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Python code for automated analysis of Per2::iLuc bioluminescence data. Published in Shan, Abel, ... Doyle III, Takahashi, Neuron 2021.


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Code for per2py data analysis

This repository contains code for processing color-switching Per2iLuc data in a high-throughput manner, with a manuscript under review. It uses the scientific Python stack to identify and process circadian oscillatory data in a reproducible manner.

Per2iLuc color switching may be useful for studying either cellular in vitro or whole-animal in vivo circadian oscillation. To handle these two scenarios, we have created a suite of data analytics functions tailored to each. All code is presented here so that an experienced computational biologist can adapt the code for their specific use.

Below, please find instructions for the use of this package, and a step-by-step walkthrough of the analysis it performs. For any errors, bugs, or questions, please use the Issues board on this Github repository. It is possible that this code should be adapted for the individual system employed for experimentation. If this is desired, please contact John Abel at jhabel01(at)gmail(dot)com.

Version 0.1.0, 13 Jan 2020.

Table of Contents


We recommend cloning this repository, or downloading a .zip copy of it. The methods for data analysis default to look for data within the Demo directory, and enable the user to direct the analysis at other directories.

The scripts in this package are written in Python 2.7. The following dependencies are required for running this code. We recommend using Anaconda to manage the Python environment in which this analysis is done, and using Anaconda's pip install to install the necessary packages.

Using Anaconda

To set up an Anaconda environement for these scripts, run in a terminal command line interpreter:

conda create -n per2py python=2.7
conda activate per2py

Pip is autoamtically installed by conda, so all dependencies may be installed using:

python -m pip install --user numpy scipy matplotlib ipython jupyter pandas spectrum pywavelets lmfit prettyplotlib

Without Anaconda

If not using Anaconda, it is sufficient to ensure that the following packages are installed in a Python 2.7 environment:

Package Version Website
jupyter 1.0.0
numpy >1.6.0
scipy >0.13.0
matplotlib >1.3.0
future >0.16.0
spectrum 0.7.5
pandas 0.23.4
pywavelets 1.0.1
lmfit 0.9.11
prettyplotlib 0.1.7

To check for pip:

python -m ensurepip

If pip is installed, the associated packages may be installed with:

pip install -U [packagename]


We have provided two interfaces for running the data analysis tools within this package. A Jupyter Notebook is provided for a simplified interface to the standardized tools for analysis of single-cell data, and a Python script is provided for a more experienced user. Example data for each script is included in the Demo directory. A summary of the saved results is provided in the Interpreting Results subsection below.

Running analysis in a Jupyter/iPython Notebook

The Jupyter Notebook provides a simple interface to the computational tools within this package. For analysis of single-cell data, open the cellular_analysis.ipynb jupyter notebook using a Python 2.7 interpreter. Evaluate each cell sequentially to perform the data analysis.

Details regarding the computations performed in each of these notebooks are provided below.

Running analysis using a terminal and command line

In addition to a Jupyter Notebook, we have provided a Python script interface to the analysis tools. To run this code, adjust the lines near the top of the file, and do python [script_name].py to run the code. We note that the user may want to adjust some parameters (e.g., sampling interval) before use. If using conda as above, run conda activate per2py in the terminal before running the analysis to ensure the proper environment is used.

Analysis of cellular bioluminescence recordings

Importing data

The data may be imported directly from the imageJ output .xls file. If so, set:

pull_from_imagej = True
input_folder = [path to directory containing data]
input_ij_file   = [name of imageJ file with no extension]

If the data are not being taken from an imageJ file but has already been converted into _signal.csv and _XY.csv files, one need only adjust data_type so that raw_signal and raw_xy look in the correct locations. The flag for pulling from imageJ should be set to False.

Interpreting Results

The data produced during this analysis includes detrended signal, detrended and denoised signal, z-scored detrended and denoised signal, Lomb-Scargle periodogram results, a sinusoidal approximation to the data, the phases of the sinusoidal approximation, and parameters describing the oscillation for each trajectory provided. These results are exported as .csv files in the following manner into the analysis_output directory.

