diff --git a/administrator/language/en-GB/com_guidedtours.ini b/administrator/language/en-GB/com_guidedtours.ini index 94669973f4243..84b009fb525dc 100644 --- a/administrator/language/en-GB/com_guidedtours.ini +++ b/administrator/language/en-GB/com_guidedtours.ini @@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 COM_GUIDEDTOURS="Guided Tours" -; Deprecated, will be removed with 5.0 -COM_GUIDEDTOURS_BASIC_STEP="Basic Step" COM_GUIDEDTOURS_CONFIGURATION="Guided Tours: Options" COM_GUIDEDTOURS_DESCRIPTION="Description" COM_GUIDEDTOURS_DESCRIPTION_TRANSLATION="Description (%s)" diff --git a/administrator/language/en-GB/com_media.ini b/administrator/language/en-GB/com_media.ini index 61ae6cb410017..915cca96a746d 100644 --- a/administrator/language/en-GB/com_media.ini +++ b/administrator/language/en-GB/com_media.ini @@ -43,10 +43,6 @@ COM_MEDIA_FIELD_CHECK_MIME_DESC="Use MIME Magic or Fileinfo to attempt to verify COM_MEDIA_FIELD_CHECK_MIME_LABEL="Check MIME Types" COM_MEDIA_FIELD_IGNORED_EXTENSIONS_DESC="Ignored file extensions for MIME type checking and restricted uploads." COM_MEDIA_FIELD_IGNORED_EXTENSIONS_LABEL="Ignored Extensions" -; Deprecated, will be removed with 5.0 -COM_MEDIA_FIELD_ILLEGAL_MIME_TYPES_DESC="A comma separated list of forbidden MIME types to upload." -; Deprecated, will be removed with 5.0 -COM_MEDIA_FIELD_ILLEGAL_MIME_TYPES_LABEL="Forbidden MIME Types" COM_MEDIA_FIELD_LEGAL_AUDIO_EXTENSIONS_DESC="Audio extensions (file types) you are allowed to upload (comma separated). These are used to check for valid audio headers." COM_MEDIA_FIELD_LEGAL_AUDIO_EXTENSIONS_LABEL="Legal Audio Extensions (File Types)" COM_MEDIA_FIELD_LEGAL_DOCUMENT_EXTENSIONS_DESC="Document extensions (file types) you are allowed to upload (comma separated). These are used to check for valid document headers." diff --git a/administrator/language/en-GB/com_newsfeeds.ini b/administrator/language/en-GB/com_newsfeeds.ini index 55941aede1a7b..cec86065bd342 100644 --- a/administrator/language/en-GB/com_newsfeeds.ini +++ b/administrator/language/en-GB/com_newsfeeds.ini @@ -89,15 +89,7 @@ COM_NEWSFEEDS_NUM_ARTICLES_HEADING_ASC="# Articles ascending" COM_NEWSFEEDS_NUM_ARTICLES_HEADING_DESC="# Articles descending" COM_NEWSFEEDS_RIGHT="Right" COM_NEWSFEEDS_SAVE_SUCCESS="News feed saved." -; Deprecated, will be removed with 5.0 -COM_NEWSFEEDS_SEARCH_IN_TITLE="Search" COM_NEWSFEEDS_SELECT_A_FEED="Select a News Feed" -; Deprecated, will be removed with 5.0 -COM_NEWSFEEDS_SELECT_FEED="Select feed" -; Deprecated, will be removed with 5.0 -COM_NEWSFEEDS_SUBMENU_CATEGORIES="Categories" -; Deprecated, will be removed with 5.0 -COM_NEWSFEEDS_SUBMENU_NEWSFEEDS="News Feeds" COM_NEWSFEEDS_TABLE_CAPTION="News Feeds" COM_NEWSFEEDS_TIP_ASSOCIATION="Associated news feeds" COM_NEWSFEEDS_WARNING_PROVIDE_VALID_NAME="Please provide a valid name." diff --git a/administrator/language/en-GB/com_users.ini b/administrator/language/en-GB/com_users.ini