diff --git a/docs/manual/en-US/chapters/packages/image.md b/docs/manual/en-US/chapters/packages/image.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..34b48371d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/manual/en-US/chapters/packages/image.md @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +## The Image Package + +This package comprises of 2 main classes, `JImage` and `JImageFilter` which has 8 filter sub-classes that it can use to apply a desired filter to your image. `JImage` depends on the `GD` php extension to be loaded on your server. More information on `GD` can be found at: http://php.net/manual/en/book.image.php + +Manipulating images in raw PHP using the `GD` image* functions requires a lot of boilerplate code. The intent of this package is to handle those requirements and make it simple for developers to accomplish those tasks through easy to use (and remember) methods. + +All classes in this package are supported by the auto-loader so can be invoked at any time. + +### Construction + +When creating a new `JImage` object, the constructor will check that the `gd` extension is loaded, and throw a `RuntimeException` if it is not. + +The constructor takes a single optional `$source` parameter. This argument can be one of two things: + +- A variable containing an existing, valid image resource created using a `imagecreate*` method. +- A string containing a valid, absolute path to an image + +If you choose the first option, the class sets the protected property `$handle` to the provided image resource. + +If you choose the second option, the class will call the `loadFile` method, passing along the `$source` parameter. + +```php +// Creating a new JImage object, passing it an existing handle. +$resource = imagecreate(100, 100); +$image = new JImage($resource); + +// Creating a new JImage object, passing it an image path +$image = new JImage(JPATH_SITE . '/media/com_foo/images/uploads/bar.png'); + +// Creating a new JImage object then manually calling `loadFile` +$image = new JImage; +$image->loadFile(JPATH_SITE . '/media/com_foo/images/uploads/bar.png'); +``` + +### Usage + +Keep in mind that most public methods return a `JImage` instance with a valid image handle for easy method chaining. The examples for each method will break each method call out to be able to comment on what the code is doing, but production code can be chained like so (if you prefer): + +```php +$image = new JImage(); +$image->loadFile(JPATH_SITE . '/path/to/image.png')->crop(600, 250)->toFile(JPATH_SITE . '/tmp/image.png'); +``` + +Since Platform version 12.3, there is a new `destroy()` method that get's called in appropriate places throughout the class which runs the `imagedestroy` function to free memory associated with an image handle. This method is called before each time an image handle is replaced (when `$createNew` is set to false) as well as in the class `__descruct` method as a final cleanup. + + +#### The `resize` method +__Accepted Parameters__ +* `$width`: The width of the resized image in pixels or a percentage. +* `$height`: The height of the resized image in pixels or a percentage. +* `$createNew`: If true the current image will be cloned, resized and returned; else the current image will be resized and returned. +* `$scaleMethod`: Which method to use for scaling + +Example: Using `JImage::resize()` to generate a resized image. + +```php +// Create our image object +$image = new JImage(JPATH_SITE . '/media/com_foo/images/uploads/bar.png'); + +// Resize the image using the SCALE_INSIDE method +$image->resize(300, 150, true, JImage::SCALE_INSIDE); + +// Write it to disk +$image->toFile(JPATH_SITE . '/tmp/bar_resized.png'); + +``` + + +#### The `crop` method +__Accepted Parameters__ +* `$width`: The width of the image section to crop in pixels or a percentage. +* `$height`: The height of the image section to crop in pixels or a percentage. +* `$left`: The number of pixels from the left to start cropping. +* `$top`: The number of pixels from the top to start cropping. +* `$createNew`: If true the current image will be cloned, cropped and returned; else the current image will be cropped and returned. + +Example: Using `JImage::crop()` to generate a cropped image. + +```php +// Create our image object +$image = new JImage(JPATH_SITE . '/media/com_foo/images/uploads/bar.png'); + +// Crop the image to 150px square, starting 10 pixels from the left, and 20 pixels from the top +$image->crop(150, null, 10, 20); + +// Write it to disk +$image->toFile(JPATH_SITE . '/tmp/bar_cropped.png'); +``` + + +#### The `createThumbs` method +__Accepted Parameters__ +* `$thumbsizes`: String or array of strings. Example: $thumbSizes = array('150x75','250x150'); +* `$creationMethod`: See __Resize Methods__ below. +* `$thumbsFolder`: Destination for thumbnails. Passing null generates a thumbs folder in the loaded image's containing folder. + +Example: Using `JImage::createThumbs()` to generate thumbnails of an image. + +```php +// Set the desired sizes for our thumbnails. +$sizes = array('300x300', '64x64', '250x125'); + +// Create our object +$image = new JImage(JPATH_SITE . '/media/com_foo/images/uploads/uploadedImage.jpg'); + +// Create the thumbnails +$image->createThumbs($sizes, JImage::SCALE_INSIDE); +``` + +In this example, we use the `createThumbs` method of `JImage`. This method takes 2 parameters. The first parameter can be a string containing a single size in `WIDTHxHEIGHT` format, or it can be an array of sizes in the format (as shown in the example). The second parameter specifizes the resize method. (See Resize Methods below) + + +#### Resize Methods + +The `resize`, `createThumbs` and `generateThumbs` methods take an optional parameter that defines what method to use when scaling an image. +This parameter can be one of the following: + +* `JImage::SCALE_FILL` - Gives you a thumbnail of the exact size, stretched or squished to fit the parameters. +* `JImage::SCALE_INSIDE` - Fits your thumbnail within your given parameters. It will not be any taller or wider than the size passed, whichever is larger. +* `JImage::SCALE_OUTSIDE` - Fits your thumbnail to the given parameters. It will be as tall or as wide as the size passed, whichever is smaller. +* `JImage::CROP` - Gives you a thumbnail of the exact size, cropped from the center of the full sized image. diff --git a/docs/manual/en-US/menu.md b/docs/manual/en-US/menu.md index 7c240a07f5..77a7dea8b1 100644 --- a/docs/manual/en-US/menu.md +++ b/docs/manual/en-US/menu.md @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ - [JGithub](chapters/packages/github.md) - [JGoogle](chapters/packages/google.md) - [JHttp](chapters/packages/http.md) +- [JImage](chapters/packages/image.md) - [JInput](chapters/packages/input.md) - [JKeychain](chapters/packages/keychain.md) - [JLog](chapters/packages/log.md)