Filename ends in: Data
_signal.csv Raw bioluminescence.
_XY.csv Raw location values.
_signal_detrend.csv Data interpolated and detrended via HP filter.
_signal_detrend_denoise.csv Detrended, denoised, 12h truncated data.
_XY_detrend_denoise.csv Detrended, denoised, 12h truncated locations.
_zscore.csv Z-scored detrended and denoised data.
_lombscargle.csv Normalized Lomb-Scargle periodogram values.
_cosine.csv The sinusoid fit to each cell. Only created if cell is rhythmic.
_cosine_phases.csv The sinusoid phases corresponding to the fit.
_oscillatory_params.csv Rhythmic, estimated phase, normalized LS circadian peak, period (h), amplitude, decay, $R^2$.

Step-by-step details for analysis of single-cell data

  1. Import data. Details on the data import are provided in the instructions section.

  2. Detect outliers and interpolate missing intermediate values in the dataset. Outliers > 5 standard deviations from the mean (typically, cosmic rays) are removed. Missing data are then linearly interpolated. This is only applied to intermediate points (i.e., no extrapolation is performed).

  3. Detrend via Hodrick-Prescott filter. A Hodrick-Prescott filter is applied to detrend the data. We (JH Abel and Y Shan) found that this performs better than polynomial detrending in that it does not overfit the trend and begin to fit the oscillatory components. Parameter selection for the filter is performed as in Ravn, Uhlig 2004, and implemented as in St. John and Doyle PLOS Comp Biol 2015.

  4. Eigendecompose and reconstruct the signal to denoise data. An eigendecomposition of the autocorrelation matrix is performed. Any eigenvectors with eigenvalue >5% of the total sum of all eigenvalues is kept, and the signal is reconstructed from the corresponding eigenvectors. The process is explained in detail here:

  5. Truncate first 12 h to remove artifact. All trajectories are truncated to start at 12 h. This is due to a high-amplitude transient response to cell plating. If a trajectory is first found after 12 h, no time is truncated since it does not exhibit an artifact from plating.

    Note that this signal may not be present for recordings in vivo.

  6. Apply a Lomb-Scargle periodogram to determine which timeseries. The Lomb-Scargle periodogram is used to identify statistically significant circadian oscillation. Here, we have defined this as having a dominant peak of P<0.05 between periods of 18 and 30 h. The method for periodogram calculation and corresponding P-values is from WH Press, Numerical Recipes, 1994, p576. The final periodogram is normalized using the standard normalization in astropy or scipy. In Shan et al. 2020 we applied this to the detrended, denoised, and truncated data so that the noise difference between channels is corrected, however, for general use this should be applied to the detrended but not denoised data, as is in this repository.

  7. Fit a damped cosine to the data to yield sine fit, phase, amplitude, damping rate, goodness of fit. All rhythmic cells are now fit by a damped sinusoid plus a polynomial (to fit any non-oscillatory trend) using nonlinear least squares. Only the sinusoid data is returned.

  8. Export data from the analyses. The data produced at most steps of this process is then saved in the output folder, as delineated in the Usage.

  9. Generate plots for error-checking. Summaries of the data processing are performed for three cells selected at random. Subpanels are A-F, left to right, top to bottom. (A) Raw bioluminescence data. (B) Raw bioluminescence with trend (gold). (C) Detrended bioluminescence. (D) Eigendecomposition (gold) with threshold for reconstruction (red). (E) Detrended and denoised reconstructed signal. (F) Lomb-Scargle periodogram with rhythmic test in y-axis. (G) Sinusoid fit to data with $R^2$ value in y-axis label. (H) Detrended, denoised, and sine fit plotted simultaneously. These are saved in the analysis_outputs folder.

Analysis of whole-body bioluminescence recordings

This will be added in future work.


This package is licensed under the GNU General Public Licesnce vserion 3. Please see LICENSE for more information.


This package was written by John H. Abel and Yongli Shan. Portions of the processing files are adapted from St. John et al. Biophys J 2014.


This package was funded by NIH/NIA F32 AG064886 and NIH/NHLBI T32 HL007901 (JHA).


Python code for automated analysis of Per2::iLuc bioluminescence data. Published in Shan, Abel, ... Doyle III, Takahashi, Neuron 2021.







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