# Introduction to data visualization in Python This GitHub repository contains notes, source code and sample data for a set of short lessons that are designed to help the student get started with the basics of plotting and visualizing scientific data using Python. This material was originally created for a [NERC](http://www.nerc.ac.uk)-funded [Short Course in Data Assimilation and Visualization](http://www.reading.ac.uk/maths-and-stats/news/DA_Course.aspx) at the [University of Reading](http://www.reading.ac.uk) but is made freely available to the community (under a [BSD licence](LICENSE?raw=true)). If you want to work through the course, the public website is http://jonblower.github.io/python-viz-intro/. If you have any suggestions for modifications to this course, please email Jon Blower at j.d.blower@reading.ac.uk, [create an issue](https://github.com/jonblower/python-viz-intro/issues) or (even better) fork this repository, make the changes and submit a pull request.