index 56bcedadc5b63..9864e177ca8eb 100644 --- a/administrator/language/en-GB/com_users.ini +++ b/administrator/language/en-GB/com_users.ini @@ -222,14 +222,6 @@ COM_USERS_MAIL_NO_USERS_COULD_BE_FOUND_IN_THIS_GROUP="No users could be found in COM_USERS_MAIL_ONLY_YOU_COULD_BE_FOUND_IN_THIS_GROUP="You are the only user in this group." COM_USERS_MAIL_PASSWORD_RESET_DESC="Sent to a user by the "Forgot your password?" link eg in a login form." COM_USERS_MAIL_PASSWORD_RESET_TITLE="Users: Password Reset" -; Deprecated, will be removed with 5.0 -COM_USERS_MAIL_PLEASE_FILL_IN_THE_FORM_CORRECTLY="Please fill in the form correctly." -; Deprecated, will be removed with 5.0 -COM_USERS_MAIL_PLEASE_FILL_IN_THE_MESSAGE="Please enter a message" -; Deprecated, will be removed with 5.0 -COM_USERS_MAIL_PLEASE_FILL_IN_THE_SUBJECT="Please enter a subject" -; Deprecated, will be removed with 5.0 -COM_USERS_MAIL_PLEASE_SELECT_A_GROUP="Please select a Group" COM_USERS_MAIL_REGISTRATION_ADMIN_NEW_NOTIFICATION_DESC="Notification to the admin that a new, activated account has been created." COM_USERS_MAIL_REGISTRATION_ADMIN_NEW_NOTIFICATION_TITLE="Users: New account notification to admin" COM_USERS_MAIL_REGISTRATION_ADMIN_VERIFICATION_REQUEST_DESC="Notification to admins to verify a new, verified account." @@ -454,20 +446,3 @@ COM_CATEGORIES_CATEGORY_ADD_TITLE="User Notes: New Category" ; Categories overri COM_CATEGORIES_CATEGORY_EDIT_TITLE="User Notes: Edit Category" ; Categories overrides COM_MODULES_NONE=":: None ::" ; Duplicate, used in MFA settings - -; Obsolete language strings since 4.2.0 -- Remove them in Joomla 5.0 -COM_USERS_CONFIG_FIELD_ENFORCE_2FA_FIELD_ADMIN="Admin (Backend)" -COM_USERS_CONFIG_FIELD_ENFORCE_2FA_FIELD_BOTH="Both" -COM_USERS_CONFIG_FIELD_ENFORCE_2FA_FIELD_DESC="You must enable at least one Two Factor Authentication plugin." -COM_USERS_CONFIG_FIELD_ENFORCE_2FA_FIELD_LABEL="Enforce Two Factor Authentication" -COM_USERS_CONFIG_FIELD_ENFORCE_2FA_FIELD_SITE="Site (Frontend)" -COM_USERS_CONFIG_FIELD_ENFORCE_2FA_GROUPS_LABEL="Enforce Two Factor Authentication for Usergroups" -COM_USERS_ERROR_SECRET_CODE_WITHOUT_TFA="You have entered a Secret Code but two factor authentication is not enabled in your user account. If you want to use a secret code to secure your login please edit your user profile and enable two factor authentication." -COM_USERS_HEADING_TFA="Two Factor" -COM_USERS_TFA_ACTIVE="Uses Two Factor Authentication" -COM_USERS_TFA_NOTACTIVE="Does not use Two Factor Authentication" -COM_USERS_USER_FIELD_TWOFACTOR_LABEL="Authentication Method" -COM_USERS_USER_OTEPS="One time emergency passwords" -COM_USERS_USER_OTEPS_DESC="If you do not have access to your two factor authentication device you can use any of the following passwords instead of a regular security code. Each one of these emergency passwords is immediately destroyed upon use. We recommend printing these passwords out and keeping the