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Merge pull request xapi-project#1105 from jonludlam/CA-90857-clearwater
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CA-90857: VIF Port Locking Persistence
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Malcolm Crossley committed Mar 20, 2013
2 parents d6b6c0f + 07fc13c commit b4b727c
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Showing 14 changed files with 44 additions and 33 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions ocaml/idl/
Expand Up @@ -4957,9 +4957,9 @@ let vif =
[ namespace ~name:"qos" ~contents:(qos "VIF") (); ] @
[ field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~ty:(Ref _vif_metrics) "metrics" "metrics associated with this VIF";
field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~in_product_since:rel_george ~default_value:(Some (VBool false)) ~ty:Bool "MAC_autogenerated" "true if the MAC was autogenerated; false indicates it was set manually";
field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~in_product_since:rel_tampa ~default_value:(Some (VEnum "network_default")) ~ty:vif_locking_mode "locking_mode" "current locking mode of the VIF";
field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~in_product_since:rel_tampa ~default_value:(Some (VSet [])) ~ty:(Set (String)) "ipv4_allowed" "A list of IPv4 addresses which can be used to filter traffic passing through this VIF";
field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~in_product_since:rel_tampa ~default_value:(Some (VSet [])) ~ty:(Set (String)) "ipv6_allowed" "A list of IPv6 addresses which can be used to filter traffic passing through this VIF";
field ~qualifier:StaticRO ~in_product_since:rel_tampa ~default_value:(Some (VEnum "network_default")) ~ty:vif_locking_mode "locking_mode" "current locking mode of the VIF";
field ~qualifier:StaticRO ~in_product_since:rel_tampa ~default_value:(Some (VSet [])) ~ty:(Set (String)) "ipv4_allowed" "A list of IPv4 addresses which can be used to filter traffic passing through this VIF";
field ~qualifier:StaticRO ~in_product_since:rel_tampa ~default_value:(Some (VSet [])) ~ty:(Set (String)) "ipv6_allowed" "A list of IPv6 addresses which can be used to filter traffic passing through this VIF";

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ocaml/multipathrt/
Expand Up @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ let make_iscsi rpc session_id iscsi_luns num_vifs sr_disk_size key network =
Client.VM.set_HVM_boot_policy rpc session_id newvm "";

for i = 0 to num_vifs - 1 do
ignore (Client.VIF.create rpc session_id (string_of_int i) network newvm "" 1500L [oc_key,key] "" [])
ignore (Client.VIF.create rpc session_id (string_of_int i) network newvm "" 1500L [oc_key,key] "" [] `network_default [] [] )

Client.VM.add_to_other_config rpc session_id newvm oc_key key;
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions ocaml/perftest/
Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ let make_iscsi session_id pool network =
Client.VM.set_PV_bootloader rpc session_id newvm "pygrub";
Client.VM.set_PV_args rpc session_id newvm (Printf.sprintf "net_ip=%s net_mask=" (make_iscsi_ip pool));
Client.VM.set_HVM_boot_policy rpc session_id newvm "";
let (_ : API.ref_VIF) = Client.VIF.create rpc session_id "0" network newvm "" 1500L [oc_key,pool.key] "" [] in
let (_ : API.ref_VIF) = Client.VIF.create rpc session_id "0" network newvm "" 1500L [oc_key,pool.key] "" [] `network_default [] [] in
Client.VM.add_to_other_config rpc session_id newvm oc_key pool.key;
let localhost_uuid = Xapi_inventory.lookup "INSTALLATION_UUID" in
Client.VM.start_on rpc session_id newvm (Client.Host.get_by_uuid rpc session_id localhost_uuid) false false;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ let make ~rpc ~session_id ~pool ~vm ~networks ~storages =
Client.VM.provision ~rpc ~session_id ~vm:clone;
for device = 0 to (min vm.vifs (Array.length networks)) - 1 do
ignore(Client.VIF.create ~rpc ~session_id ~device:(string_of_int device) ~network:networks.(device)
~vM:clone ~mAC:"" ~mTU:1500L ~other_config:[] ~qos_algorithm_type:"" ~qos_algorithm_params:[])
ignore(Client.VIF.create ~rpc ~session_id ~device:(string_of_int device) ~network:networks.(device) ~vM:clone ~mAC:""
~mTU:1500L ~other_config:[] ~qos_algorithm_type:"" ~qos_algorithm_params:[] ~locking_mode:`network_default ~ipv4_allowed:[] ~ipv6_allowed:[])
Client.VM.set_memory_static_min ~rpc ~session_id ~self:clone ~value:16777216L;
Client.VM.set_memory_dynamic_min ~rpc ~session_id ~self:clone ~value:16777216L;
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ocaml/perftest/
Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ let initialise session_id template pool =
let interfaces = Array.init pool.interfaces_per_host (fun i ->
let net = networks.(get_network_num_from_interface pool i) in
Client.VIF.create ~rpc ~session_id ~device:(string_of_int i) ~network:net ~vM:template ~mAC:"" ~mTU:1500L
~other_config:[oc_key,pool.key] ~qos_algorithm_type:"" ~qos_algorithm_params:[])
~other_config:[oc_key,pool.key] ~qos_algorithm_type:"" ~qos_algorithm_params:[] ~locking_mode:`network_default ~ipv4_allowed:[] ~ipv6_allowed:[])

