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David Bauer edited this page Apr 26, 2014 · 26 revisions

All content published on is provided under a BY-SA Creative Commons License, which means you can use it free of charge for whatever purpose as long as you give credit to the Dystopia Tracker and share your work with the same license.

For the time being, the API is read-only. If you want to build something that requires write-access, please get in touch with


###Endpoint for list of predictions: api/predictions

Returns a (paginated) lists of predictions, latest first (based on creation_date).

parameter description expected values
lang Returns all predictions for which a description in the queried language E for English, D for German
editors_pick Returns all predictions highlighted as editors' pick True, False
category Returns all predictions from a specific category (6=State&Control, 7=Body&Mind, 8=Relationships&Communication, 9=Work&Business, 10=Leisure & Entertainment, 11=Cities&Environment, 12=War&Geopolitics, 13=other) id
source_type Returns all predictions from a specific source type literature, movies, tv_series, games, other
title Returns all predictions for a specific source sting
author Returns all predictions by a specific creator string
exclude Excludes a specific prediction from the list by id integer
page the list is paginated, 50 predictions per page. defaults to 1 integer
limit Limits the number of predictions to return integer
img Returns all predictions where img_url is not empty True, False
incomplete Returns all predictions where at least one field is empty True, False


  • All Editors' picks in English GET api/predictions/?lang=E&editors_pick=True

  • All predictions about state & control in literature GET api/predictions/?category=6&type=literature

  • Example: all predictions in German except the one with id=77 GET api/predictions/?lang=de&exclude=77

###Endpoint for single prediction: api/prediction/<id>

Returns a prediction object including all information on its source and including an array of realisations of said prediction.

###Endpoint for list of sources: api/source

Returns a (paginated) lists of sources.

parameter description expeced values
type returns all sources by a specific type literature, movies, tv-series, games,other
page the list is paginated, 50 sources per page. defaults to 1 integer
limit Limits the number of predictions to return integer
img Returns all sources that have a image attached True, False

###Endpoint for single source: api/source/<id>

Returns a source object.


Again, please note that for the time being, the public API is read-only. If you want to build something that requires write-access, please get in touch with

###Endpoint for creating new predictions, realisations and sources: api/<type>

parameter description required?
type prediction or realisation or source required
source_id if a new prediction is created, this is the ID of the source it is connected to required (if type==prediction)
prediction_id if a new realisation is created, this is the ID of the prediction it should be connected to required (if type==realisation)
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