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jabrah edited this page Jan 23, 2015 · 1 revision

Narrative section related to narrative_sections.csv, start folio.column, start line offset, end folio.column, end line offset, transcription, is correct (0 or 1), start Lecoy

g1a,1r.a,1,1r.a,20,(SS57) Maintes gens dient que en songes,0,1
g1b,1r.a,21,1r.b,7,"(SS57) Le vintesime an de mon aage,",0,21
g1c,1r.b,8,1r.b,21,(SS57) Or vueil ce songe rimoier,0,31
g2a,1r.b,22,1v.c,37,"(SS57) Avis m'ere qu'il estoit mais,",0,45