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Releases: jimbergman/getMobileOSverJS

fixes two digit OS bug, adds Windows Phone support and new flags

28 Sep 21:55
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bug: If the OS version was two digits (e.g. 10.0), the version number was being truncated one char.

new: Windows Phone support - tested with v8.0 thru v10.0

new: OS flags to make your coding easier. The flags .android .ios .ipad .ipod .iphone .windowsphone are set to true, so you can say in your code if (getMobileOSver.ios) {...}

new: .major .minor . patch version numbers (not strings) make testing for a certain version much easier, e.g. if (getMobileOSver.major >= 9) {...}

Refer to getMobileOSver-useragent-test.html for examples.

breaks out iOS device types (iPad, iPhone, iPod)

26 Sep 00:29
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refactored to move out of global namespace