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The node object

The Node <deployer.node.base.Node> class is probably the most important class of this framework. See architecture of roles and nodes <architecture-of-roles-and-nodes> for a high level overview of what a Node exactly is.

A simple example of a node:

from deployer.node import ParallelNode

class SayHello(ParallelNode):
    def hello(self):'echo hello world')


It is interesting to know that self is actually not a ~deployer.node.base.Node instance like you would expect, but an ~deployer.node.base.Env object which will proxy this actual Node class. This is because there is some metaclass magic going on, which takes care of sandboxing, logging and some other nice stuff, that you get for free.

Except that a few other variables like self.console <deployer.node.base.Env.console> are available, you normally won't notice anything.

Running the code

In order to run methods of a node, it has to be wrapped in an ~deployer.node.base.Env object. This will manage execution, optional sandboxing, logging and much more. It will also make sure that self.hosts <deployer.node.base.Env.hosts> actually becomes a ~deployer.host_container.HostsContainer, a proxy through which you can run methods on a series of hosts.

The easiest way to wrap a node inside an ~deployer.node.base.Env is by using the ~deployer.node.base.Env.default_from_node helper. This will make sure that you can see the output and you can interact.

from deployer.node import Env

env = Env.default_from_node(MyNode())


A node is meant to be reusable. It is encouraged to inherit from such a node class and overwrite properties or class members.

Expansion of double underscores

The double underscore expansion is a kind of syntactic sugar to make overriding more readable.

Suppose we already had a node like this:

class WebApp(Node):
    class Nginx(Node):
        class Server(Node):
            domain = ''

Now, we'd like to inherit from WebApp, but change the Nginx.Server.domain property there to ''. Normally, in Python, you do this:

class MyWebApp(WebApp):
    class Nginx(WebApp.Nginx):
        class Server(WebApp.Nginx.Server):
            domain = ''

This is not too bad, but if you have a lot of nested classes, it can become pretty ugly. Therefor, the Node <deployer.node.base.Node> class has some magic which allows us to do this instead:

class MyWebApp(WebApp):
    Nginx__Server__domain = ''

If you'd like, you can also use the same syntax to add function to the inner classes:

class MyWebApp(WebApp):
    def Nginx__Server__get_full_domain(self):
        # Note that 'self' points to the 'Server' class at this point,
        # not to 'Webapp'!
        return 'http://%s' % self.domain

The importance of ParallelNode

There are several kind of setups. You can have many hosts which are all doing exactly the same, or many hosts that do something different. Simply said, ParallelNode <deployer.node.base.ParallelNode> should be used when you have many hosts in your node that all do exactly the same. Actions on such a ParallelNode <deployer.node.base.ParallelNode> can be executed in parallel. The hosts are equal but also independend and don't need to know about each other. An example is an array of stateless web servers.

A typical setup consists of a root node which is just a normal Node <deployer.node.base.Node>, with several arrays of ParallelNode <deployer.node.base.ParallelNode> nested inside.

Isolation of hosts in ParallelNode.

Take the following example:

class WebSystem(ParallelNode):
    class Hosts:
        host = { Host1, Host2, Host3, Host4 }

    def checkout_git(self, commit):"git checkout '%s'" % esc1(commit))

    def restart(self):"nginx restart")

    def deploy(self, commit):

We see a ParallelNode <deployer.node.base.ParallelNode> class with three actions and four Hosts mapped to the role host of this node. Because of the isolation that ParallelNode <deployer.node.base.ParallelNode> provides, it is possible to call any of the four actions independently on any of the four hosts. Look how our WebSystem acts like an array:

websystem = Env.default_from_node(WebSystem())

We can also call an action directly without specifying a host. This will allow parallel execution. It says: call this action on every cell of the array. They are independent and unordered in this case, so we don't have to run the deploy sequentially.

websystem = Env.default_from_node(WebSystem())
websystem.deploy('abcde6565eee...') # Parallel execution.


One thing worth noting is that there is a variable in the class. This is because the isolation always happens by convention on the role named host. Both sides of the following equation will represent a ~deployer.host_container.HostContainer containing exactly one host: the host of the current isolation. == self.hosts.filter('host')

If there happen to be hosts mapped to other roles, they will simply become available for every instance in the role named host. If you'd call self.hosts.filter('other_role'), that would still work.

.Array and .JustOne

.Array and .JustOne are required for nesting a ParallelNode <deployer.node.base.ParallelNode> inside a normal Node <deployer.node.base.Node>. The idea is that when host roles are mapped from the parent Node <deployer.node.base.Node>, to the child --which is a ParallelNode <deployer.node.base.ParallelNode> --, that this childnode behaves as an array. Each 'cell' in the array is isolated, so it's possible to execute a command on just one 'cell' (or host) of the array or all 'cells' (or hosts.) You can use it as follows:

class NormalNode(Node):
    class OurParallelNode(ParallelNode.Array):
        class PNode(ParallelNode):

Basically, you can nest 'normal' nodes inside each other, and ParallelNode <deployer.node.base.ParallelNode> classes inside each other. However, when nesting such a ParallelNode <deployer.node.base.ParallelNode> inside a normal node, the .Array suffix is required to indicate the creation of an array. .JustOne can always be used instead of an array, if you assert that only one host will be in there.

Using contrib.nodes

The deployer framework is delivered with a contrib.nodes directory which contains nodes that should be generic enough to be usable by a lot of people. Even if you can't use them in your case, they may be good examples of how to do certain things. So don't be afraid to look at the source code, you can learn some good practices there. Take these and inherit as you want to, or start from scratch if you prefer that way.

Some recommended contrib nodes:

  • deployer.contrib.nodes.config.Config

    This a the base class that we are using for every configuration file. It is very useful for when you are automatically generating server configurations according to specific deployment configurations. Without any efford, this class will allow you to do diff's between your new, generated config, and the config that's currently on the server side.


See Node reference <node-reference>.