Releases: joschabach/micropsi2
6th alpha release of the MicroPsi Toolkit. See changelog for details.
5th alpha release of the MicroPsi Toolkit. See changelog for details.
4th alpha release of the MicroPsi Toolkit. See changelog for details.
3rd alpha release of the MicroPsi Toolkit. See Changelog for details.
2nd MicroPsi alpha release
2nd alpha release of the MicroPsi Toolkit. Runs out of the box. See Changelog for details.
First alpha release
The release (not source) zip file contains the alpha1 release and a simple, pre-configured „Braitenberg“ type agent.
After extracting the archive, call ./ and point your browser to http://localhost:6543 - log in as „admin“, no password required.
Please note that this is alpha software. It contains experimental code, we might and probably will change APIs in the future, and performance has not been a concern at all so far.
You can find us in #micropsi on freenode and as @micropsi on twitter.