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Running code behind the scenes
Background Code

Usually, your interview [code] runs whenever the user is "between screens." The process goes like this:

  1. The user submits information from a docassemble screen (e.g., by pressing the "Continue" button).
  2. The user's device sends information to the docassemble server.
  3. The server updates the interview variables based on that information.
  4. The server then [evaluates the interview], using the updated interview variables, which may cause [code] to be run.
  5. The server sends a new screen back to the user's device.
  6. The user sees the new screen.

You may find this process too limiting for you as an interview developer if you want your [code] to run at other times.

For example:

  1. If your code takes a very long time to run, the user will have to wait, looking at a spinner. For example, your code may trigger a factual investigation process that retrieves information from a variety of sources on the internet, which takes a long time to retrieve and process. The user may think the interview crashed when in fact it is hard at work. It would be better if the code could run in the background while the user continues to interact with the interview.
  2. You may want to process the user's input before the user presses the "Continue" button. For example, when you conduct an interview in real life, you can interrupt the interviewee if he or she goes off on a tangent. You may want to do the same in an electronic interview. If your interview processes information that users type into a [large text box], your users might spend a great deal of time typing their life story into the text box, when the first sentence of the user's narrative would suffice. If your interview could process the user's input as they are typing it, similar to the way Google gives you search suggestions as you are typing, you could return feedback to the user as they are typing, letting them know that they can stop typing.
  3. If your interview guides a user through a process that lasts several months, you might want your interview to send an e-mail to the user on a particular date in the future to remind them about something.
  4. You may want your interview to take an action triggered not by the user logging in, but by the receipt of an e-mail.

There are features in docassemble that address each of these needs.

  1. If you have [code] that takes a long time to run, you can run it in a [background process].
  2. If you want to process user input before the user submits it, you can cause the user's web browser to [check in] with the server every few seconds and update the user's screen with the results.
  3. If you want to schedule [code] to run at times when the user is not using docassemble, you can create a [scheduled task].
  4. If you want to allow people to send e-mails to your interview, you can provide users with a special e-mail address that processes [e-mail messages] and saves the results as an interview variable.

The following sections explain these features.

Background processes for time-consuming code

If you include code in your interview that takes a long time to run, such as code that looks up information in an on-line database, the screen will take a long time to load and the user may think that the application has "crashed" when it is actually just working normally.

To get around this problem, docassemble allows interview developers to run code in "background processes." While the user is answering other questions, or looking at a user-friendly screen that instructs the user to wait, the docassemble server can be hard at work carrying out time-consuming tasks for the user.

These processes can even operate in parallel. For example, if your interview searches the user's name in four different on-line databases, all of these searches can be carried out simultaneously, which will return a result to the user much faster than if the searches were carried out one after the other.

docassemble runs these background tasks using [Celery], a "distributed task queue" system. [Celery] is highly scalable. If you are running docassemble on a single server and an interview starts 100 tasks at the same time, [Celery] will will queue the tasks and handle them in order, working on several of them at a time. And if background tasks are particularly important for your application, you can install [multiple servers] dedicated to handling these tasks.

To run code in the background, use the [background_action()] function in combination with [background_response()] or [background_response_action()]. When code runs in the background, it runs inside of a [Celery] task, and any log messages or error messages are written to the worker.log file.

The next subsections explain how these functions work.


Here is an example that uses a background task to add a user-supplied number to 553 and return the result. (Of course, adding two numbers is not time-consuming and does not need to run in the background -- this is just a demonstration!)

{% include side-by-side.html demo="background_action" %}

Briefly, here is what happens in this interview.

  1. The interview tries to [evaluate] the [mandatory] block. The variable the_task is undefined, so the interview tries to define it by running [background_action()]. However, the interview finds that value_to_add is undefined, so it asks the user "How much shall I add to 553?"
  2. The next time the interview is evaluated, [background_action()] runs successfully because value_to_add is now defined. The [background_action()] function starts an [action] running in the background that adds value_to_add to the number 553. The variable the_task, representing the status of the background task, is defined.
  3. The call to the_task.ready() returns False because the task has not been completed yet, so the waiting_screen is shown.
  4. Since the waiting_screen has the [reload modifier] set, the screen reloads after ten seconds.
  5. In the meantime, the bg_task [action] is running in the background and finishes the calculation.
  6. The next time the screen loads, the_task.ready() will return True, and the final_screen will be shown. The final_screen question calls the_task.get() to retrieve the calculated value.

Starting a background process involves calling the background_action() function.

{% highlight yaml %}

code: | the_task = background_action('bg_task', additional=value_to_add)

{% endhighlight %}

The first argument to [background_action()], bg_task, is the name of an [action] available in the interview. Notice that the next block is identified with event: bg_task; this is the block that contains the code you want to run in the background.

There is an optional second argument to [background_action()], not used in this example, which indicates how the result of the [action] should be communicated to the user. Omitting the second argument or setting it to None means no communication (more on this setting below).

The keyword argument, additional, is passed to the [action] (and the value can be retrieved using [action_argument()]). You can include as many keyword arguments as you want, called anything you want. You can also have no keyword arguments at all.

The background_action() function returns an object that represents a [Celery] "task." In this example, the object is saved to a variable called the_task. This variable can be used in the following ways:

  • the_task.ready() returns True if the task has been completed yet, and False if not.
  • the_task.failed() returns True if the task raised an exception, and False if not.
  • the_task.wait() will wait until the background task completes and then return True.
  • the_task.get() returns the result of the task. If the task has not been completed yet, the system will wait until the task is completed and then return the result of the task.
  • the_task.result() is like .get(), except it returns an object containing details about the result of the task. This is useful primarily if the task ended prematurely because an exception was raised. The attributes of the object are:
    • error_type - the name of the exception object (e.g., IndexError).
    • error_message - the error message (in plain text).
    • error_trace - a [traceback] message (in plain text), which can be useful when debugging errors.
    • variables - a list of variable names that the interview had been seeking, in order from most recent to least recent. This is useful if the task failed because a necessary variable was undefined; in that case, the first item in this list will be the name of this undefined variable.
  • the_task.revoke() will terminate the task. If you only want to remove the task from the queue if it has not started running yet, you can set the optional keyword argument terminate to False.

