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onedfit and twodfit seem to work perfectly now.
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johnmcdonnell committed Jun 17, 2011
1 parent 336aa97 commit 206d3d0
Showing 1 changed file with 30 additions and 35 deletions.
65 changes: 30 additions & 35 deletions python/
Expand Up @@ -20,13 +20,12 @@
def angle2xy(anglevec):
For a vector of angles, finds their x/y location on a unit circle.
*** warning, either this or xy2angle may have a problem. ***
return np.cos(anglevec), np.sin(anglevec)

def xy2angle(xyvec):
For a vector of x/y coordinates, finds their theta (in polar coords).
For a unit vector of x/y coordinates, finds their theta (in polar coords).
if xyvec[1] > 0:
return np.arccos( xyvec[0] )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,6 +55,16 @@ def findindices(data):
bindices = data[:,-1] == respset[1]
return aindices, bindices

def truncate_zscores( zscores, z_limit=7 ):
Takes a list of z_scores and removes the extreme values *in place*.
for i in xrange(len(zscores)):
if zscores[i] < -z_limit:
zscores[i] = -z_limit
elif zscores[i] > z_limit:
zscores[i] = z_limit

## Statistical functions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,12 +142,8 @@ def negloglike_glc( params, data, z_limit=7 ):
mu_hx = np.inner( params[1:-1], data[:,:-1] ) + params[-1]
zscores = mu_hx / np.sqrt( params[0] )

# Truncate extreme z-scores
for i in xrange(len(zscores)):
if zscores[i] < -z_limit:
zscores[i] = -z_limit
elif zscores[i] > z_limit:
zscores[i] = z_limit
# Truncate extreme z-scores (this function is in place)
truncate_zscores( zscores, z_limit )

aindices, bindices = findindices( data )

Expand All @@ -152,13 +157,14 @@ def negloglike_reduced( params, data, z_limit=7, a=None ):
params = np.array( params )
dims = len(data[0])-1

if dims==2:
if dims==2 and len(params) == 3:
# Convert param[1] from angle to a1/a2 notation in 2d case.
params = np.hstack([params[0], angle2xy( params[1] ), params[-1]])
elif dims==1:
elif dims==1 and a:
# a param fixed in the 1d case
params = np.hstack([ params[0], a, params[1] ])

if dims==3:
raise Exception, "More than 2 dimensions not yet supported."
#sigma = np.sqrt( var_from_b( z_coefs[:-1], data[:,:-1] ) )
return negloglike_glc( params, data, z_limit )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,7 +209,7 @@ def negloglike_alpha( alpha, data, z_limit=7 ):
detail in Fukunaga(1990).
b, c0 = get_params_from_alpha( alpha, data )
variance_hx = np.sqrt( np.inner( np.inner( b.T, np.cov(data[:,:-1].T) ), b ) )
variance_hx = np.inner( np.inner( b.T, np.cov(data[:,:-1].T) ), b )

return negloglike_glc( np.hstack([ variance_hx, b, c0 ]), data, z_limit )

Expand All @@ -214,49 +220,40 @@ def fit_GLC_alpha( subjdata ):
, full_output=True )
b, c0 = get_params_from_alpha( xopt, subjdata )
sigmasq = var_from_b( b, subjdata )
alpha_params = np.hstack( sigmasq, b, c0 )
alpha_params = np.hstack([ sigmasq, b, c0 ])
return xopt, fval, alpha_params

def fit_GLC_allparams( subjdata, inparams, z_limit=ZLIMIT ):
b (inparams[2:-1]) is general case. (Alfonso-Reese method requires unit vector)
dims = len(subjdata[0]) - 1

likfun = negloglike_reduced
if dims == 2:
if len( inparams ) == 4:
x0 = [inparams[0], xy2angle(inparams[1:3]), inparams[-1]]
elif len( inparams ) == 3:
x0 = inparams
raise Exception, "Wrong number of parameters."
x0 = inparams
#bounds = [(.00001,np.inf), (-np.inf,np.inf),(-np.inf,np.inf)]
optargs = (subjdata, z_limit)
elif dims==1:
if len( inparams ) != 3:
raise Exception, "1d fit needs 3 starting params."
if np.abs(inparams[1]) == 1:
angleparam = inparams[1]
x0 = inparams[[0,2]]
x0 = inparams
angleparam = None
likfun = negloglike_glc
x0 = inparams
likfun = negloglike_glc
#bounds = [(.00001,np.inf), (-np.inf,np.inf)]
print "init: ", inparams
print "running with x0 = ", x0

optargs = ( subjdata, z_limit, angleparam )
optargs = ( subjdata, z_limit )

raise Exception, "More than 2 dims not yet supported."

xopt, fopt, iter, im, sm = optimize.fmin( func=likfun
xopt, fopt, iter, im, sm = optimize.fmin( func=negloglike_glc
, x0 = x0
, args = optargs
, full_output=True

if dims==1 and angleparam:
xopt = np.hstack([xopt[0], angleparam, xopt[1]])
if dims==2:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -393,14 +390,15 @@ def calcnegloglike( self ):
# Optimize using the one-parameter optimization method.
alpha, foptalpha, alpha_params = fit_GLC_alpha( )

negglc = negloglike_glc( alpha_params, )
assert negloglike_glc( alpha_params, ) == foptalpha

# Minimize using hill climbing from that point:
print "Alpha params: ", alpha_params
xopt, fopt = fit_GLC_allparams(, alpha_params )
print "Sigma^2 inaccuracy: ", xopt[0] - var_from_b( xopt[1:-1], )
print "Alpha negloglike: ", negloglike_glc( alpha_params, )
assert fopt < foptalpha
assert fopt < foptalpha, "%f, %f" % (fopt, foptalpha)

logliks.append( fopt )
params.append( xopt )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -434,10 +432,7 @@ def __init__( self, subjdata, r=None ):

def calcnegloglike( self ):
# Fit using the Ashby method on one parameter (alpha)
alpha, foptalpha = fit_GLC_alpha( )
alpha_params = np.hstack( get_params_from_alpha( alpha, ) )
sigma_init = var_from_b( alpha_params[:-1], )
alpha_params = np.hstack( [[sigma_init], alpha_params] )
alpha, foptalpha, alpha_params = fit_GLC_alpha( )

# Minimize using hill climbing from that point:
xopt, fopt = fit_GLC_allparams(, alpha_params )
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