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Markov chaining ... super simple....
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found it online... then generated a bit of Bernstein
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jhave committed Aug 17, 2014
1 parent 00fb7a5 commit f994314
Showing 1 changed file with 98 additions and 0 deletions.
98 changes: 98 additions & 0 deletions code/student/ongoing/markov-master/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import random
from random import choice

DATA_DIR = "../../../../data/poetryFoundation/"

def make_chains(corpus):
"""Takes an input text as a string and returns a dictionary of
markov chains."""

chain = {}
words = corpus.split()

for i in range(len(words)-2):
pair = (words[i], words[i+1])
if (pair in chain):
chain[pair] += [ words[i+2] ]
chain[pair] = [ words[i+2] ]
#print chain
return chain

def make_text(chains):
"""Takes a dictionary of markov chains and returns random text
based off an original text."""

# To start, we want a word that starts with a capital letter
# start = 'z'
# while (start[0][0] != start[0][0].upper()):
start = random.choice(chains.keys())

line = list(start)

last = line[-1][-1]
linLen = 60#random.randint(2,5)
while (len(line) < linLen):
#linLen = random.randint(12,40)
# while (not line[-1][-1] in ['.','?']):
next = chains[tuple(line[-2:])]
line += [ choice(next) ]
# print "line: %r" % line

#print "line: %r" % line
for w in line:
lineated+=w+" "
if cnt>3:

return lineated
return " ".join(line)

def main():
args = sys.argv
#filename = args[1]
filename = "bernstein_rough-trades+dark-city.txt"#bernstein_rough-trades.txt"#DATA_DIR+"ALL/ALL_poetryFoundation_POEMS.txt"#'lyrics.txt'

# Change this to read input_text from a file
f = open(filename, "r")
chain_dict = make_chains(

for i in range(20):
for i in range(320):
print make_text(chain_dict)
print ""

# allWORDS=""
# allWORDS = make_text(chain_dict)
# print allWORDS

#print make_text(chain_dict)

# break it down into lines
# linLen=4
# ln=0
# for w in allWORDS:
# ln=ln+1
# if ln<linLen:
# print w
# else:
# print "\n"

# random_text = make_text(chain_dict)
# print random_text

if __name__ == "__main__":

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