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v2.1.4 (2022-06-15)

Maintenance release.

  • Declare the pyspotify project as dead.
  • Add support for Python 3.9 and 3.10. No changes was required, but the test suite now runs on these versions too. (PR: 203)
  • Switch from CircleCI to GitHub Actions.

v2.1.3 (2019-12-29)

Maintenance release.

  • Document that the playlists API is broken. If it is used, emit a warning to notify the user of the playlist functionality.
  • Update project links.

v2.1.2 (2019-12-10)

Maintenance release.

  • Silently abort libspotify sp_*_release() function calls that happen during process shutdown, after pyspotify's global lock is freed. (Fixes: 202)

v2.1.1 (2019-11-17)

Maintenance release.

  • Add support for Python 3.8. No changes was required, but the test suite now runs on this version too.
  • Switch from Travis CI to CircleCI.

v2.1.0 (2019-07-08)

Maintenance release.

  • Drop support for Python 3.3 and 3.4, as both has reached end of life.
  • Add support for Python 3.6 and 3.7. No changes was required, but the test suite now runs on these versions too.
  • On Python 3, import Iterable, MutableSequence, and Sequence from instead of collections. This fixes a deprecation warning on Python 3.7 and prepares for Python 3.8.
  • Document that the search API is broken. If it is used, raise an exception instead of sending the search to Spotify, as that seems to disconnect your session. (Fixes: 183)
  • Format source code with Black.

v2.0.5 (2015-09-22)

Bug fix release.

  • To follow up on the previous release, the getters for the proxy configs now convert empty strings in the sp_session_config struct back to None. Thus, the need to set these configs to empty strings in the struct to make sure the cached settings are cleared from disk are now an internal detail, hidden from the user of pyspotify.
  • Make ~spotify.Config.tracefile default to None and set to NULL in the libspotify config struct. If it is set to an empty string by default, libspotify will try to use a file with an empty filename for cache and fail with "LibError: Unable to open trace file". Now empty strings are set as NULL in the sp_session_config struct. (Fixes: 70)
  • libspotify segfaults if the device_id config is set to an empty string. We now avoid this segfault if ~spotify.Config.device_id is set to an empty string by setting the device_id field in libspotify's sp_session_config struct to NULL instead.
  • As some test tools (like 4.0) no longer support Python 3.2, we no longer test pyspotify on Python 3.2. Though, we have not done anything to intentionally break support for Python 3.2 ourselves.

v2.0.4 (2015-09-15)

Bug fix release.

  • It has been observed that libspotify will reuse cached proxy settings from previous sessions if the proxy fields on the sp_session_config struct are set to NULL. When the sp_session_config fields are set to an empty string, the cached settings are updated. When attributes on spotify.Config are set to None, we now set the fields on sp_session_config to empty strings instead of NULL.

v2.0.3 (2015-09-05)

Bug fix release.

  • Make moving a playlist to its own location a no-op instead of causing an error like libspotify does. (Fixes: 175)
  • New better installation instructions. (Fixes: 174)

v2.0.2 (2015-08-06)

Bug fix release.

  • Use sp_session_starred_for_user_create(session, username) instead of sp_playlist_create(session, link) to get starred playlists by URI. The previous approach caused segfaults under some circumstances. (Fixes: 60)

v2.0.1 (2015-07-20)

Bug fix release.

  • Make spotify.Session.get_playlist acquire the global lock before modifying the global playlist cache.
  • Make ~spotify.Playlist and ~spotify.PlaylistContainer register callbacks with libspotify if and only if a Python event handler is added to the object. Previously, we always registered the callbacks with libspotify. Hopefully, this will remove the preconditions for the crashes in 122, 153, and 165.

v2.0.0 (2015-06-01)

pyspotify 2.x is a full rewrite of pyspotify. While pyspotify 1.x is a CPython C extension, pyspotify 2.x uses CFFI to wrap the libspotify C library. It works on CPython 2.7 and 3.2+, as well as PyPy 2.6+. pyspotify 2.0 makes 100% of the libspotify 12.1.51 API available from Python, going far beyond the API coverage of pyspotify 1.x.

