This is a tiny library that allows one to generate XML files via Kotlin DSLs. The framework is build upon delegated properties.
Project consists of API module with no dependencies from any XML implementations. There is an implementation module that implements API via JDOM
Apache 2.0
You may download binaries from maven artifacts repository from here
In Gradle build script it may be done like this
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
compile "org.jonnyzzz.kotlin.xml.bind:jdom:<VERSION>"
class Example {
//declares a property of type String that load data from "ROOT/aaa/ggg/text()"
var content by JXML / "aaa" / "ggg" / XText
//same, but for attribute value
var attribute by JXML / "aaa" / XAttribute("yohoho")
//parses sub-object fields
var sub by JXML / "sub" / XSub(
//collection (aka List<>) of strings is loaded here
var collection by JXML / "parameters" / XElements("param") / "aaa" / XText
//collection (aka List<>) of sub objects
var any by JXML / "parameters" / XAnyElements / XSub(
class Sub {
// [2] --- allows to define persist order
var key by JXML[2] / XAttribute("key")
// this specifies default value
var value by JXML[1] / XAttribute("value") - "defaultValue"
// sometimes a part of XML should be loaded as-is. Type is org.jdom.Element
var unknown by JXML / XUnknown
///Usage examples
fun test() {
val e = Example()
/// save to XML
val saved =
/// load from XML
val copy = JDOM.load(saved,