[Celery] will start trying to run the bg_task [action] as soon as possible after background_action() is called. If a lot of other tasks are already running, the task will go into a queue and will be run as soon as a [Celery] "worker" is available.

Regardless of how long the bg_task [action] takes to finish, the background_action() function will always return a response right away. This means that when your interview starts a time-consuming background task, the server will immediately present the user with a new screen instead of making the user wait. The bg_task [action] will run in the background, independently of whatever goes on between the user and the interview. It will continue running even if the user exits the browser.

The bg_task [action] runs in much the same way as an [action] invoked by the user clicking on a hyperlink generated by [url_action()]. (The parameters to background_action() will be familiar to you if you have ever used [url_action()].)

{% highlight yaml %}

event: bg_task code: |

This is where time-consuming code

would go

background_response(553 + action_argument('additional'))

{% endhighlight %}

The code in a background action can use the [action_argument()] and [action_arguments()] functions to access the [action] parameters (i.e., the keyword arguments passed to [background_action()]). It can use the [user_logged_in()], [user_has_privilege()], and [user_info()] functions to determine information about the current user (i.e. the user who caused the background_action() function to be called). In this respect, background actions are different from [scheduled tasks], which always run as the special "[cron user]." In addition, background tasks are different from [scheduled tasks] in that you can run background tasks regardless of whether [multi_user] is set to True or False.

There are two important things to understand about [actions] invoked through background_action():

  1. Background actions are not capable of asking the user any questions. Before calling [background_action()], you need to make sure that all of the variables the [action] needs have been defined.
  2. Any changes made to variables by a background action will not be remembered after the action finishes. In order to communicate back to the interview, you need to use [background_response()] or [background_response_action()] (discussed below).

Your background action is prevented from saving changes to the variables because background actions are intended to run at the same time the user is answering questions in the interview. For example, if the background process starts at 3:05 p.m. and finishes at 3:10 p.m., but the user answers five questions between 3:05 p.m. and 3:10 p.m., the user's changes would be overwritten if the background process saved its changes at 3:10 p.m.

The [background_response()] function is the simplest way to return a value to the interview, but you may want to use [background_response_action()] if you want to make permanent changes to the interview variables based on the code that is run in the background.

Also, even if you are not interested in obtaining any results from the background action, and are only interested in the action's side effects, it is important that you end the [action] with a call to background_response() (with no arguments). Otherwise, the result of the background action is likely to be an exception (if the interview asks the user a question, this counts as an exception).

Note that any log messages or error messages generated by code that runs in the background are written to the worker.log file, not the docassemble.log file or the error.log file.


The background_response() function terminates a background process and returns information. In can be called both from [background tasks] and from [check in] code (which is explained later). It does different things depending on the context.

When called from a [background task], the information you give it can be accessed from foreground code by using the .get() method on the "task" that was created.

For example, in the interview above, the task is created like this:

{% highlight python %} the_task = background_action('bg_task', additional=value_to_add) {% endhighlight %}

There is now a variable the_task in the interview, which is used to keep track of the status of the bg_task action, which is running in the background.

The bg_task action does not permanently change any of the variables in the interview, but it passes its result back to the interview using background_response().

{% highlight python %} background_response(553 + action_argument('additional')) {% endhighlight %}

The response value is the sum of 553 and whatever number was provided in the additional parameter. Note that this value is not saved to any variable. (Even if a background action tried to make a change to variables in the interview's dictionary, those changes would be forgotten once the action completes.)

The interview can retrieve the value passed to background_response() by calling the .get() method on the the_task variable. For example,

{% highlight yaml %} question: | The answer is ${ the_task.get() }. {% endhighlight %}

Note that once you call background_response(), your [code] block stops executing. No lines of code that come after your call to background_response() will ever be run.

Your background task code should always end with a call to background_response(). Even if you don't need to return any response to the foreground code, calling background_response() with no arguments will safely wrap up your background task. If your [code] does not conclude with background_response(), docassemble will attempt to run the [initial] and [mandatory] blocks in your interview. Depending on the context, this might be harmless, or it might cause unwanted side effects. At the very least, you will probably get a warning message in the logs if your [background task] concludes with an attempt to present a [question] to the user.

The background_response() function is also used in the context of [processing interim user input] (described [below](#check in)). In this context, it terminates code that runs on the server while the user is looking at and interacting with a screen.

In this context, background_response() can be called in a variety of ways. (All of these methods are explained with examples in the section on [processing interim user input].)

The first way that it can be used is to populate [TARGET ...] areas on the screen. If you only want to populate a single target area (e.g., [TARGET mytarget]), run:

{% highlight python %} background_response(target='mytarget', content='Hello, world!') {% endhighlight %}

If you want to populate multiple target areas (e.g., [TARGET top_area] and [TARGET bottom_area]), provide a list of dictionaries:

{% highlight python %} background_response([{'target': 'top_area', 'content': "Hello, world!"}, {'target': 'bottom_area', 'content': 'Goodbye, world!'}]) {% endhighlight %}

Instead of writing HTML to areas of the screen, you can set the values of input fields by calling background_response() with a dictionary of field values, followed by 'fields':

{% highlight python %} background_response({'favorite_fruit': 'apple', 'likes_vegetables': True}, 'fields') {% endhighlight %}

The background_response() function can also be used to run literal [JavaScript] in the user's browser:

{% highlight python %} background_response('alert("hello world!")', 'javascript') {% endhighlight %}

It can also be used to show an informational message at the top of the user's screen:

{% highlight python %} background_response('Hello, world', 'flash') {% endhighlight %}

It can also cause a refresh of the user's screen:

{% highlight python %} background_response('refresh') {% endhighlight %}

When using these, make sure to avoid a situation where your code gets into an infinite loop and the check in task runs multiple times per second. A check in call happens frequently: when the screen loads, when a [change] event is triggered on an input element, and every six seconds. If your background_response() triggers a check in call, which then runs background_response() again, there will be an infinite loop. Make sure to use the [JavaScript] console in your browser when testing your use of background_response().


