My thanks goes to Junxiao Shi ( for his original code and documentation - so full credit goes to him for 99.9% of this code. I added OLED display support and had to make one wiring modification with the slave select line (SS) on the SPI interface.
In this example, the ESP32 receives a JEDEC file via TCP, and flashes the Fipsy FPGA once the file has been verified.
ESP32 pin | Fipsy pin |
3V3 | 1 |
GND | 2 |
14 | 3 |
12 | 4 |
13 | 5 |
22 | 6 |
- Modify WiFi setting in this sketch, and upload to ESP32.
- Look for the IP address in serial output.
- In Lattice Diamond, compile a JEDEC file for MachXO2-256.
- Execute
nc esp32-ip-address 34779 < filename.jed
Sample interaction:
$ nc 34779 < 1.jed
JEDEC OK, fuse checksum: A0A5
Feature Row: 0 0
Programming ...