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CLI script to make version bump (#9804)
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* initial version - auto version bump

* spaces and minor changes

* more spaces

* minor adjustments

* build variable

* allow also dev releases in alpha, beta and rc

* allow to change the version codename to (optional)

* small change

* remove the ".0" from the language pack version

* add ".1" to the language pack version in manifest file. @infograf768
  • Loading branch information
andrepereiradasilva authored and wilsonge committed Apr 14, 2016
1 parent c78d2bd commit ee6dd6f
Showing 1 changed file with 221 additions and 0 deletions.
221 changes: 221 additions & 0 deletions build/bump.php
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
* Script used to make a version bump
* Updates all versions xmls and version.php
* Usage: php build/bump.php -v <version> -c <codename>
* Examples:
* - php build/bump.php -v 3.6.0-dev
* - php build/bump.php -v 3.6.0-beta1
* - php build/bump.php -v 3.6.0-beta1-dev
* - php build/bump.php -v 3.6.0-beta2
* - php build/bump.php -v 3.6.0-rc1
* - php build/bump.php -v 3.6.0
* - php build/bump.php -v 3.6.0 -c Unicorn
* - php build/bump.php -v 3.6.0 -c "Custom Codename"
* - /usr/bin/php /path/to/joomla-cms/build/bump.php -v 3.7.0
* @package Joomla.Build
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt

// Functions.
function usage($command)
echo PHP_EOL;
echo 'Usage: php ' . $command . ' [options]' . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_TAB . '[options]:'.PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_TAB . PHP_TAB . '-v <version>:' . PHP_TAB . 'Version (ex: 3.6.0-dev, 3.6.0-beta1, 3.6.0-beta1-dev, 3.6.0-rc1, 3.6.0)' . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_TAB . PHP_TAB . '-c <codename>:' . PHP_TAB . 'Codename [optional] (ex: Unicorn)' . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;

// Constants.
const PHP_TAB = "\t";

// File paths.
$versionFile = '/libraries/cms/version/version.php';

$coreXmlFiles = array(

$languageXmlFiles = array(

$languagePackXmlFile = '/administrator/manifests/packages/pkg_en-GB.xml';

// Check arguments (exit if incorrect cli arguments).
$opts = getopt("v:c:");

if (empty($opts['v']))

// Check version string (exit if not correct).
$versionParts = explode('-', $opts['v']);

if (!preg_match('#^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$#', $versionParts[0]))

if (isset($versionParts[1]) && !preg_match('#(dev|alpha|beta|rc)[0-9]*#', $versionParts[1]))

if (isset($versionParts[2]) && $versionParts[2] !== 'dev')

// Make sure we use the correct language and timezone.
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_GB');

// Make sure file and folder permissions are set correctly.

// Get version dev status.
$dev_status = 'Stable';

if (!isset($versionParts[1]))
$versionParts[1] = '';
if (preg_match('#^dev#', $versionParts[1]))
$dev_status = 'Development';
elseif (preg_match('#^alpha#', $versionParts[1]))
$dev_status = 'Alpha';
elseif (preg_match('#^beta#', $versionParts[1]))
$dev_status = 'Beta';
elseif (preg_match('#^rc#', $versionParts[1]))
$dev_status = 'Release Candidate';

if (!isset($versionParts[2]))
$versionParts[2] = '';
$dev_status = 'Development';

// Set version properties.
$versionSubParts = explode('.', $versionParts[0]);

$version = array(
'main' => $versionSubParts[0] . '.' . $versionSubParts[1],
'release' => $versionSubParts[0] . '.' . $versionSubParts[1] . '.' . $versionSubParts[2],
'dev_devel' => $versionSubParts[2] . (!empty($versionParts[1]) ? '-' . $versionParts[1] : '') . (!empty($versionParts[2]) ? '-' . $versionParts[2] : ''),
'dev_status' => $dev_status,
'build' => '',
'reldate' => date('j-F-Y'),
'reltime' => date('H:i'),
'reltz' => 'GMT',
'credate' => date('F Y'),

// Version Codename.
if (!empty($opts['c']))
$version['codename'] = trim($opts['c']);