The following are the changes since pyspotify 2.0.0b5.

Dependency changes

  • Require cffi >= 1.0. (Fixes: 133, 160)
  • If you're using pyspotify with PyPy you need version 2.6 or newer as older versions of PyPy come with a too old cffi version. For PyPy3, you'll probably need the yet to be released PyPy3 2.5.

ALSA sink

  • Changed the spotify.AlsaSink keyword argument card to device to align with pyalsaaudio 0.8.
  • Updated to work with pyalsaaudio 0.8 which changed the signature of alsaaudio.PCM. spotify.AlsaSink still works with pyalsaaudio 0.7, but 0.8 is recommended at least for Python 3 users, as it fixes a memory leak present on Python 3 (see 127). (Fixes: 162)

v2.0.0b5 (2015-05-09)

A fifth beta with a couple of bug fixes.

Minor changes

  • Changed spotify.Link.as_playlist() to also support creating playlists from links with type spotify.LinkType.STARRED.
  • Changed all load() methods to raise spotify.Error instead of RuntimeError if the session isn't logged in.
  • Changed from nose to py.test as test runner.

Bug fixes

  • Work around segfault in libspotify when spotify.Config.cache_location is set to None and then used to create a session. (Fixes: 151)
  • Return a spotify.PlaylistPlaceholder object instead of raising an exception if the playlist container contains an element of type ~spotify.PlaylistType.PLACEHOLDER. (Fixes: 159)

v2.0.0b4 (2015-01-13)

The fourth beta includes a single API change, a couple of API additions, and otherwise minor tweaks to logging.

pyspotify 2.x has been verified to work on PyPy3, and PyPy3 is now part of the test matrix.

Minor changes

  • Added spotify.Link.url which returns an URL for the link object.
  • Adjusted info, warning, and error level log messages to include the word "Spotify" or "pyspotify" for context in applications not including the logger name in the log. debug level messages have not been changed, as it is assumed that more details, including the logger name, is included in debug logs.
  • Added spotify.player.Player.state which is maintained by calls to the various ~spotify.player.Player methods.

Bug fixes

  • Fix spotify.Playlist.reorder_tracks. It now accepts a list of track indexes instead of a list of tracks. This makes it possible to reorder any of multiple identical tracks in a playlist and is consistent with spotify.Playlist.remove_tracks. (Fixes: 134)
  • Fix pause/resume/stop in the examples/ example. (PR: 140)
  • Errors passed to session callbacks are now logged with the full error type representation, instead of just the integer value. E.g. where previously only "8" was logged, we now log "<ErrorType.UNABLE_TO_CONTACT_SERVER: 8>".

v2.0.0b3 (2014-05-04)

The third beta includes a couple of changes to the API in the name of consistency, as well as three minor improvements.

Also worth noticing is that with this release, pyspotify 2.x has been in development for a year and a day. Happy birthday, pyspotify 2!

Refactoring: Connection cleanup

Parts of spotify.Session and spotify.Session.offline has been moved to spotify.Session.connection:

  • ~spotify.offline.Offline.set_connection_type has been replaced by session.connection.type <spotify.connection.Connection.type>, which now also allows reading the current connection type.
  • ~spotify.offline.Offline.set_connection_rules has been replaced by:

    • ~spotify.connection.Connection.allow_network
    • ~spotify.connection.Connection.allow_network_if_roaming
    • ~spotify.connection.Connection.allow_sync_over_wifi
    • ~spotify.connection.Connection.allow_sync_over_mobile

    The new attributes allow reading the current connection rules, so your application don't have to keep track of what rules it has set.

