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# Gain-Control-With-IA

This repository includes simulation code used in 

Title: Gain control with A-type potassium current: IA as a switch between divisive and subtractive inhibition

Authors: Joshua H Goldwyn, Bradley R Slabe, Joseph B Travers, David Terman

Accepted for publication in: PLoS Computational Biology

The authors make the following code available for scientific research and educational purposes:

**** XPP CODE ****

The single-compartment model with A-type Potassium current

This program can be run in xppaut and simultaneously simulates responses to 50 different excitatory input trains

Range of 50 different excitation rates is set by rmin and rmax parameters
Other parameter values representing synaptic inputs are inhibition rate (ratei), exciation strength (gsyne), and inhibition strength (gsyni)

Dynamical variables are indexed for each excitatory rate.
For example:  V1 is the voltage response in the case of the lowest excitation rate (ratee=rmin) and V50 is the voltage response in the case of the highest excitation rate (ratee=rmax)

**** C CODE ****

The single-compartment model with A-type Potassium current

A multi-compartment neuron model with the first compartment representing the soma and spike-generator region and the other 9 compartments representing a dendritic process 

These programs can be compiled with the make file (included)
>> make

and can be run with appropriate inputs as follows

For single-compartment model:

>> ./ga [writeData] [tStop] [ga] [gsyne] [gsyni] [rsyne] [rsyni]

where values are
writeData = 1 to save all variables, 2 to only record spike times
tStop = duration of simulation in milliseconds
ga = A-channel conductance (typically 0-50)
gsyne = excitatory synaptic conductance (typical 0.2-0.7)
gsyni = inhibitory synaptic conductance (typicall 0-2)
rsyne = excitatory synaptic event rate (typically 0-200)
rsyni = inhibitory synaptic event rate (typically 0-70)

For 10-compartment model:

>> ./gaCable [writeData] [tStop] [ga] [gsyne] [gsyni] [rsyne] [rsyni] [d] [synCable]

where values are
writeData = 1 to save all variables, 2 to only record spike times
tStop = duration of simulation in milliseconds
ga = A-channel conductance (typically 0-60)
gsyne = excitatory synaptic conductance (typically 0-5)
gsyni = inhibitory synaptic conductance (typically 1)
rsyne = excitatory synaptic event rate
rsyni = inhibitory synaptic event rate (typically 50)
d = diffusion constant for axial current flow
synCable = compartment number of excitatory inputs

a text data files are created with names like
"data1cpt_xxxx.txt" or "data10cpt_xxxx.txt" [if writeData variable is 1]
"spike1cpt_xxxx.txt" or "spike10cpt_xxxx.txt" [if writeData variable is 2]

To plot voltage as a function of time, for instance
run either code with writeData = 1
The first and second columns of the output data txt file are time and voltage, respectively