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Releases: jhollist/lakemorpho

v1.3.0: CRAN release removing rgdal and rgeos

15 Sep 19:33
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lakemorpho 1.99.0 (2023-09-15)

Major Changes

  • dropping rgdal and rgeos, switching all vector to sf, coerces sp to sf.
  • removed travis and appveyor

Bug fixes

  • @aarohall caught a bug with user supplied catchment returning a Null
    surrounding landscape.

v1.2.0 lakemorpho

23 Sep 13:34
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lakemorpho 1.2.0 (2021-09-23)

Bug fixes

  • @DaTa@values was not returning vector as thought, switched all of these to
    raster::getValues (thanks to Laura Read for catching this)
  • Fixed volume calcs in calcLakeMetrics with named arguments (Thanks to Viktor Gydemo Östbom for the find)

Function changes

  • added ability to save pseudo bathymetry from lakeVolume to input lake morpho
    object (thanks to Bahram Khazaei for suggetsion).
  • added slope_quant arqument to lakeMaxDepth to allow for other quantiles
    besides the median to be used to estimate depth. Median is the default
    (thanks to Arthur Heyman for the suggestion).
  • Added major and minor axis metrics to calcLakeMetrics.
  • lakeVolume now has option for outputting the psuedoBathy raster to the lakeMorpho object.
  • Can now run metrics without a elevation raster. Returns NA if not included for those metrics that need a depth or an elevation raster.


  • Author/Contributor changes and name change.

Other Changes

  • DOI links fixed (thanks, @katrinleinweber)
  • Several typo corrections
  • set rgdal warnings to thin
  • Stale sp objects updated
  • Fixes GH Actions
  • Added new citation file

Second CRAN release

13 May 23:12
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lakemorpho 1.0.2 (2016-05-14)

New Features

  • Added intersect= argument on lakeMaxWidth(). Default is FALSE which finds longest line perpendicular to the maximum length line, but not necessarily intersecting with the maximum length line. TRUE forces the intersection. The definition of maximum lake width does not specify whether or not the intersection is required.

Bug Fixes

  • lakeMaxWidth() was flipping slope of line on lakes with a maximum lake length that had negative slope. Tracked down to creating a line with matrix(). Switched to data.frame() and now works.
  • lakeMaxLength() was using rgeos::gWithin to ID lines that fell inside the lake boundary. Would occassionally select a line that was outside the boundary on curved lakes (e.g. s-shaped). Couldn't track down why this was happening, but rgeos::gContains() did not have this same behavior, so replaced gWithin() with gContains.
  • switched paste(substitue()) to deparse(substitute())

API Changes

  • lakeFetch - bearing parameter no long character, accepts numeric (0-360).

Minor Changes

  • Fixed several typos in documentation
  • Corrected older documenation that doesn't reflect current API
  • Re-generated documentation with roxygen2 4.1.0
  • lakeSurroundTopo() now returns stops and errors when multiple polygons submitted.
  • lakeMorphoClass() now accepts lake only. Other arguments have defualt NULL values.
  • Default plot accepts NULLS in lakeMorphoClass and plots lines if they exist.
  • Added
  • Added elevation checks for functions that require it.
  • check now error, instead of warns, when wrong input is supplied
  • moving main GitHub repository to personal account