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How to run unit tests


To run the unit tests, you currently need a set of programs installed:

  • OpenTracker - Needed for tracker operations. If you can provide an Erlang-based tracker, so much the better!
  • QuickCheck Mini - The small version of QuviQ's QuickCheck tool. It should be somewhere in your Erlang path.
  • Transmission 2.21 - To install this, I use a PPA in Ubuntu, namely ppa:transmissionbt/ppa use add-apt-repository to get it in.

Performing tests

To perform all tests, run

make distclean test

There are some important targets you can use for test cases. Note that dependency management could be improved, so you will have to run these manually for now:

  • distclean - We always run tests from the release in rel so when you do changes, you will have to rebuild the release in rel. The easiest way is to distclean everything and then have the test target build the release as a dependency.

  • testclean - The test system creates a number of files for testing purposes the first time it is run. This target removes these and is necessary if you alter the generated data already on disk.

What tests are performed?


Internal tests are done with EUnit inside the modules of the etorrent source code proper (underneath an IFDEF shield). There are both "normal" unit tests and QuickCheck tests in there and both are run if you execute make eunit.

Common Test

Common Test is our external test framework. It uses the release build to perform a series of does-it-work tests by trying to run the code and requiring correctness of the tested files. Currently performed tests:

  • Start a tracker and two instances of etorrent. Seed from one instance to the other instance to make sure we can transfer files.

Output from Common Test are in the top-level directory logs by default. Point your browser to logs/index.html.