It is possible for long-running tasks to save information to the interview's dictionary, but they need to do so by sending the information to a separate "action," the purpose of which is to save the information to the interview's dictionary. The action is triggered by calling the background_response_action() function. Information can be passed to this [action] in the form of arguments.

{% include side-by-side.html demo="background_action_with_response_action" %}

In this example, the [action] that runs in the background is bg_task and the action that changes the interview's dictionary is bg_resp.

{% highlight yaml %}

event: bg_task code: | value = 553 + action_argument('additional') background_response_action('bg_resp', ans=value)

event: bg_resp code: | answer = action_argument('ans') background_response()

{% endhighlight %}

The bg_task action finishes by calling background_response_action('bg_resp', ans=value). (background_response_action(), like other functions including [background_response()], [message()], [command()], and [response()], tells docassemble to stop whatever it is doing. docassemble will not process any code that follows background_response_action() in a [code] block.)

The first argument to background_response_action() is the name of the [action] to be run, and the remainder of the arguments are keyword arguments that are sent to the action. In the above example, The bg_resp action retrieves the argument ans and changes the variable answer in the interview's dictionary to the value of the ans argument.

The idea here is that bg_task is a long-running task, while bg_resp is a short-running task devoted only to saving specific results of the long-running task. The brief [action] does not interfere with the ongoing interview; it simply retrieves the dictionary from storage, makes some specific changes, and then saves the dictionary to storage.

When the code for the bg_resp action runs, it runs separately from the bg_task action. If bg_task changes a variable in the interview's dictionary, the bg_resp action will not be able to see those changes. The only way the bg_task action can send information to the bg_resp action is by passing arguments to it via the background_response_action() function.

In computer programming terminology, the bg_resp action is similar to a [callback function].

The bg_resp action ends with background_response() to indicate that the action has run successfully and nothing further needs to be done. It is important that the action end with a call to [background_response()] because if it did not end with this, the interview code would continue to be processed (just as it would with a regular [action]), which may generate an error or cause unwanted side effects.

If you call background_response() with an argument, the value of the argument will be available in your interview as the result of the_task.get(). You probably will not need to pass values this way, since you can communicate results by setting interview variables.


If your long-running background process ends with an error, such as a [Python] computation error, or a situation where a necessary variable is undefined, an error will be printed to the worker.log file. But you might want your interview to do something special in response to this circumstance. For example, you might want an e-mail to be sent to an administrator so that someone can fix a problem right away. Or you might want to make a record in the interview dictionary regarding what went wrong with the background task.

One way to intercept errors is to use [Python]'s [try/except] logic. However, this can be tricky because docassemble uses [Python]'s exception system to execute [code] blocks and process [template]s, so some error types should not be intercepted (e.g. NameError). You can use [try/except] to trap specific error types, if you know what errors are likely to happen. But if you don't know what errors your code will encounter, this might not be feasible.

Another way to handle errors gracefully in a background process is to use the background_error_action() function. This function allows you to specify an [action] that should be run in case the background process fails for any reason. For example, the following code will run the bg_failure action if the background task runs into an error. In this case, there will be a "divide by zero" error if the user sets the "Denominator" to zero.

{% include side-by-side.html demo="background-error-action-demo" %}

In this example, background_error_action() is called, before the bg_task block does its work, in order to tell docassemble that if the bg_task action results in an error, the bg_failure [action] should be run. If bg_task succeeds in running to completion, it ends with a call to [background_response_action()], which will run the bg_success action.

The bg_success and bg_failure [action]s are effectively two [callback function]s, one of which runs on success and one of which runs on failure. The ways that each operates are very similar. While the changes that bg_task makes to the interview's dictionary will not be saved, the changes that bg_success and bg_failure make will be saved. While bg_task may take a long time, bg_success and bg_failure should be designed to finish their work promptly.

When you call background_error_action(), you can specify arguments, much as you can specify arguments when you call [background_response_action()]. You might wish to use arguments to indicate in what context an error took place.

Another similarity with [background_response_action()] is that within an [action] specified by background_error_action(), you can use background_response() to return a response value back to the interview. This value can be retrieved using the .get() method on the task object.

One difference between an [action] specified by background_error_action() and an [action] specified by [background_response_action()] is that when an "error" [action] is run, docassemble will pass additional arguments to the [action], which contain information about the error. These arguments are:

  • error_type - contains the name of the exception object (e.g., IndexError).
  • error_message - contains the error message (in plain text).
  • error_trace - contains a [traceback] message (in plain text) that can be useful in debugging.
  • variables - contains a list of variable names that the interview had been seeking, in order from most recent to least recent.

(These arguments will override any existing arguments, so don't use these names when indicating arguments in your call to background_error_action().)

The following interview illustrates these features.

{% include side-by-side.html demo="background-error-action" %}

Timing issues

As soon as background_action() is called, a task goes into the [celery] task queue. If [celery] has an available "worker," the task will start running right away.

If the task starts running while the interview is still running code, the background task will wait for the interview code to save its work before retrieving the interview dictionary and running the [action] code.

Likewise, if the task finishes while the interview is still running code, and the task ends with a call to [background_response_action()], the "background response action" will not run until the interview code is done processing.

This waiting is necessary to prevent concurrent processes from stepping on each others' toes. Note, however, that the waiting will "time out" after four seconds. For this reason, your interview code and your "background response actions" should be designed to always finish in well under four seconds.