// Prints version information.
echo PHP_EOL;
echo 'Version data:'. PHP_EOL;
echo '- Main:' . PHP_TAB . PHP_TAB . PHP_TAB . $version['main'] . PHP_EOL;
echo '- Release:' . PHP_TAB . PHP_TAB . $version['release'] . PHP_EOL;
echo '- Full:' . PHP_TAB . PHP_TAB . PHP_TAB . $version['main'] . '.' . $version['dev_devel'] . PHP_EOL;
echo '- Build:' . PHP_TAB . PHP_TAB . $version['build'] . PHP_EOL;
echo '- Dev Level:' . PHP_TAB . PHP_TAB . $version['dev_devel'] . PHP_EOL;
echo '- Dev Status:' . PHP_TAB . PHP_TAB . $version['dev_status'] . PHP_EOL;
echo '- Release date:' . PHP_TAB . PHP_TAB . $version['reldate'] . PHP_EOL;
echo '- Release time:' . PHP_TAB . PHP_TAB . $version['reltime'] . PHP_EOL;
echo '- Release timezone:' . PHP_TAB . $version['reltz'] . PHP_EOL;
echo '- Creation date:' . PHP_TAB . $version['credate'] . PHP_EOL;
if (!empty($version['codename']))
echo '- Codename:' . PHP_TAB . PHP_TAB . $version['codename'] . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;

$rootPath = dirname(__DIR__);

// Updates the version in version class.
if (file_exists($rootPath . $versionFile))
$fileContents = file_get_contents($rootPath . $versionFile);
$fileContents = preg_replace("#RELEASE\s*=\s*'[^\']*'#", "RELEASE = '" . $version['main'] . "'", $fileContents);
$fileContents = preg_replace("#DEV_LEVEL\s*=\s*'[^\']*'#", "DEV_LEVEL = '" . $version['dev_devel'] . "'", $fileContents);
$fileContents = preg_replace("#DEV_STATUS\s*=\s*'[^\']*'#", "DEV_STATUS = '" . $version['dev_status'] . "'", $fileContents);
$fileContents = preg_replace("#BUILD\s*=\s*'[^\']*'#", "BUILD = '" . $version['build'] . "'", $fileContents);
$fileContents = preg_replace("#RELDATE\s*=\s*'[^\']*'#", "RELDATE = '" . $version['reldate'] . "'", $fileContents);
$fileContents = preg_replace("#RELTIME\s*=\s*'[^\']*'#", "RELTIME = '" . $version['reltime'] . "'", $fileContents);
$fileContents = preg_replace("#RELTZ\s*=\s*'[^\']*'#", "RELTZ = '" . $version['reltz'] . "'", $fileContents);
if (!empty($version['codename']))
$fileContents = preg_replace("#CODENAME\s*=\s*'[^\']*'#", "CODENAME = '" . $version['codename'] . "'", $fileContents);
file_put_contents($rootPath . $versionFile, $fileContents);

// Updates the version and creation date in core xml files.
foreach ($coreXmlFiles as $coreXmlFile)
if (file_exists($rootPath . $coreXmlFile))
$fileContents = file_get_contents($rootPath . $coreXmlFile);
$fileContents = preg_replace('#<version>[^<]*</version>#', '<version>' . $version['main'] . '.' . $version['dev_devel'] . '</version>', $fileContents);
$fileContents = preg_replace('#<creationDate>[^<]*</creationDate>#', '<creationDate>' . $version['credate'] . '</creationDate>', $fileContents);
file_put_contents($rootPath . $coreXmlFile, $fileContents);

// Updates the version and creation date in language xml files.
foreach ($languageXmlFiles as $languageXmlFile)
if (file_exists($rootPath . $languageXmlFile))
$fileContents = file_get_contents($rootPath . $languageXmlFile);
$fileContents = preg_replace('#<version>[^<]*</version>#', '<version>' . $version['release'] . '</version>', $fileContents);
$fileContents = preg_replace('#<creationDate>[^<]*</creationDate>#', '<creationDate>' . $version['credate'] . '</creationDate>', $fileContents);
file_put_contents($rootPath . $languageXmlFile, $fileContents);

// Updates the version and creation date in language package xml file.
if (file_exists($rootPath . $languagePackXmlFile))
$fileContents = file_get_contents($rootPath . $languagePackXmlFile);
$fileContents = preg_replace('#<version>[^<]*</version>#', '<version>' . $version['release'] . '.1</version>', $fileContents);
$fileContents = preg_replace('#<creationDate>[^<]*</creationDate>#', '<creationDate>' . $version['credate'] . '</creationDate>', $fileContents);
file_put_contents($rootPath . $languagePackXmlFile, $fileContents);

echo 'Version bump complete!' . PHP_EOL;

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