printout in a safe and accessible location, eg your wallet or a safety deposit box." -COM_USERS_USER_OTEPS_WAIT_DESC="There are no emergency one time passwords generated in your account. The passwords will be generated automatically and displayed here as soon as you activate two factor authentication." -COM_USERS_USER_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH="Two Factor Authentication" diff --git a/administrator/language/en-GB/joomla.ini b/administrator/language/en-GB/joomla.ini index aeda60ee07221..e8fc3c3c8f0ab 100644 --- a/administrator/language/en-GB/joomla.ini +++ b/administrator/language/en-GB/joomla.ini @@ -203,14 +203,8 @@ JFIELD_ALIAS_LABEL="Alias" JFIELD_ALIAS_PLACEHOLDER="Auto-generate from title" JFIELD_ALT_COMPONENT_LAYOUT_DESC="Use a layout from the supplied component view or overrides in the templates." JFIELD_ALT_LAYOUT_LABEL="Layout" -; Deprecated, will be removed with 5.0 -JFIELD_ALT_MODULE_LAYOUT_DESC="Use a layout from the supplied module or overrides in the templates." JFIELD_ALT_PAGE_TITLE_DESC="An optional alternative page title to set that will change the TITLE tag in the HTML output." JFIELD_ALT_PAGE_TITLE_LABEL="Alternative Page Title" -; Deprecated, will be removed with 5.0 -JFIELD_ASSET_ID_DESC="Asset ID" -; Deprecated, will be removed with 5.0 -JFIELD_ASSET_ID_LABEL="Asset ID" JFIELD_BASIC_LOGIN_DESCRIPTION_LABEL="Login Description Text" JFIELD_BASIC_LOGIN_DESCRIPTION_SHOW_LABEL="Login Description" JFIELD_BASIC_LOGOUT_DESCRIPTION_LABEL="Logout Description Text" diff --git a/administrator/language/en-GB/plg_system_debug.ini b/administrator/language/en-GB/plg_system_debug.ini index cdb82aafd0481..4760a33d8f2a6 100644 --- a/administrator/language/en-GB/plg_system_debug.ini +++ b/administrator/language/en-GB/plg_system_debug.ini @@ -30,51 +30,3 @@ PLG_DEBUG_LANGUAGE_FIELDSET_LABEL="Language" PLG_DEBUG_LOGGING_FIELDSET_LABEL="Logging" PLG_DEBUG_XML_DESCRIPTION="This plugin provides a variety of system information as well as help for the creation of translation files." PLG_SYSTEM_DEBUG="System - Debug" - -; All the following strings are deprecated and will be removed with 5.0 -PLG_DEBUG_BYTES="Bytes" -PLG_DEBUG_CALL_STACK="Call Stack" -PLG_DEBUG_CALL_STACK_CALLER="Caller" -PLG_DEBUG_CALL_STACK_FILE_AND_LINE="File and line number" -PLG_DEBUG_CALL_STACK_SAME_FILE="Same as call in the line below." -PLG_DEBUG_ERRORS="Errors" -PLG_DEBUG_EXPLAIN="Explain" -PLG_DEBUG_LANGUAGE_FILES_IN_ERROR="Parsing errors in language files" -PLG_DEBUG_LANGUAGE_FILES_LOADED="Language Files Loaded" -PLG_DEBUG_LANG_LOADED="Loaded" -PLG_DEBUG_LANG_NOT_LOADED="Not loaded" -PLG_DEBUG_LINK_FORMAT="Add xdebug.file_link_format directive to your php.ini file to have links for files." -PLG_DEBUG_LOGS="Log Messages" -PLG_DEBUG_LOGS_DEPRECATED_FOUND_TEXT="The code that is marked as deprecated will not work in upcoming Joomla versions, please review it." -PLG_DEBUG_LOGS_DEPRECATED_FOUND_TITLE="%s