This waiting also imposes some limitations on what you can do in your interview code. For example, if you are using [background_response_action()] or [background_error_action()], your interview code should never wait for the background task to finish. This means you should never:

  • Call .wait() on the task object; or
  • Call .failed(), .get() or .response() on the task object unless .ready() is True.

It is safe to wait for the background task to finish if you know that your interview's background tasks do not use [background_response_action()] or [background_error_action()].

Instead of using code to wait for a background task to finish, you can use the [reload modifier] on a [question], or some other technique where the waiting takes place while code is not running.

Also, because of timing issues, you cannot use methods on a task object from code that runs in the background. (All [code] blocks indicated by [background_action()], [background_response_action()], and [background_error_action()] run in the background.)

Communicating results to the user interface

docassemble can automatically alert the user when a background job finishes. There are three ways this can be done.

The first way is to "flash" a message at the top of a user's screen.

The second way is to cause the user's screen to reload the interview when the job finishes. If you used [background_response_action()] to change the interview's dictionary on the basis of work done by the background process, then the user may see a different screen after the interview reloads. However, it is important to be mindful of the users' perspective when using this feature; you would not want to annoy users by refreshing their screens while they are in the middle of entering information.

The third way is to cause the user's browser to run [JavaScript] code produced by your background process.

The fourth way, if the screen has input fields in it, is to populate those fields with values.

You can cause these responses by setting the second argument to [background_action()] to 'flash', 'refresh', 'javascript', or 'fields'. Setting the second argument to None means that no notification of any kind will be sent to the user's browser.

In the following example, the value provided to [background_response()] (e.g., "The answer is 555."), is "flashed" at the top of the screen.

{% include side-by-side.html demo="background_action_flash" %}

You can also "flash" messages when you use [background_response_action()] to run a separate [action] that saves changes to the interview's dictionary. In your action that sets variables, conclude your code with a call to [background_response()] containing the message you want to flash.

{% include side-by-side.html demo="background_response_action_flash" %}

In the next example, when the background process finishes, the user's screen refreshes. Since the [background_response_action()] function was used to save the result of the background process to a variable (answer), the result can be displayed by referring to ${ answer }.

{% include side-by-side.html demo="background_action_refresh" %}

The next example is like the first, except the notification takes place through [JavaScript] code created by the background process, which in this case uses the built-in [JavaScript] function [alert()] to send a message to the user.

{% include side-by-side.html demo="background_action_javascript" %}

Note that the user interface does not respond immediately when the background task finishes. The user's browser polls the server every six seconds (edit [checkin interval] to adjust this). Therefore, users may experience up to a six-second delay after the background process finishes before they receive notification.

The next example is like the previous, except that it populates fields on the screen.

{% include side-by-side.html demo="background_action_fields" %}

The following example shows how to assemble a [document] in the background and then refresh the user's screen when the document has been assembled.

{% include side-by-side.html demo="assemble-in-background" %}

Note that the variable the_document only comes into existence in the background task, not in the interview itself. The name of the file that the interview uses is the_letter. The name the_document refers to a [DAFileCollection] object, which is passed from the background task to the user interview, and in the user interview, the object is known as the_letter.

Comparison with scheduled tasks

docassemble also has a [scheduled tasks] feature, which is similar to the [background processes] feature in that the code runs in the background, without any direct interaction with the user. The [scheduled tasks] are different in that they are triggered at monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly intervals, rather than being triggered by the user.

Another difference is that [scheduled tasks] are always run by a [special user], and this requires that server-side encryption be disabled in the interview. These restrictions do not apply to [background processes].

Processing interim user input

Communicating interim information to the interview

If you set the check in modifier on a [question], the user's browser will "check in" with the interview every few seconds and run the given [action]. The arguments to the action (which can be retrieved with [action_argument()]) will be the current values of the fields on the screen.

{% include side-by-side.html demo="check-in" %}

The value of check in is the name of the [action] that should be run (in this case, track_drafts). Any changes made to the interview variables during the [action] are saved.

The "check in" process takes place:

  • Every six seconds, as well as
  • Every time a [change] event takes place on an input element. For text inputs, this happens when the "focus" leaves the text box, as it does when the user clicks outside the text box or presses the tab key. The [change] event is not triggered from every keypress.

In the above example, a counter is incremented each time the browser "checks in." In addition, the current value of favorite_food is tracked in a [Python set] called drafts. The actual variable favorite_food is not set until the user presses "Continue," but the track_drafts code discovers the "draft" value by calling [action_argument()].

Note that the values returned by action_argument() and action_arguments() are raw, unprocessed strings that come directly from the values of the HTML input elements, such as `'23.2', 'True', 'False', and ''. The values might not meet input validation requirements.

Two special values can be retrieved with action_argument():

  • _initial will be True for the first check in request, and for all other requests will be False.
  • _changed will be None for any periodic check in requests, and will be set to the name of a field for any check in requests that happen because a field was changed.

The action_arguments() dictionary does not contain these values; they are only available by calling action_argument().

Note that unlike [background tasks], [code] that runs from check in can directly make permenent changes to the interview answers. Because it has this privilege, [code] that runs from check in must run quickly (in less than four seconds).

Updating the screen

You can also use check in to communicate information back to the screen.

Template blocks

In the example above, [check in] referred to a [code] block. In the example below, [check in] refers to a [template] block. The content of the [template] is inserted into the user's screen in an area designated by the [template]'s target.

