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Demo of Carvel Tool Suite


The Carvel Tool Suite website

Setting up the development environment


Create the thing application

Generate image with code

mkdir -p tmp
bin/kbld -f build.docker.gcr.yml -f deployment/config/app.yml --imgpkg-lock-output tmp/images.yml

Presentation layout Before the demo:

bin/kapp deploy -a kc -f

Demo part 1

Before starting

Creates the namespace, and the service account needed by kapp-controller to install the application

make setup-demo-1

Steps of the demo

We are using a Helm application, but we can use ytt or manifest This is a Hello World application that writes to the logs some text Look at the App Custom Resource As Helen mentioned before we are retrieving the configuration for our application from a git repository, this is the repository I have checked out in my editor. The App Custom Resource templates the manifests that are present in the git repository and afterwards deploys

  1. Apply the App CR bin/kapp deploy -a demo-1 -f demo/01-simple-app-cr/config/app-cr.git.yml
  2. Check the yaml kubectl get pod -n demo-1-ns
  3. Look at the logs to check the message kubectl logs -n demo-1-ns

END: Lets see how can we build up from this scenario

Demo part 2

Before starting

  1. Creates the namespace, and the service account needed by kapp-controller to install the application
    make setup-demo-2
  2. Create the bundle
mkdir -p tmp/bundle/.imgpkg
helm template hello-world-app demo/01-simple-app-cr/hello-world | bin/kbld -f- --imgpkg-lock-output tmp/bundle/.imgpkg/images.yml
bin/imgpkg push -b -f tmp/bundle/ -f demo/01-simple-app-cr/hello-world

Steps of the demo

  1. Operator defines the package and make it available to be installed later bin/kapp deploy -a package-bundle -f demo/02-simple-package-cr/package.bundle.yml
  2. Check the yaml kubectl get package hello-world-helm.1.0.0
  3. Instantiate the application from the package previously defined bin/kapp deploy -a installed-package-bundle -f demo/02-simple-package-cr/installed.package.yml
  4. Check that a pod was created with the updated environment variable kubectl get pod -n demo-2-ns
  5. Look at the logs to check the message kubectl logs -n demo-2-ns

END: Lets see how can we build up from this scenario

Demo part 3

Before starting

  1. Creates the namespace, and the service account needed by kapp-controller to install the application
    make setup-demo-3
  2. Create the bundles
mkdir -p tmp/bundle/.imgpkg
helm template hello-world-app demo/01-simple-app-cr/hello-world | bin/kbld -f- --imgpkg-lock-output tmp/bundle/.imgpkg/images.yml
bin/imgpkg push -b -f tmp/bundle/ -f demo/03-package-repository-cr/hello-world-1.1.0
bin/imgpkg push -b -f tmp/bundle/ -f demo/03-package-repository-cr/hello-world-2.0.0
bin/kbld -f demo/03-package-repository-cr/repository-v1 --imgpkg-lock-output tmp/package-repository-bundle/.imgpkg/images.yml 
bin/imgpkg push -b -f demo/03-package-repository-cr/repository-v1 -f tmp/package-repository-bundle

Steps of the demo

I created

  1. Check all the installed packages before creating the package repository kubectl get packages
  2. Create the package repository from an OCI Image bin/kapp deploy -a package-repository -f demo/03-package-repository-cr/package-repository.yaml
  3. Check all the available packages kubectl get packages

Automatic update of versions

Talk about creating a package registry

  1. Producer would add a new version
    bin/imgpkg push -b -f demo/03-package-repository-cr/repository-v2
  2. Check the packages available kubectl get packages


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