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Alucard project

Alucard provides an HTTP api that allows you to create and manage a dynamic database using the JSON format.

How does it work? Alucard is a dynamic CRUD. It allows you to create tables for your database through an HTTP request and manage a CRUD http api.

Every action works under the same endpoint (POST) http:localhost:3000/api/v1/action

which receives two parameters action and. payload

Alucar uses Kafka and Camunda BPMN to manage the different flows according to the action. Upon receiving a request, the corresponding kafka event is dispatched, which will start a new instance of the BPM flow.

Core actions

Create new table (Model)

// POST - http://localhost:3000/api/v1/action
  "payload": {
    "modelName": {
      "value": "User",
      "type": "String"
    "fields": {
    	 "type": "String",
    	 "value": [
    			"element": "input",
    			"type": "text",
    			"name": "name",
    			"required": true
    			"element": "input",
    			"type": "text",
    			"name": "sunname",
    			"required": true
    			"element": "input",
    			"type": "number",
    			"name": "tlf",
    			"required": true
    			"element": "input",
    			"type": "password",
    			"name": "password",
    			"required": true
    			"element": "textarea",
    			"type": "text",
    			"name": "address",
    			"required": false
  "action": "CREATE_MODEL"

Insert new row in a model

Tasks and Topics

Title Topic Description
Validate action permissions validateActionPermissionTopic allows to verify if the requested action has permissions and if it is logged in
Check if model name exist checkIfModelNameExistTopic It lets us know if a model exists by name.
Create model createModelTopic Create a model and create a field instance with model relationship
Notify front end notifyFrontEndTopic Send a event to the front end application with a message and a payload
Check if all receive values are ok checkIfModelNameExistTopic Validate if field values are ok for a model, Check some rules like required, value type, length)
Register field values for a model registerFieldValuesTopic Register a new row for a model creating a new FieldValue entity instance for each field. Should be called after checkIfModelNameExistTopic


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