{% include side-by-side.html demo="target-template" %}

If the user types "apples," the following message will appear:

{% include image.html alt="Real time feedback" src="target-template.png" %}

The timeline for this process is as follows:

  1. When the screen is drawn, the [TARGET feedback] markup in the [under] text area of the question (the area underneath the "Continue" button) is converted into an invisible placeholder area identified by the keyword feedback.
  2. The user types "apples" into the "Favorite food" field.
  3. The browser "checks in" with the server, sending the values of all the fields on the page.
  4. On the server, docassemble seeks a definition for question_food. It finds a [template] that offers to define question_food. This [template] has a target, so it will behave differently than ordinary [template]s. Instead of setting the variable question_food to a [DALazyTemplate] object, docassemble will return the content to the browser, indicating that it is "targeted" for the area on the screen called feedback.
  5. The web browser takes the content and plugs it into the invisible placeholder area identified by the keyword feedback.

If you want to run [code] and then use a [template] to communicate results back to the user, just include a reference to the [template] at the end of your [code]:

{% include side-by-side.html demo="target-code-template" %}

Populating targets with background_response()

Another way to send messages to the user's screen is to use [code] to plug raw [HTML] into [TARGET ...] areas:

{% include side-by-side.html demo="target-code" %}

Calling [background_response()] with the keyword arguments target and content will result in the content being plugged into the user's screen in the [TARGET ...] area designated by the target argument. Unlike the method that uses [template]s, this method does not convert [Markdown] to [HTML]; rather, the content is inserted as raw [HTML].

If you want to plug text into more than one [TARGET ...] area, you can do so by calling [background_response()] with a [list] of [dict]s, where each [dict] has the keys target and content.

{% include side-by-side.html demo="target-code-multiple" %}

Populating fields with background_response()

Another way to communicate results to the user's screen is to populate input elements. If you call background_response() with a [dictionary] as the first parameter and 'fields' as the second parameter, the fields on the screen will be populated with the values indicated in the dictionary. The keys of the dictionary should be variable names currently displaying on the screen (e.g., as they are defined in the [fields] specifier). The values of the dictionary should be the values that you want the fields to have. For example:

{% include side-by-side.html demo="ajax-calc" %}

Populating dropdown choices with background_response()

You can also use the 'fields' form of background_response() to change the options in a dropdown list of a field on the screen. To do this, call background_response() as though you are setting the value of the dropdown field, but in place of the value, substitute a Python dictionary with the keys choices and value. The choices key should refer to a data structure containing the options that the dropdown list will have. The value key is optional, but if it is included it will cause the indicated value to be selected.

{% include side-by-side.html demo="country-state" %}

The data structure indicated by choices can be:

  • a list of strings, in which case each string will be used as both the label and the value;
  • a dictionary mapping values to labels;
  • a list of single-item dictionaries mapping values to labels;
  • a list of two-item lists, where the first item is the value and the second item is the label.

In this example, choices is being set to the output of states_list(), which returns a Python dict that maps state abbreviations to state names. Since there are some countries that do not have states, it is possible that the Python dict will be empty. If a dropdown field is required but has no choices, the user will not be able to continue. In this example, the Python code or {'N/A': country_name(action_argument('country'))} follows after the call to states_list(), ensuring that there always at least one choice.

When designing a screen like this, it is important to keep in mind the different scenarios in which the screen might be shown, and to ensure that the screen displays correctly in each context. The contexts include:

  1. The user arrives at the screen for the first time, and the Python variables country and state are undefined.
  2. The user arrives at the screen by clicking the Back button on the next screen. In this scenario, the Python variables country and state are undefined, but docassemble will use the values the user previously entered as default values for the fields.
  3. The user arrives at the screen as part of a review process, and the Python variables country and state are defined.

When the screen first loads, the "State" dropdown field is populated with:

{% highlight python %} states_list(country_code=showifdef('country', 'US', prior=True)) or ['N/A'] {% endhighlight %}

Obtaining the country code with [showifdef()] is important because the country may or may not be defined. If the Python variable country is not defined, the list of states for the country 'US' is used. If states_list() returns an empty dictionary, the or ['N/A'] ensures that there is at least one choice. It is important that the the "State" dropdown is populated with one or more choices when the screen first loads, because docassemble's standard behavior when a dropdown has no choices is to omit the field from the screen and define the variable as None when the user presses "Continue."

When the user arrives at the screen for the first time, and the "Country" field is not populated, the State dropdown will be disabled due to js enable if: val('country'). When the user selects a country, the change event on the Country field will be triggered, causing the State dropdown to become enabled and the check in action to run with the _changed argument set to 'country'. When the check in action returns a response to the browser, the list of choices for the "State" field will be updated. Thus, it does not matter what the initial choices of the "State" field are, since the user will not see them. But it is important that there are initial choices, because otherwise docassemble will assume that the field should be omitted from the screen entirely.

The call to showifdef() uses the special prior=True keyword parameter, which means that if the user arrived at the screen after pressing the Back button, showifdef() will return the value of country that the user had previously entered. This is important because when the user arrives at the screen by pressing the Back button, docassemble will populate the "Country" field with the value of country that the user previously entered, and the list of states should correspond with that country.

Note that check in code runs whenever any field on the screen changes, and also runs every six seconds. To avoid unnecessary changes to the screen, the check in code only returns a substantial response if action_argument('_changed') == 'country'. It is important that screen updates only happen at the particular times when you want them to happen, because otherwise screen elements may update while the user is interacting with them, resulting in a glitchy user experience.

As you can see from the above example, updating screens by making asynchronous calls to the server is complicated. By using separate screens to gather related variables, you can save yourself a lot of time that could be put to a more productive use.

Showing messages with background_response()

By setting the second parameter of background_response() to 'flash' and the first parameter to a message, you can "flash" a message at the top of the user's screen. In this example, a message is flashed as soon as the user enters a favorite fruit.

{% include side-by-side.html demo="ajax-flash" %}

Running JavaScript with background_response()

Another way to communicate results to the user's screen is to use [JavaScript]. If you call background_response() with some [JavaScript] code (as text) as the first parameter and 'javascript' as the second parameter, the [JavaScript] code will be run in the browser.

{% include side-by-side.html demo="ajax-calc-javascript" %}

This example uses the [flash()] function in [JavaScript] to display a message for the user.

