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richmattes committed Jan 24, 2011
1 parent 1292821 commit fd6499c
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Showing 2 changed files with 267 additions and 0 deletions.
267 changes: 267 additions & 0 deletions libstageplugin/
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
* Player - One Hell of a Robot Server
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Richard Vaughan
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

* Desc: A plugin driver for Player that gives access to Stage devices.
* Author: Richard Vaughan
* Date: 10 December 2004
* CVS: $Id$

#include "p_driver.h"

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------------------------------

/** @addtogroup player
@par Map interface

InterfaceMap::InterfaceMap( player_devaddr_t addr,
StgDriver* driver,
ConfigFile* cf,
int section )
: InterfaceModel( addr, driver, cf, section, NULL )
// nothing to do...

// Handle map info request - adapted from Player's mapfile driver by
// Brian Gerkey
int InterfaceMap::HandleMsgReqInfo( QueuePointer & resp_queue,
player_msghdr * hdr,
void * data )
printf( "Stage: device \"%s\" received map info request\n",

// create and render a map for this model
Stg::Geom geom;
geom = this->mod->GetGeom();

double mres = this->mod->GetMapResolution();

// size_t sz=0;
// polygon_t* polys = (polygon_t*)
// model_get_property( this->mod, "polygons", &sz);
// size_t count = sz / sizeof(polygon_t);

// prepare the map info for the client
player_map_info_t info;

info.scale = mres;

// size in pixels
info.width = (uint32_t)(geom.size.x / mres);
info.height = (uint32_t)(geom.size.y / mres);

// origin of map center in global coords
Stg::Pose global;
memcpy( &global, &geom.pose, sizeof(global));

global = this->mod->LocalToGlobal( &geom.pose );

// get real-world pose of lower-left corner of map (this is what Player
// calls the 'origin'
info.origin.px = geom.pose.x - geom.size.x / 2.0; = geom.pose.y - geom.size.y / 2.0; = geom.pose.a;

printf( "Stage: creating map for model \"%s\" of %d by %d cells at res %.2f\n",
info.width, info.height, info.scale );

this->driver->Publish(this->addr, resp_queue,
(void*)&info, sizeof(info), NULL);
return 0;

void render_line( int8_t* buf,
int w, int h,
int x1, int y1,
int x2, int y2,
int8_t val )
// if both ends of the line are out of bounds, there's nothing to do
if( x1<0 && x1>w && y1<0 && y1>h &&
x2<0 && x2>w && y2<0 && y2>h )

// if the two ends are adjacent, fill in the pixels
if( abs(x2-x1) <= 1 && abs(y2-y1) <= 1 )
if( x1 >= 0 && x1 < w && y1 >=0 && y1 < h )
if( x1 == w ) x1 = w-1;
if( y1 == h ) y1 = h-1;

buf[ y1 * w + x1] = val;

if( x2 >= 0 && x2 <= w && y2 >=0 && y2 <= h )
if( x2 == w ) x2 = w-1;
if( y2 == h ) y2 = h-1;

buf[ y2 * w + x2] = val;
else // recursively draw two half-lines
int xm = x1+(x2-x1)/2;
int ym = y1+(y2-y1)/2;
render_line( buf, w, h, x1, y1, xm, ym, val );
render_line( buf, w, h, xm, ym, x2, y2, val );

// Handle map data request
int InterfaceMap::HandleMsgReqData( QueuePointer & resp_queue,
player_msghdr * hdr,
void * data )
// printf( "device %s received map data request\n", this->mod->token );

Stg::Geom geom;
geom = this->mod->GetGeom( );

double mres = this->mod->GetMapResolution();

// request packet
player_map_data_t* mapreq = (player_map_data_t*)data;
size_t mapsize = sizeof(player_map_data_t);

// response packet
player_map_data_t* mapresp = (player_map_data_t*)calloc(1,mapsize);

unsigned int oi, oj, si, sj;
oi = mapresp->col = mapreq->col;
oj = mapresp->row = mapreq->row;
si = mapresp->width = mapreq->width;
sj = mapresp->height = mapreq->height;

// initiall all cells are 'empty'
memset( mapresp->data, -1, sizeof(uint8_t) * mapresp->width * mapresp->height );

printf( "Stage computing map tile (%d,%d)(%d,%d)...",
oi, oj, si, sj);

// render the polygons directly into the outgoing message buffer. fast! outrageous!

GList* plist;
for( plist = model_get_polygons( mod );
plist = plist->next )
polygon_t* p = (polygon_t*)plist->data;

// draw each line in the poly
int line_count = (int)p->points->len;
for( int l=0; l<line_count; l++ )
point_t* pt1 = &g_array_index( p->points, point_t, l );
point_t* pt2 = &g_array_index( p->points, point_t, (l+1) % line_count );

render_line( mapresp->data,
mapresp->width, mapresp->height,
(int)((pt1->x+geom.size.x/2.0) / mres) -oi,
(int)((pt1->y+geom.size.y/2.0) / mres) -oj,
(int)((pt2->x+geom.size.x/2.0) / mres) -oi,
(int)((pt2->y+geom.size.y/2.0) / mres) -oj,
1 );

// if the model has a boundary, that's in the map too

// TODO: need to think about this a little. not vital for now....

// bool_t* boundary = (bool_t*)
// model_get_property_fixed( mod, "boundary", sizeof(bool_t));

// if( boundary && *boundary )
// {
// int right = (int)(geom.size.x/mres - oi);
// int top = (int)(geom.size.y/mres - oj);

// render_line( mapresp->data, mapresp->width, mapresp->height,
// 0,0, 0, top, 1 );
// render_line( mapresp->data, mapresp->width, mapresp->height,
// 0, top, right, top, 1 );
// render_line( mapresp->data, mapresp->width, mapresp->height,
// right, top, right, 0, 1 );
// render_line( mapresp->data, mapresp->width, mapresp->height,
// right, 0, 0,0, 1 );
// }

mapresp->data_count = mapresp->width * mapresp->height;

//printf( "Stage publishing map data %d bytes\n",
// (int)mapsize );

this->driver->Publish(this->addr, resp_queue,
(void*)mapresp, mapsize, NULL);

puts( " done." );


int InterfaceMap::ProcessMessage(QueuePointer & resp_queue,
player_msghdr * hdr,
void * data )
// printf( "Stage map interface processing message\n" );

if(Message::MatchMessage(hdr, PLAYER_MSGTYPE_REQ,
return( this->HandleMsgReqData( resp_queue, hdr, data ));

if(Message::MatchMessage(hdr, PLAYER_MSGTYPE_REQ,
return( this->HandleMsgReqInfo( resp_queue, hdr, data ));

PLAYER_WARN2("stage map doesn't support message %d:%d.",
hdr->type, hdr->subtype );
return -1;

File renamed without changes.

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