deprecated messages logged!" -PLG_DEBUG_LOGS_LOGGED="%s messages logged" -PLG_DEBUG_MEMORY="Memory" -PLG_DEBUG_MEMORY_USAGE="Memory Usage" -PLG_DEBUG_MEMORY_USED_FOR_QUERY="Query memory: %s Memory before query: %s" -PLG_DEBUG_NO_PROFILE="No SHOW PROFILE (maybe because there are more than 100 queries)" -PLG_DEBUG_OTHER_QUERIES="OTHER Tables:" -PLG_DEBUG_PROFILE="Profile" -PLG_DEBUG_PROFILE_INFORMATION="Profile Information" -PLG_DEBUG_QUERIES="Database Queries" -PLG_DEBUG_QUERIES_LOGGED="%d Queries Logged" -PLG_DEBUG_QUERIES_TIME="Database queries total: %s" -PLG_DEBUG_QUERY_AFTER_LAST="After last query: %s" -PLG_DEBUG_QUERY_DUPLICATES="Duplicate queries" -PLG_DEBUG_QUERY_DUPLICATES_FOUND="Duplicate found!" -PLG_DEBUG_QUERY_DUPLICATES_NUMBER="%s duplicates" -PLG_DEBUG_QUERY_DUPLICATES_TOTAL_NUMBER="%s duplicate found!" -PLG_DEBUG_QUERY_EXPLAIN_NOT_POSSIBLE="EXPLAIN not possible on query: %s" -PLG_DEBUG_QUERY_TIME="Query Time: %s" -PLG_DEBUG_QUERY_TYPES_LOGGED="%d Query Types Logged, Sorted by Occurrences." -PLG_DEBUG_QUERY_TYPE_AND_OCCURRENCES="%2$d × %1$s" -PLG_DEBUG_ROWS_RETURNED_BY_QUERY="Rows returned: %s" -PLG_DEBUG_SELECT_QUERIES="SELECT Tables:" -PLG_DEBUG_SESSION="Session" -PLG_DEBUG_TIME="Time" -PLG_DEBUG_TITLE="Joomla! Debug Console" -PLG_DEBUG_UNKNOWN_FILE="Unknown file" -PLG_DEBUG_UNTRANSLATED_STRINGS="Untranslated Strings" -PLG_DEBUG_WARNING_NO_INDEX="NO INDEX KEY COULD BE USED" -PLG_DEBUG_WARNING_NO_INDEX_DESC="This table probably has a missing index on WHERE equalities and/or JOIN ON column(s) or is written in a way that no index can be used, causing a time-consuming full table scan." -PLG_DEBUG_WARNING_USING_FILESORT="Using filesort" -PLG_DEBUG_WARNING_USING_FILESORT_DESC="This table probably has a missing index on WHERE/ON equality column(s) ending by the ORDER BY column(s) or is written in a way that no index can be used, causing a time-consuming filesort." diff --git a/api/language/en-GB/joomla.ini b/api/language/en-GB/joomla.ini index e787e4f8d6986..09cfd06dd5044 100644 --- a/api/language/en-GB/joomla.ini +++ b/api/language/en-GB/joomla.ini @@ -201,14 +201,8 @@ JFIELD_ALIAS_LABEL="Alias" JFIELD_ALIAS_PLACEHOLDER="Auto-generate from title" JFIELD_ALT_COMPONENT_LAYOUT_DESC="Use a layout from the supplied component view or overrides in the templates." JFIELD_ALT_LAYOUT_LABEL="Layout" -; Deprecated, will be removed with 5.0 -JFIELD_ALT_MODULE_LAYOUT_DESC="Use a layout from the supplied module or overrides in the templates." JFIELD_ALT_PAGE_TITLE_DESC="An optional alternative page title to set that will change the TITLE tag in the HTML output." JFIELD_ALT_PAGE_TITLE_LABEL="Alternative Page Title" -; Deprecated, will be removed with 5.0 -JFIELD_ASSET_ID_DESC="Asset ID" -; Deprecated, will be removed with 5.0 -JFIELD_ASSET_ID_LABEL="Asset ID" JFIELD_BASIC_LOGIN_DESCRIPTION_LABEL="Login Description Text" JFIELD_BASIC_LOGIN_DESCRIPTION_SHOW_LABEL="Login Description" JFIELD_BASIC_LOGOUT_DESCRIPTION_LABEL="Logout