See the [Javascript functions] section for more information about things you can do with [JavaScript].

Refreshing the screen with background_response()

Another strategy is to use check in code to cause a refresh of the user's screen. If your check in code ends with background_response('refresh'), the user's screen will reload the [question] from the server. The following example shows how you can use this to dynamically update the list of choices in a radio button list.

{% include side-by-side.html demo="ajax-refresh" %}

It is important that your check in code does not call background_response('refresh') every single time it runs. Otherwise, you will cause an infinite loop of screen refreshing. In this example, background_response('refresh') is only called when necessary (when the value of number_of_things changes).

Scheduled tasks

The "scheduled tasks" feature of docassemble allows your interviews to do things when the user is not using the interview.

For example, if your interview guides a user through a legal process that requires the user to file a document in court if the opposing party does not respond within 20 days, your interview can send an e-mail to the user after that 20 day period has expired, reminding the user to resume the interview so that he or she can prepare the appropriate legal document.

{% highlight yaml %} mandatory: True code: | allow_cron = True multi_user = True

initial: True code: | process_action()

question: | When was the document filed? fields:

  • Filing Date: filing_date datatype: date

question: | What is your e-mail address? fields:

  • E-mail: email_address datatype: email

mandatory: True question: | Ok, I'll e-mail you at ${ email_address} 20 days from ${ format_date(filing_date) }. buttons: Leave: leave

template: reminder_email subject: | Hey, it's been 20 days. content: | Don't forget about that thing you need to do!

event: cron_daily code: | if task_not_yet_performed('20 day reminder') and date_difference(starting=filing_date).days > 20: send_email(to=email_address, template=reminder_email, task='20 day reminder') response()

{% endhighlight %}

Let's go through this example step-by-step.

First, we set [allow_cron] to True, which allows scheduled tasks to run, and we set [multi_user] to True, which disables [server-side encryption]. (We need to disable this feature so that the computer can access the interview when the user is not logged in. The user's data is still secure; it just does not have the layer of additional security provided by server-side encryption.)

{% highlight yaml %}

mandatory: True code: | allow_cron = True multi_user = True

{% endhighlight %}

Next, there are three standard [question]s that gather the filing_date and email_address variables and present a "final" screen to the user. Note that on the final screen, there is no [exit] button, only a [leave] button. If the user clicked an [exit] button, the interview session would be erased from the server. By contrast, clicking [leave] keeps the interview session on the server. This is important because we want the interview to persist on the server. We need the interview to exist twenty days after the filing_date so that it can send the reminder e-mail.

{% highlight yaml %}

question: | When was the document filed? fields:

  • Filing Date: filing_date datatype: date

question: | What is your e-mail address? fields:

  • E-mail: email_address datatype: email

mandatory: True question: | Ok, I'll e-mail you at ${ email_address} 20 days from ${ format_date(filing_date) }. buttons: Leave: leave

{% endhighlight %}

After this, we define the [template] for the e-mail that will be sent.

{% highlight yaml %}

template: reminder_email subject: | Hey, it's been 20 days. content: | Don't forget about that thing you need to do!

{% endhighlight %}

Finally, we get to the "scheduled task." The [event] line designates the [special variable] [cron_daily]. This code will run once per day.

{% highlight yaml %}

event: cron_daily code: | if task_not_yet_performed('20 day reminder') and date_difference(starting=filing_date).days > 20: send_email(to=email_address, template=reminder_email, task='20 day reminder') response()

{% endhighlight %}

The first thing the code does (wisely) is question whether the e-mail reminder has already been sent. If the e-mail has already been sent, it would be annoying to send the same e-mail again, every single day, so we prevent that from happening. (The [task_not_yet_performed()] function is part of docassemble's [task system].)

Next, the code evaluates whether the 20 day period has passed, using the [date_difference()] function. If at least 20 days have passed, the e-mail is sent. The [send_email()] function marks the "task" as "performed" if the e-mail successfully sends.

The [response()] function is necessary to indicate that the task has finished. If this is not included, the interview logic will be evaluated after the [code] block finishes. In some cases, this will be what you want, but in most cases this is not what you want.

In the context of the web application, the [response()] function stops code execution and returns an HTTP response to the browser, but in the context of a scheduled task, it merely stops code execution. If you pass text to [response()], the text will be printed to the output.

By default, any changes made to the interview answers will be saved. Thus, your scheduled task can affect what the user sees in the web application. However, if your code does not change the answers, or you do not need the answers to be saved, you can call response(null=True). This will tell docassemble not to save the answers. Doing this can help conserve system resources. This behavior of the [response()] function only works in the context of scheduled tasks.

If you are using [Docker] and you want to access the log of output of scheduled tasks, use [docker exec] to enter the container and look at the file /var/spool/mail/mail. The log consists of e-mail messages. You can also view these messages using the mail command.

Enabling scheduled tasks

Scheduled tasks need to be triggered by some external source.

If you run docassemble on [Docker], you do not have to worry about how the scheduled tasks are triggered; the tasks operate automatically. The tasks enabled in the [Docker] setup are:

  • cron_hourly
  • cron_daily
  • cron_weekly
  • cron_monthly

If you are not using [Docker], you will have to set up a system of running the [docassemble.webapp.cron] module at regular intervals.

On Linux, the trigger can be a script installed as part of the [cron] system. For example, a script in /etc/cron.daily could run:

{% highlight bash %} python -m docassemble.webapp.cron -type cron_daily {% endhighlight %}

A script in /etc/cron.weekly could run:

{% highlight bash %} python -m docassemble.webapp.cron -type cron_weekly {% endhighlight %}

(And so on.)

The details of how exactly this command should be invoked depend on how you have [installed] docassemble. For example, the command should run under the same user as the web server, and if you have installed Python using a [virtualenv], you need to invoke [Python] appropriately.

