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Releases: jnmclarty/pyenvdiff-lib

The PyCon Canada 2018 Release

19 Nov 01:48
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This release was made possible by enthusiasm encouraged at PyCon Canada 2018. Indirectly, that means all the sponsors, organisers and attendees!

This is the first release to include a bottle-powered hub, that allows for P2P-like comparison of environments, with a web-based view & diff! See the HISTORY file for detailed change log.

Thanks to @brukhabtu for contributing to this release, @guettli for reporting issues, and @alysivji for consulting & encouraging!

Note: The package on pypi, for this release (and attached as an asset in GH), was built using a submodule of bottle. All the "latest" links, from github, didn't work with the submodule. So I brute forced checking in a copy of There is a tag pypi030 for record keeping only. Only difference between that tag and this, is how bottle was vendored into the release.