  • session.connection_state <spotify.Session.connection_state> has been replaced by session.connection.state <spotify.connection.Connection.state>

Refactoring: position vs index

Originally, pyspotify named everything identically with libspotify and have thus ended up with a mix of the terms "position" and "index" for the same concept. Now, we use "index" all over the place, as that's also the name used in the Python world at large. This changes the signature of three methods, which may affect you if you use keyword arguments to call the methods. There's also a number of affected events, but these changes shouldn't stop your code from working.

Affected functions include:

  • spotify.Playlist.add_tracks now takes index instead of position.
  • spotify.Playlist.remove_tracks now takes indexes instead of positions.
  • spotify.Playlist.reorder_tracks now takes new_index instead of new_position.

Affected events include:

  • spotify.PlaylistContainerEvent.PLAYLIST_ADDED
  • spotify.PlaylistContainerEvent.PLAYLIST_REMOVED
  • spotify.PlaylistContainerEvent.PLAYLIST_MOVED
  • spotify.PlaylistEvent.TRACKS_ADDED
  • spotify.PlaylistEvent.TRACKS_REMOVED
  • spotify.PlaylistEvent.TRACKS_MOVED
  • spotify.PlaylistEvent.TRACK_CREATED_CHANGED
  • spotify.PlaylistEvent.TRACK_SEEN_CHANGED
  • spotify.PlaylistEvent.TRACK_MESSAGE_CHANGED

Minor changes

  • load() methods now return the object if it is already loaded, even if ~spotify.connection.Connection.state isn't ~spotify.ConnectionState.LOGGED_IN. Previously, a RuntimeError was raised requiring the session to be logged in and online before loading already loaded objects.
  • spotify.Playlist.tracks now implements the collections.MutableSequence contract, supporting deleting items with del playlist.tracks[i], adding items with playlist.tracks[i] = track, etc.
  • spotify.Session.get_link and all other methods accepting Spotify URIs now also understand and URLs.

v2.0.0b2 (2014-04-29)

The second beta is a minor bug fix release.

Bug fixes

  • Fix spotify.Playlist.remove_tracks. It now accepts a list of track positions instead of a list of tracks. This makes it possible to remove any of multiple identical tracks in a playlist. (Fixes: 128)

Minor changes

  • Make all objects compare as equal and have the same hash if they wrap the same libspotify object. This makes it possible to find the index of a track in a playlist by doing playlist.tracks.index(track), where playlist.tracks is a custom collection always returning new ~spotify.Track instances. (Related to: 128)
  • spotify.Config.ca_certs_filename now works on systems where libspotify has this field. On systems where this field isn't present in libspotify, assigning to it will have no effect. Previously, assignment to this field was a noop on all platforms because the field is missing from libspotify on OS X.

v2.0.0b1 (2014-04-24)

pyspotify 2.x is a full rewrite of pyspotify. While pyspotify 1.x is a CPython C extension, pyspotify 2.x uses CFFI to make 100% of the libspotify C library available from Python. It works on CPython 2.7 and 3.2+, as well as PyPy 2.1+.

Since the previous release, pyspotify has become thread safe. That is, pyspotify can safely be used from multiple threads. The added thread safety made an integrated event loop possible, which greatly simplifies the usage of pyspotify, as can be seen from the updated example in examples/ Audio sink helpers for ALSA and PortAudio have been added, together with updated examples that can play music. A number of bugs have been fixed, and at the time of the release, there are no known issues.

The pyspotify 2.0.0b1 release marks the completion of all planned features for pyspotify 2.x. The plans for the next releases are focused on fixing bugs as they surface, incrementally improving the documentation, and integrating feedback from increased usage of the library in the wild.

Feature: Thread safety

  • Hold the global lock while we are working with pointers returned by libspotify. This ensures that we never call libspotify from another thread while we are still working on the data returned by the previous libspotify call, which could make the data garbage.
  • Ensure we never edit shared data structures without holding the global lock.