Description Text" diff --git a/language/en-GB/com_media.ini b/language/en-GB/com_media.ini index 37e1947201b98..3ec34a0f5c8c4 100644 --- a/language/en-GB/com_media.ini +++ b/language/en-GB/com_media.ini @@ -53,10 +53,6 @@ COM_MEDIA_FIELD_CHECK_MIME_DESC="Use MIME Magic or Fileinfo to try to verify fil COM_MEDIA_FIELD_CHECK_MIME_LABEL="Check MIME Types" COM_MEDIA_FIELD_IGNORED_EXTENSIONS_DESC="Ignored file extensions for MIME type checking and restricted uploads." COM_MEDIA_FIELD_IGNORED_EXTENSIONS_LABEL="Ignored Extensions" -; Deprecated, will be removed with 5.0 -COM_MEDIA_FIELD_ILLEGAL_MIME_TYPES_DESC="A comma separated list of forbidden MIME types to upload." -; Deprecated, will be removed with 5.0 -COM_MEDIA_FIELD_ILLEGAL_MIME_TYPES_LABEL="Forbidden MIME Types" COM_MEDIA_FIELD_LEGAL_EXTENSIONS_DESC="Extensions (file types) you are allowed to upload (comma separated)." COM_MEDIA_FIELD_LEGAL_EXTENSIONS_LABEL="Legal Extensions (File Types)" COM_MEDIA_FIELD_LEGAL_IMAGE_EXTENSIONS_DESC="Image extensions (file types) you are allowed to upload (comma separated). These are used to check for valid image headers." diff --git a/language/en-GB/com_users.ini b/language/en-GB/com_users.ini index 2ff24bcfa8d52..1e1d270d6d75d 100644 --- a/language/en-GB/com_users.ini +++ b/language/en-GB/com_users.ini @@ -153,15 +153,3 @@ COM_USERS_USER_FIELD_TIMEZONE_LABEL="Time Zone" COM_USERS_USER_MULTIFACTOR_AUTH="Multi-factor Authentication" COM_USERS_USER_NOT_FOUND="User not found." COM_USERS_USER_SAVE_FAILED="Failed to save user: %s" - -; Obsolete language strings since 4.2.0 -- Remove them in Joomla 5.0 -COM_USERS_ERROR_SECRET_CODE_WITHOUT_TFA="You have entered a Secret Code but two factor authentication is not enabled in your user account. If you want to use a secret code to secure your login please edit your user profile and enable two factor authentication." -COM_USERS_PROFILE_OTEPS="One time emergency passwords" -COM_USERS_PROFILE_OTEPS_DESC="If you do not have access to your two factor authentication device you can use any of the following passwords instead of a regular security code. Each one of these emergency passwords is immediately destroyed upon use. We recommend printing these passwords out and keeping the printout in a safe and accessible location, eg your wallet or a safety deposit box." -COM_USERS_PROFILE_OTEPS_WAIT_DESC="There are no emergency one time passwords generated in your account. The passwords will be generated automatically and displayed here as soon as you activate two factor authentication." -COM_USERS_PROFILE_TWOFACTOR_DESC="Select the two factor authentication method you want to use." -COM_USERS_PROFILE_TWOFACTOR_LABEL="Authentication Method" -COM_USERS_PROFILE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH="Two Factor Authentication" - -; Obsolete language strings since 4.3.0 -- Remove them in Joomla 5.0 -COM_USERS_FRONTEND_LOGIN_SUCCESS="You have been logged in."