Version 1.0
Bert M. Balk
Javier Barbero
José L. Zofío
To use the Toolbox add the folder called "tfptoolbox" to the MATLAB path.
The toolbox contains the following folders:
- tfptoolbox: all the functions of the toolbox all here. This is the folder you must add to the MATLAB path.
- examplesUSDA: examples using USDA agriculture data.
- examplesWP_ERS-2018-004-LIS: examples of all the functions included in the toolbox. Replication of Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM) Working Paper ERS-2018-004-LIS
Plase, cite the toolbox as:
Balk, B.M. & Barbero, J. & Zofío, J.L. (2020). A toolbox for calculating and decomposing Total Factor Productivity indices, Computers & Operations Research, Volume 115 (104853), 1-23.
Balk, B.M. & Zofío, J.L., (2018). The Many Decompositions of Total Factor Productivity Change, ERIM Report Series Research in Management ERS-2018-003-LIS, Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Code is distributed under the GNU-GPL3