Feature: Event loop

  • Add spotify.EventLoop helper thread that reacts to ~spotify.SessionEvent.NOTIFY_MAIN_THREAD events and calls ~spotify.Session.process_events for you when appropriate.
  • Update examples/ to be a lot simpler with the help of the new event loop.

Feature: Audio playback

  • Add spotify.AlsaSink, an audio sink for playback through ALSA on Linux systems.
  • Add spotify.PortAudioSink, an audio sink for playback through PortAudio on most platforms, including Linux, OS X, and Windows.
  • Update examples/ to use the ALSA sink to play music.
  • Add examples/ as a simpler example of audio playback.

Refactoring: Remove global state

To prepare for removing all global state, the use of the module attribute spotify.session_instance has been replaced with explicit passing of the session object to all objects that needs it. To allow for this, the following new methods have been added, and should be used instead of their old equivalents:

  • spotify.Session.get_link replaces spotify.Link.
  • spotify.Session.get_track replaces spotify.Track.
  • spotify.Session.get_local_track replaces spotify.LocalTrack.
  • spotify.Session.get_album replaces spotify.Album.
  • spotify.Session.get_artist replaces spotify.Artist.
  • spotify.Session.get_playlist replaces spotify.Playlist.
  • spotify.Session.get_user replaces spotify.User.
  • spotify.Session.get_image replaces spotify.Image.
  • spotify.Session.get_toplist replaces spotify.Toplist.

Refactoring: Consistent naming of Session members

With all the above getters added to the spotify.Session object, it made sense to rename some existing methods of ~spotify.Session for consistency:

  • spotify.Session.starred_for_user is replaced by ~spotify.Session.get_starred.
  • spotify.Session.starred to get the currently logged in user's starred playlist is replaced by ~spotify.Session.get_starred without any arguments.
  • spotify.Session.get_published_playlists replaces ~spotify.Session.published_playlists_for_user. As previously, it returns the published playlists for the currently logged in user if no username is provided.

Refactoring: Consistent naming of threading.Event objects

All threading.Event objects have been renamed to be consistently named across classes.

  • spotify.AlbumBrowser.loaded_event replaces spotify.AlbumBrowser.complete_event.
  • spotify.ArtistBrowser.loaded_event replaces spotify.ArtistBrowser.complete_event.
  • spotify.Image.loaded_event replaces spotify.Image.load_event.
  • spotify.InboxPostResult.loaded_event replaces spotify.InboxPostResult.complete_event.
  • spotify.Search.loaded_event replaces spotify.Search.complete_event.
  • spotify.Toplist.loaded_event replaces spotify.Toplist.complete_event.

Refactoring: Change how to register image load listeners

pyspotify has two main schemes for registering listener functions:

  • Objects that only emit an event when it is done loading, like ~spotify.AlbumBrowser, ~spotify.ArtistBrowser, ~spotify.InboxPostResult, ~spotify.Search, and ~spotify.Toplist, accept a single callback as a callback argument to its constructor or constructor methods.
  • Objects that have multiple callback events, like ~spotify.Session, ~spotify.PlaylistContainer, and ~spotify.Playlist, accept the registration and unregistration of one or more listener functions for each event it emits. This can happen any time during the object's life cycle.

Due to pyspotify's close mapping to libspotify's organization, Image objects used to use a third variant with two methods, ~spotify.Image.add_load_callback and ~spotify.Image.remove_load_callback, for adding and removing load callbacks. These methods have now been removed, and ~spotify.Image accepts a callback argument to its constructor and constructor methods:

  • spotify.Album.cover accepts a callback argument.
  • spotify.Artist.portrait accepts a callback argument.
  • spotify.ArtistBrowser.portraits is now a method and accepts a callback argument.
  • spotify.Link.as_image accepts a callback argument.
  • spotify.Playlist.image is now a method and accepts a callback argument.
  • spotify.Session.get_image accepts a callback argument.

