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Temperature converter: better represent temperatures and inputs
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joakin committed Feb 2, 2019
1 parent 40cedfe commit ca3ab6e
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Showing 2 changed files with 89 additions and 22 deletions.
80 changes: 58 additions & 22 deletions src/tasks/TemperatureConverter/Main.elm
Expand Up @@ -4,25 +4,38 @@ import Browser
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Tasks.TemperatureConverter.Temperature as Temperature exposing (Temperature)

type alias Model =
{ celsius : String, farenheit : String }
{ temperature : Temperature
, celsius : TemperatureInput
, farenheit : TemperatureInput

type Msg
= Update TemperatureUnit String
type TemperatureInput
= Valid
| Invalid String

type TemperatureUnit
type Unit
= Celsius
| Farenheit

type Msg
= Update Unit String

main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ init = { celsius = "", farenheit = "" }
{ init =
{ temperature = Temperature.fromCelsius 0
, celsius = Invalid ""
, farenheit = Invalid ""
, update = update
, view = view
Expand All @@ -40,36 +53,59 @@ update msg model =
updateAsString temperatureUnit value model

updateTemperature : TemperatureUnit -> Float -> Model -> Model
updateTemperature temperatureUnit value { celsius, farenheit } =
case temperatureUnit of
Celsius ->
{ celsius = String.fromFloat value
, farenheit = String.fromFloat <| value * (9 / 5) + 32
updateTemperature : Unit -> Float -> Model -> Model
updateTemperature temperatureUnit value model =
{ temperature =
case temperatureUnit of
Celsius ->
Temperature.fromCelsius value

Farenheit ->
{ celsius = String.fromFloat <| (value - 32) * (5 / 9)
, farenheit = String.fromFloat value
Farenheit ->
Temperature.fromFarenheit value

-- When the temperature input by the user is valid, mark both input fields
-- as valid to be updated
, celsius = Valid
, farenheit = Valid

updateAsString : TemperatureUnit -> String -> Model -> Model

updateAsString : Unit -> String -> Model -> Model
updateAsString temperatureUnit value model =
case temperatureUnit of
Celsius ->
{ model | celsius = value }
{ model | celsius = Invalid value }

Farenheit ->
{ model | farenheit = value }
{ model | farenheit = Invalid value }

view : Model -> Html Msg
view { celsius, farenheit } =
view { temperature, celsius, farenheit } =
div []
[ input [ type_ "text", value celsius, onInput (Update Celsius) ] []
[ temperatureInput celsius Celsius temperature
, span [] [ text " Celsius" ]
, span [] [ text " = " ]
, input [ type_ "text", value farenheit, onInput (Update Farenheit) ] []
, temperatureInput farenheit Farenheit temperature
, span [] [ text " Farenheit" ]

temperatureInput : TemperatureInput -> Unit -> Temperature -> Html Msg
temperatureInput field unit temperature =
strValue =
case field of
Valid ->
String.fromFloat <|
case unit of
Celsius ->
Temperature.toCelsius temperature

Farenheit ->
Temperature.toFarenheit temperature

Invalid str ->
input [ type_ "text", value strValue, onInput (Update unit) ] []
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions src/tasks/TemperatureConverter/Temperature.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
module Tasks.TemperatureConverter.Temperature exposing
( Temperature
, fromCelsius
, fromFarenheit
, toCelsius
, toFarenheit

type Temperature
= InCelsius Float

fromCelsius : Float -> Temperature
fromCelsius n =
InCelsius n

toCelsius : Temperature -> Float
toCelsius (InCelsius n) =

fromFarenheit : Float -> Temperature
fromFarenheit n =
InCelsius <| (n - 32) * (5 / 9)

toFarenheit : Temperature -> Float
toFarenheit (InCelsius n) =
n * (9 / 5) + 32

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