Note that you can use any variable name you want in the -type argument to the [docassemble.webapp.cron] module. The variable name is passed to the interview exactly as though it were the name of an [action] given by [url_action()].

What the "cron" module does

The [docassemble.webapp.cron] module does two things:

  1. It cleans out inactive interviews if -type is cron_daily.
  2. It runs scheduled tasks in interviews, invoking them as [actions].

Deleting interviews after a period of inactivity

If the type of scheduled task is cron_daily, the [docassemble.webapp.cron] module will delete interviews that have been inactive for 90 days or longer. (This period can be [configured].) Activity is measured by whether the interview answers have been updated within the period. This applies to all interviews stored in the system that have not yet been deleted.

Note that interviews can be deleted from the system two other ways:

  1. When the user clicks an [exit] button; and
  2. If the user goes to the Interviews page and clicks a "Delete" button next to a listed interview, or clicks "Delete all."

Running scheduled tasks

The [docassemble.webapp.cron] looks at every interview in the system for which [server-side encryption] has been turned off. (Disabling [server-side encryption] is performed by setting the [multi_user] variable in the interview to True). The module then inspects the interview data to see if [allow_cron] is set to True. If is, it will see if the interview uses the variable given with the -type argument. For example, if the type is [cron_weekly], the module will check if the interview has a block that offers to define the variable [cron_weekly]. If there is such a block, the module will run the interview with the [action] cron_weekly (and no [action] arguments). Any changes made to the interview variables will be saved.

Interviews containing scheduled tasks will run regularly, and the interview variables will be updated. This means that even if there is no activity from the original user, there will appear to be regular activity in the interview, which means that the [interview deletion] feature will never delete such interviews. Usually, it is a good thing that the [interview deletion] feature does not automatically delete interviews with scheduled tasks; you might have an interview that does something after a period of several months have passed.

However, you might not want your interviews to run scheduled tasks indefinitely. For example, in the example interview above, the interview will persist after the e-mail sends, and will stay on the server forever. The [cron_daily] code will run on a daily basis forever, doing nothing useful.

To get around this problem, you can instruct your scheduled task to delete the interview when it is no longer necessary to keep the interview alive. For example, you can include the following:

{% highlight yaml %}

event: cron_monthly code: | if last_access_days() > 365: command('exit')

{% endhighlight %}

This will run on a monthly basis, and will use the [last_access_days()] function to check whether interview has been accessed by a real user (that is, a user other than the [cron user]) in the past year. If it has not, the interview will [exit], meaning that the interview will be deleted from the server.

The cron user

Scheduled tasks do not run as the user who started the interview; they always run using the special "cron user." Therefore, if you want your scheduled task to send an e-mail to "the user," make sure you collect the real user's e-mail address into a variable beforehand. During the operation of a scheduled task, a call to [user_info()] will retrieve information about the "cron user," which is not what you want.

If your interview is a [multi-user interview], make sure that the "cron user" is not inadvertently kicked out of your interview before [process_action()] is run. For example, an interview with this code could prevent scheduled tasks from running:

{% highlight yaml %}

default role: organizer code: | multi_user = True role = 'organizer' if introduction_made and participants_invited: if user_logged_in(): if user_info().email == first_person_email: role = 'first_person' elif user_info().email == second_person_email: role = 'second_person'

initial: True code: | if role != first_person' and not ready_for_other_people: say_goodbye_to_user

initial: True: code: | process_action()

event: cron_daily code: | do_something_important()

{% endhighlight %}

When the "cron user" accesses this interview, it will not be able to run the cron_daily action, because it will immediately be presented with the say_goodbye_to_user screen.

One way to get around this problem is to move the [initial] [code] block that runs [process_action()] so that it appears before the block that runs say_goodbye_to_user:

{% highlight yaml %}

initial: True: code: | process_action()

initial: True code: | if role != first_person' and not ready_for_other_people: say_goodbye_to_user

{% endhighlight %}

However, this opens up the possibility that someone in the role of second_person could run [actions] without being screened. If this is a problem, you could alternatively do:

{% highlight yaml %}

initial: True code: | if (role != first_person' and not user_has_privilege('cron')) and not ready_for_other_people: say_goodbye_to_user

{% endhighlight %}

The "cron user" is the only user on the system with the [privilege] of cron, so you can use the [user_has_privilege()] function to detect whether the user is the "cron user."

Long-running scheduled tasks

If your scheduled tasks take more than a couple of seconds to run (for example if they download information from the internet), then they should run the long-running code as a [background task]. While the scheduled task is running, the task holds the interview variables in memory and writes them to the SQL server when it finishes. If a user accesses the interview through the web interface at the same time as the schedule task is running, the user's changes to the interview could be wiped out. (The web interface will wait for four seconds if it sees that the interview variables are in use, but after four seconds have elapsed, it will assume the task that was using the interview variables has failed, and it will start using the interview variables.)

To run [code] in the background from within a scheduled task, just combine what you have learned in the [scheduled tasks] section with what you learned in the [background tasks] section.

{% highlight yaml %} event: cron_daily code: | background_action('long_task', None) response()

event: long_task code: | result = do_something_time_consuming() background_response_action('finalize_long_task', result=result)

event: finalize_long_task code: | the_status = action_argument('result') response() {% endhighlight %}

E-mailing the interview

An interview can allow users to send e-mails to it.