(* Create a disk for local storage *)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ocaml/xapi/
Expand Up @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ let find_or_create_vif { session_id = session_id; vm = vm; net = net } =
let vif, _ = List.find (fun (_, r) -> r.API.vIF_device = vif_idx) (List.combine vifs vif_records) in
with Not_found ->
Client.VIF.create ~rpc ~session_id ~vM:vm ~network:net ~mAC:"" ~device:vif_idx ~mTU:1500L ~other_config:[] ~qos_algorithm_type:"" ~qos_algorithm_params:[]
Client.VIF.create ~rpc ~session_id ~vM:vm ~network:net ~mAC:"" ~device:vif_idx ~mTU:1500L ~other_config:[] ~qos_algorithm_type:"" ~qos_algorithm_params:[] ~locking_mode:`network_default ~ipv4_allowed:[] ~ipv6_allowed:[]

let find_or_create_vbd { session_id = session_id; vm = vm; vdi = vdi } =
let rpc = make_rpc () in
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ocaml/xapi/
Expand Up @@ -1481,7 +1481,7 @@ let vif_create printer rpc session_id params =
let vm=Client.VM.get_by_uuid rpc session_id vm_uuid in
let network=Client.Network.get_by_uuid rpc session_id network_uuid in
let mtu = Client.Network.get_MTU rpc session_id network in
let vif = Client.VIF.create rpc session_id device network vm mac mtu [] "" [] in
let vif = Client.VIF.create rpc session_id device network vm mac mtu [] "" [] `network_default [] [] in
let uuid = Client.VIF.get_uuid rpc session_id vif in
printer (Cli_printer.PList [uuid])

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions ocaml/xapi/
Expand Up @@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ let vm_install fd printer rpc session_id params =
let add_vif net =
let mac = Record_util.random_mac_local () in
marshal fd (Command (Print ("Adding VIF, device "^(string_of_int !device)^" to network '"^(Client.Network.get_name_label rpc session_id net)^"' mac="^mac)));
ignore(Client.VIF.create rpc session_id (string_of_int !device) net new_vm mac 1500L [] "" []);
ignore(Client.VIF.create rpc session_id (string_of_int !device) net new_vm mac 1500L [] "" [] `network_default [] [] );
device := !device + 1
List.iter add_vif filtered_nets;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ let vm_vif_add printer rpc session_id params =
| [] -> failwith "Bridge not found"
| n::ns ->
let vif = Client.VIF.create rpc session_id device n vm mac 1500L [] "" [] in
let vif = Client.VIF.create rpc session_id device n vm mac 1500L [] "" [] `network_default [] [] in
if List.mem_assoc "rate" params then
(Client.VIF.set_qos_algorithm_type rpc session_id vif "ratelimit";
Client.VIF.add_to_qos_algorithm_params rpc session_id vif "kbs" (List.assoc "rate" params))
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ocaml/xapi/
Expand Up @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ let rec make_vifs __context vmref i =
ignore(Xapi_vif.create ~__context ~device:(string_of_int i) ~network:(get_random nws) ~vM:vmref
~mAC:"de:ad:be:ef:99:88" ~other_config:[] ~qos_algorithm_type:"" ~qos_algorithm_params:[]);
~mAC:"de:ad:be:ef:99:88" ~other_config:[] ~qos_algorithm_type:"" ~qos_algorithm_params:[] ~locking_mode:`network_default ~ipv4_allowed:[] ~ipv6_allowed:[]);
make_vifs __context vmref (i-1)

