A bit of JavaScript to determine OS version from Android, iOS and Windows Phone devices.
Extracts information from the UserAgent string in the browser:
getMobileOS.device is 'Android' | 'iPad' | 'iPod' | 'iPhone' | 'Windows Phone' | '' if unknown
getMobileOS.os is 'android' | 'ios' | 'windowsphone' | false if unknown
getMobileOS.ver is major.minor.patch version as a string e.g. '4.4.4' or '10.0' | '' if unknown
getMobileOS.major is the numeric major version, i.e. in '9.3.6' it would be 9 | 0 if unknown
getMobileOS.minor is the numeric minor version, i.e. in '9.3.6' it would be 3 | 0 if unknown
getMobileOS.patch is the numeric patch version, i.e. in '9.3.6' it would be 6 | 0 if unknown
getMobileOS.android true if Android, all others (.ios .ipad .ipod .iphone .windowsphone) | false
getMobileOS.ios true if iOS and also one of these will be true [.ipad .ipod .iphone] | false
getMobileOS.ipad true if iPad | false
getMobileOS.ipod true if iPod | false
getMobileOS.iphone true if iPhone | false
getMobileOS.windowsphone true if Windows Phone | false
Small, lightweight, and mobile friendly. Tested on iOS 4.3+, Android 2.3+ and Windows Phone 8+.
Works great with Cordova/PhoneGap applications.
Include these in your HTML:
<script src="getMobileOSver.js"></script>
or use the minified version:
<script src="getMobileOSver.min.js"></script>
if ( getMobileOS.ios && getMobileOS.major >= 9 ) {
...; // your code here
None. All code is vanilla JavaScript v5.
getMobileOSver-useragent-test.html runs tests with real user agent strings for Android 2.3.4 to 7.0, iOS 4.3 to 10.0.1 and Windows Phone 8.0 to 10.0 (all the latest as of this push date).
// add these for v1.00 compatibility
// (NOTE: lower case in v1.10+ breaks compatibility, is now: ios | android | windowsphone | false)
var mobileOS = getMobileOS.os;
var mobileOSver = getMobileOS.ver;
Licensed under the MIT License. Please refer to the LICENSE file.