Bug fixes

  • Remove multiple extra sp_link_add_ref() calls, potentially causing memory leaks in libspotify.
  • Add missing error check to spotify.Playlist.add_tracks.
  • Keep album, artist, image, inbox, search, and toplist objects alive until their complete/load callbacks have been called, even if the library user doesn't keep any references to the objects. (Fixes: 121)
  • Fix flipped logic causing crash in spotify.Album.cover_link. (Fixes: 126)
  • Work around segfault in libspotify if is set before the session is logged in and the first events are processed. This is a bug in libspotify which has been reported to Spotify through their IRC channel.
  • Multiple attributes on ~spotify.Track raised an exception if accessed before the track was loaded. They now return None or similar as documented.
  • Fix segfault when creating local tracks without all arguments specified. NULL was used as the placeholder instead of the empty string.
  • Support negative indexes on all custom sequence types. For example, collection[-1] returns the last element in the collection.
  • We now cache playlists when created from URIs. Previously, only playlists created from sp_playlist objects were cached. This avoids a potentially large number of wrapper object recreations due to a flood of updates to the playlist when it is initially loaded. Combined with having registered a callback for the libspotify playlist_update_in_progress callback, this could cause deep call stacks reaching the maximum recursion depth. (Fixes: 122)

Minor changes

  • Add spotify.get_libspotify_api_version and spotify.get_libspotify_build_id.
  • Running python test now runs the test suite.
  • The tests are now compatible with CPython 3.4. No changes to the implementation was required.
  • The test suite now runs on Mac OS X, using CPython 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, and PyPy 2.2, on every push to GitHub.

v2.0.0a1 (2014-02-14)

pyspotify 2.x is a full rewrite of pyspotify. While pyspotify 1.x is a CPython C extension, pyspotify 2.x uses CFFI to wrap the libspotify C library. It works on CPython 2.7 and 3.2+, as well as PyPy 2.1+.

This first alpha release of pyspotify 2.0.0 makes 100% of the libspotify 12.1.51 API available from Python, going far beyond the API coverage of pyspotify 1.x.

pyspotify 2.0.0a1 has an extensive test suite with 98% line coverage. All tests pass on all combinations of CPython 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, PyPy 2.2 running on Linux on i386, amd64, armel, and armhf. Mac OS X should work, but has not been tested recently.

This release does not provide:

  • thread safety,
  • an event loop for regularly processing libspotify events, or
  • audio playback drivers.

These features are planned for the upcoming prereleases.

Development milestones

  • 2014-02-13: Playlist callbacks complete. pyspotify 2.x now covers 100% of the libspotify 12 API. Docs reviewed, quickstart guide extended. Redundant getters/setters removed.
  • 2014-02-08: Playlist container callbacks complete.
  • 2014-01-31: Redesign session event listening to a model supporting multiple listeners per event, with a nicer API for registering listeners.
  • 2013-12-16: Ensure we never call libspotify from two different threads at the same time. We can't assume that the CPython GIL will ensure this for us, as we target non-CPython interpreters like PyPy.
  • 2013-12-13: Artist browsing complete.
  • 2013-12-13: Album browsing complete.
  • 2013-11-29: Toplist subsystem complete.
  • 2013-11-27: Inbox subsystem complete.
  • 2013-10-14: Playlist subsystem almost complete.
  • 2013-06-21: Search subsystem complete.
  • 2013-06-10: Album subsystem complete.
  • 2013-06-09: Track and artist subsystem complete.
  • 2013-06-02: Session subsystem complete, with all methods.
  • 2013-06-01: Session callbacks complete.
  • 2013-05-25: Session config complete.
  • 2013-05-16: Link subsystem complete.
  • 2013-05-09: User subsystem complete.
  • 2013-05-08: Session configuration and creation, with login and logout works.
  • 2013-05-03: The Python object spotify.lib is a working CFFI wrapper around the entire libspotify 12 API. This will be the foundation for more pythonic APIs. The library currently works on CPython 2.7, 3.3 and PyPy 2.

v1.x series

See the pyspotify 1.x changelog.