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"月"指一个公历月份。Month" means a calendar month.

我们会看整个四个月。We'd look over 4-month calendar.

精练历年真题。Zhenti scouring the calendar year.

它是公历什么时候呀?When is it on the Western calendar?

杰克,请你查查行事历好吗?Jack, could you check your calendar?

她在她的行事历上给那个日期做记号。She marked the date on her calendar.

使用学年历模板。Use the school year calendar template.

新年是新的开始,也是买新的年历的时间。It is also the time to buy a new calendar.

靠窗有一本挂历。There is a wall calendar near the windows.

我想退了这本日程记录本。I want to return this appointment calendar.

金字塔根据阳历建造。It is built according to the solar calendar.

下学期行事历在附件中。Please see attachment for 2010 Fall calendar.

他们运用这些记录编写出历书。They used these records to construct a calendar.

斋月是伊斯兰历中最贵重的月份。Ramadan is the holiest month in Islamic calendar.

这本课的特色在于一份详细的课程行事历。This course features an in-depth course calendar.

它是在阳历四月五号前后。It falls around April 5 of the Gregorian calendar.

犹太历中一年的第十一个月。The 11th month of the year in the Jewish calendar.

我们有一本农历可供查对。There's a lunar calendar for us to check the dates.

本时程提供课程内容主题。This calendar provides the course's lecture topics.

这种历法代表13种力量和20种能量。This calendar represents 13 forces and 20 energies.