause it
- Tapping on pieces shows their attack lines
The application is built using PyScript, running Python in the browser, which in turn enables use of the marvellous python-chess package
This repository is a modified copy of Neil Stoker's Chess Match Viewer.
This repository is for my article on PyScript: Deno Deploy.
Not expecting to do anything major but will likely experiment with adding:
- Options to adjust speed of moves
- Loading games from online PGN files
- Offline PWA version