Here is how it works:

  • The interview calls [interview_email()] to obtain a unique e-mail address for the interview session, such as, and shares that e-mail address with the user.
  • When an e-mail is sent to, the server stores the e-mail.
  • The interview uses [get_emails()] to retrieve a list of e-mails that have been sent to

{% include side-by-side.html demo="email-to-case-simple" %}

In order for this feature to work, your server must be configured to receive e-mails. If you are using [Docker], this involves:

  • Disabling any e-mail server already running on the [Docker] host.
  • Including -p 25:25 -p 465:465 in the docker run statement when you start your [Docker] container, so that communications to your server on [port 25] and [port 465] are forwarded to the [Docker] container;
  • Setting the [MX record] for your domain to point to your server. (If you are using a [multi-server arrangement], make sure to point it specifically to the machine that operates with the mail container role);
  • Ensuring that the firewall rules (a/k/a "security groups") protecting your server allow incoming connections on [port 25] and/or [port 465].
  • Setting the [incoming mail domain] directive in the [configuration] to the e-mail domain you want to use, unless the domain you want to use for e-mailing is the same as the domain used for your web server ([external hostname]).

See the [e-mail setup] section of the [installation] instructions for details about how the e-mail receiving feature works.

Running code in the background when an e-mail arrives

If you want, you can set up your interview to run [code] in the background whenever an e-mail is sent to one of your interview's sessions. This can be helpful if an e-mail arrives at a time when the user is not using the interview, but the user may need to take action based on the e-mail.

When an e-mail arrives, docassemble will attempt to run a [background action] within the interview session. The name of the "action" will be [incoming_email] and it will have one keyword argument, email, which will be a [DAEmail] object representing the e-mail that was received.

Below is an example that uses a [background action] to process an incoming e-mail. The [background action] simply sets the interview variable email to the e-mail itself (which is a [DAEmail] object).

{% include side-by-side.html demo="email-to-case" %}

Note that:

  • Your interview must set [multi_user] to True. Disabling server-side encryption for the interview session is necessary because if the user is not currently using the interview when the e-mail arrives, docassemble has no access to the user's password, which is the key that decrypts the interview variables. (The same limitation applies to [scheduled tasks].)
  • Your interview needs a [code] block that will respond to an [action] by the name of [incoming_email] that has a keyword argument email.
  • If it is necessary to make permanent changes to the interview variables as a result of processing the e-mail, the [code] that runs the [action] needs to use [background_response_action()] to call a separate [action], the sole purpose of which is to save values to variables. When docassemble runs the [incoming_email] action, it is as though [background_action()] was called, which means that the only way to make permanent changes to the interview variables is through [background_response_action()]. This is helpful because the [code] that processes the incoming e-mail might take a long time to run. For example, the code might call [ocr_file()] on each of the attachments.

If your interview uses [roles], note that the [incoming_email] action will be run using the privileges and user identity of the user who originally obtained the e-mail address from [interview_email()]. This is different from [scheduled tasks], which are run using the privileges and user identity of the [cron user].

[roles]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/roles.html [ocr_file()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#ocr_file [DAEmail]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/objects.html#DAEmail [incoming_email]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/special.html#incoming_email [background task]: #background [background tasks]: #background [background action]: #background [SMTP]: [incoming mail domain]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/config.html#incoming mail domain [interview_email()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#interview_email [get_emails()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#get_emails [Celery]: [Docker]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/docker.html [JavaScript]: [Python]: [action_argument()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#action_argument [action_arguments()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#action_arguments [alert()]: [background_action()]: #background_action [background_response()]: #background_response [background_response_action()]: #background_response_action [checkin interval]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/config.html#checkin interval [code]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/code.html [command()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#command [cron_daily]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/special.html#cron_daily [cron_hourly]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/special.html#cron_hourly [cron_monthly]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/special.html#cron_monthly [cron_weekly]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/special.html#cron_weekly [current_datetime()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#current_datetime [date_difference()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#date_difference [docassemble.webapp.cron]: {{ site.github.repository_url }}/blob/master/docassemble_webapp/docassemble/webapp/ [event]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/fields.html#event [exit]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/questions.html#exit [initial]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/logic.html#initial [leave]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/questions.html#leave [message()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#message [modules]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/initial.html#modules [multi_user]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/special.html#multi_user [process_action()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#process_action [question]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/questions.html#question [response()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#response [send_email()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#send_email [set_info()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#set_info [task_not_yet_performed()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#tasks [template]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/initial.html#template [url_action()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#url_action [url_action()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#url_action [allow_cron]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/special.html#allow_cron [user_has_privilege()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#user_has_privilege [user_info()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#user_info [user_logged_in()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#user_logged_in [action]: #background [actions]: #background [background process]: #background [background processes]: #background [callback function]: [code]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/code.html [configured]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/config.html#interview delete days [configuration]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/config.html [cron user]: #cron user [cron]: [events]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/fields.html#event [functions]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html [installed]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/installation.html [installation]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/installation.html [interview deletion]: #deleting [interview logic]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/logic.html [multi-user interview]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/roles.html [multi-server arrangement]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/docker.html#multi server arrangement [multiple servers]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/scalability.html [privilege]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/users.html [scheduled task]: #scheduled [scheduled tasks]: #scheduled [server-side encryption]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/security.html#server_encryption [special user]: #cron user [special variable]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/special.html [task system]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#tasks [virtualenv]: [large text box]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/fields.html#area [Javascript functions]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#javascript [under]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/questions.html#under [check in]: #check in [check in]: #check in [processes interim user input]: #check in [processing interim user input]: #check in [Python set]: [DALazyTemplate]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/objects.html#DALazyTemplate [HTML]: [list]: [dict]: [evaluates the interview]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/logic.html [reload modifier]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/modifiers.html#reload [evaluate]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/logic.html [mandatory]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/logic.html#mandatory [Markdown]: [e-mail messages]: #email [e-mail setup]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/installation.html#setup_email [last_access_days()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#last_access_days [fields]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/fields.html#fields [dictionary]: [flash()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#flash [document]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/documents.html [DAFileCollection]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/objects.html#DAFileCollection [traceback]: [try/except]: [background_error_action()]: #background_error_action [incoming mail domain]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/config.html#incoming mail domain [external hostname]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/config.html#external hostname [MX record]: [port 25]: [port 465]: [change]: [docker exec]: [showifdef()]: {{ site.baseurl }}/docs/functions.html#showifdef