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23 changes: 13 additions & 10 deletions ocaml/xapi/
Expand Up @@ -872,6 +872,19 @@ module VIF : HandlerTools = struct
(* Construct the VIF record we're going to try to create locally. *)
let vif_record = if (Pool_features.is_enabled ~__context Features.VIF_locking) then
else begin
if vif_record.API.vIF_locking_mode = `locked then
{ vif_record with API.vIF_locking_mode = `network_default;
API.vIF_ipv4_allowed = [];
API.vIF_ipv6_allowed = [];
{ vif_record with API.vIF_ipv4_allowed = [];
API.vIF_ipv6_allowed = [];
end in
let vif_record = { vif_record with
API.vIF_VM = vm;
API.vIF_network = net;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -901,16 +914,6 @@ module VIF : HandlerTools = struct
if config.full_restore then Db.VIF.set_uuid ~__context ~self:vif ~value:value.API.vIF_uuid;
vif_record in
(* Make a best-effort attempt to persist the port locking fields - this may fail due to licensing. *)
(* The VIF is not currently_attached at this stage, so setup-vif-rules will not be called yet. *)
Client.VIF.set_locking_mode ~rpc ~session_id ~self:vif ~value:vif_record.API.vIF_locking_mode;
Client.VIF.set_ipv4_allowed ~rpc ~session_id ~self:vif ~value:vif_record.API.vIF_ipv4_allowed;
Client.VIF.set_ipv6_allowed ~rpc ~session_id ~self:vif ~value:vif_record.API.vIF_ipv6_allowed;
with e ->
debug "Could not persist port locking fields for this VIF - caught %s" (Printexc.to_string e)
state.cleanup <- (fun __context rpc session_id -> Client.VIF.destroy rpc session_id vif) :: state.cleanup;
(* Now that we can import/export suspended VMs we need to preserve the
currently_attached flag *)
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions ocaml/xapi/
Expand Up @@ -748,12 +748,12 @@ let vm_powercycle_test s vm =
(* Try to add some VIFs *)
let (guest_installer_network: API.ref_network) = find_guest_installer_network s in
debug test (Printf.sprintf "Adding VIF to guest installer network (%s)" (Client.Network.get_uuid !rpc s guest_installer_network));
let (_: API.ref_VIF) = make_vif ~session_id:s ~vM:vm ~network:guest_installer_network ~device:"0" in
let (_: API.ref_VIF) = make_vif ~session_id:s ~vM:vm ~network:guest_installer_network ~device:"0" ~locking_mode:`network_default ~ipv4_allowed:[] ~ipv6_allowed:[] in
begin match Client.PIF.get_all !rpc s with
| pif :: _ ->
let net = Client.PIF.get_network !rpc s pif in
debug test (Printf.sprintf "Adding VIF to physical network (%s)" (Client.Network.get_uuid !rpc s net));
let (_: API.ref_VIF) = make_vif ~session_id:s ~vM:vm ~network:net ~device:"1" in
let (_: API.ref_VIF) = make_vif ~session_id:s ~vM:vm ~network:net ~device:"1" ~locking_mode:`network_default ~ipv4_allowed:[] ~ipv6_allowed:[] in
| _ -> ()
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9 changes: 2 additions & 7 deletions ocaml/xapi/
Expand Up @@ -33,10 +33,9 @@ let unplug_force ~__context ~self =
Xapi_xenops.vif_unplug ~__context ~self true

let create ~__context ~device ~network ~vM
~mAC ~mTU ~other_config ~qos_algorithm_type ~qos_algorithm_params : API.ref_VIF =
~mAC ~mTU ~other_config ~qos_algorithm_type ~qos_algorithm_params ~locking_mode ~ipv4_allowed ~ipv6_allowed : API.ref_VIF =
create ~__context ~device ~network ~vM ~currently_attached:false
~mAC ~mTU ~other_config ~qos_algorithm_type ~qos_algorithm_params
~locking_mode:`network_default ~ipv4_allowed:[] ~ipv6_allowed:[]
~mAC ~mTU ~other_config ~qos_algorithm_type ~qos_algorithm_params ~locking_mode ~ipv4_allowed ~ipv6_allowed

let destroy ~__context ~self = destroy ~__context ~self

Expand All @@ -60,10 +59,6 @@ let move ~__context ~network vif =
if device_active ~__context ~self:vif
then Xapi_xenops.vif_move ~__context ~self:vif network

let assert_locking_licensed ~__context =
if (not (Pool_features.is_enabled ~__context Features.VIF_locking)) then
raise (Api_errors.Server_error(Api_errors.license_restriction, []))

let change_locking_config ~__context ~self ~licence_check f =
if licence_check then assert_locking_licensed ~__context;
f ();
Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion ocaml/xapi/xapi_vif.mli
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,10 @@ val create :
mTU:int64 ->
other_config:(string * string) list ->
qos_algorithm_type:string ->
qos_algorithm_params:(string * string) list -> API.ref_VIF
qos_algorithm_params:(string * string) list ->
locking_mode:API.vif_locking_mode ->
ipv4_allowed:string list ->
ipv6_allowed:string list -> API.ref_VIF

(** Destroy the specified VIF instance *)
val destroy : __context:Context.t -> self:[ `VIF ] Ref.t -> unit
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions ocaml/xapi/
Expand Up @@ -144,13 +144,20 @@ let gen_mac(dev, seed) =
take_byte 1 mac_data_2;
take_byte 2 mac_data_2; |]

let assert_locking_licensed ~__context =
if (not (Pool_features.is_enabled ~__context Features.VIF_locking)) then
raise (Api_errors.Server_error(Api_errors.license_restriction, []))

let m = Mutex.create () (* prevents duplicate VIFs being created by accident *)

let create ~__context ~device ~network ~vM
~mAC ~mTU ~other_config ~qos_algorithm_type ~qos_algorithm_params
~currently_attached ~locking_mode ~ipv4_allowed ~ipv6_allowed : API.ref_VIF =
let () = debug "VIF.create running" in

if locking_mode = `locked || ipv4_allowed <> [] || ipv6_allowed <> [] then
assert_locking_licensed ~__context;

let uuid = Uuid.make_uuid () in
let ref = Ref.make () in

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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions ocaml/xapi/xapi_vif_helpers.mli
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ val cancel_tasks :
val clear_current_operations :
__context:Context.t -> self:[ `VIF ] Ref.t -> unit

val assert_locking_licensed :
__context:Context.t -> unit

(** Create a VIF object in the database. *)
val create :
__context:Context.t ->
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