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File metadata and controls

85 lines (62 loc) · 2.7 KB
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vim :ListOld

I use Vim as my main text editor. It's ubiquitous. I have a minimal .vim/ setup. It moves around with me easily.

I needed a way to access the most recently updated files. :bro old is painful to use.

Here is a vimscript function that pipes the output of :bro old in a file then lets you roam in it with j and k and then hit <space> to open a file. Use the standard ctrl-6 or ctrl-^ to get back in the file list.

function! s:ListOld()

  let fn = tempname() . '.listold'
  exe 'e ' . fn
    " create and enter temporary file

  exe 'redir @z'
  exe 'silent bro ol'
  exe 'redir END'
  exe 'put=@z'
    " run `bro ol` and pipe its result into the `z` register
    " paste the content of the register in our file

  exe '%s/^[0-9]\+: //'
    " remove the file numbers at the head of the lines

  exe 'g/^[^0-9]/d'
  exe 'g/^$/d'
  exe 'g/^[^~]/d'
  exe 'g/EDITMSG/d'
  exe 'g/NetrwTreeListing/d'
    " remove unnecessary lines

  setlocal syntax=listold
    " activate `listold` syntax

  call feedkeys("1GO^M== ListOld^M^[j")
  call feedkeys(":w^M")
    " add '== ListOld' header

  nmap <buffer> o gF
  nmap <buffer> <space> gF
  nmap <buffer> <CR> gF
    " hitting o, space or return opens the file under the cursor
    " just for the current buffer


command! -nargs=0 ListOld :call <SID>ListOld()
nnoremap <silent> <leader>o :call <SID>ListOld()
  " when I hit ";o" it lists the recently used files...

au BufRead *.listold set filetype=listold
  " ensure listold syntax stays with our .listold buffers

The original is at

Here is an example output:

I move up and down with k and j and hit space to open the file under the cursor. I hit ctrl-6 (;; in my setting) to get back to the list of files.

I also added:

alias vo='vim -c "ListOld"'

to my .bashrc so that vo fires up Vim directly in this list of files.

This script is condensed from a series of google searches and stackoverflow scans. I felt like quitting in the middle, but there is always an answer somewhere that unlocks it all.

Update: I went for another function, named ListFiles that lists the buffers and the recent files in one go.