Automatically open a Github issue as blog comments for every articles of your blog. It also creates a gh-comments.json
file to keep track of created issues for future executions and to open issues only for new articles.
This package is useful if you have a statically generated blog, such as Jekyll or Metalsmith, and you want to use Github issues as comments instead of the evil Disqus
. For more details read Using and automating GitHub issues as blog comments or Replacing Disqus with Github Comments.
npm install gh-issues-for-comments --save
import ghComments from 'gh-issues-for-comments';
// Array of articles with any shape you like, for example obtained from Markdown files.
// If you use default options each article must have 'id' and 'title' properties
const articles = [
{ id: 1, title: 'Hello world' },
{ id: 2, title: 'Hello world 2' }
ghComments(articles, {
username: 'jiayihu',
repo: 'blog',
token: '123GithubOAuthToken',
.then(createdIssues => console.log(createdIssues))
.catch(error => console.error('Error with issues creation', error));
Create a Github issue for every article without a comments issue yet. Returns a Promise
with the updated map with <article, issueId>
pairs. It's the same object saved in gh-comments.json
is an Array
of articles objects with any shape. Each article will be used to return the data for its issue in getIssue(article)
has the following shape:
options.username (required)
Github username
options.repo (required)
Github repository name
options.token (required)
Github OAuth access token. Read here for more details. The only
needed by the package ispublic_repo
. -
options.idProperty (optional)
Default value:
Article property to use as unique id. If an id is not available, it's recommended to use something meaninful but not likely to change like the filepath or title.
options.jsonPath (optional)
Default value:
Path to the JSON file where articles issue ids are stored
options.getIssue (optional)
Default value:
function getIssue(article) { return { title: `Comments: ${article.title}`, body: `This issue is reserved for comments to **${article.title}**. Leave a comment below and it will be shown in the blog page.`, labels: ['comments'], }; }
Returns the issue data based on the article. If you want the article name, in the issue body, to be linked you can use the following value:
function getIssue(article) { const formattedTitle = article.title.replace(/\s/g, '-').toLowerCase(); const articleUrl = url.resolve('', formattedTitle); return { title: `Comments: ${article.title}`, body: `This issue is reserved for comments to [${article.title}](${articleUrl}). Leave a comment below and it will be shown in the blog page.`, labels: ['comments'], }; },
The script won't open an issue for an article if it finds an issueId
in gh-comments.json
for that article. So for example you can add the following content to skip issue creation for articles/angular-aot.html
"articles/angular-aot.html": {
"issueId": -1