This repository contains data, code, and other supplementary materials for the IEEE InfoVis 2017 paper 'Imagining Replications: How Graphical Prediction & Discrete Visualizations Impact Recall & Estimation of Experimental Uncertainty.'
Authors: Jessica Hullman, Matthew Kay, Yea-Seul Kim, Samana Shrestha
Paper_etc Hullman_Imagining_Replications_InfoVis17.pdf - the paper imagining_replications_video.mp4 - 30 second preview video
Preliminary_Evaluation_Analysis anonymized_survey_turk_response_dists_with_order_forR.tsv: All data from preliminary evaluation (Participants recruited from Amazon Mechnical Turk) graphical_prediction_task_survey_analysis.Rmd: R code for analyzing the preliminary survey data Imagining_Replications_Additional_Analysis_Preliminary.pdf: Additional analysis of percentage intervals for response time, satisfaction rating, and accuracy (log KL divergence) of 12 interfaces
Preliminary_Evaluation_Interface Index.html and others: You can locate and access this folder via localhost to demonstrate the 12 graphical prediction interfaces.
Main_Study_Analysis anonymized_ev_dist_forR_long_merged.txt: Responses for textual probability questions, long format. anonymized_ev_dist_forR_merged.txt: Responses for all questions except detailed predicted and recalled probability distributions, wide format. anonymized_study2_response_dists_forR_merged.txt: Detailed information on participants' recalled and predicted probability distributions for graphical recall and graphical prediction tasks. graphical_prediction_study_analysis.Rmd: R code for analyzing the main study data Imagining_Replications_Additional_Analysis_Main.pdf: Reports additional analysis of study data including demographic information and model comparing predicted distributions to true sampling distribution and sample sampling distribution.
Main_Study_Interface Main_Study_Interface.pdf: Screenshots of main study interface.