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A symbolic model checker for Dynamic Epistemic Logic.


You can try SMCDEL online here:

Basic usage

  1. Use stack from
  • stack install will build and install an executable smcdel into ~/.local/bin which should be in your PATH variable.
  1. Create a text file MuddyShort.smcdel.txt which describes the knowledge structure and the formulas you want to check for truth or validity:

    -- Three Muddy Children in SMCDEL
    VARS 1,2,3
    LAW  Top
    OBS  alice: 2,3
         bob:   1,3
         carol: 1,2
      [ ! (1|2|3) ] alice knows whether 1
      [ ! (1|2|3) ]
      [ ! ((~ (alice knows whether 1)) & (~ (bob knows whether 2)) & (~ (carol knows whether 3))) ]
      [ ! ((~ (alice knows whether 1)) & (~ (bob knows whether 2)) & (~ (carol knows whether 3))) ]
      (alice,bob,carol) comknow that (1 & 2 & 3)
  2. Run smcdel MuddyShort.smcdel.txt resulting in:

    >> smcdel MuddyShort.smcdel.txt
    SMCDEL 1.0 by Malvin Gattinger --
    At which states is ... true?
    Is ... valid on the given structure?

    More example files are in the folder Examples.

  3. To also build and install the web interface, run stack install --flag smcdel:web Then you can run smcdel-web and open http://localhost:3000.

Advanced usage

The executables only provide model checking for S5 with public announcements. For K and to define more complex models and updates, SMCDEL should be used as a Haskell library. Please refer to the Haddock documentation for each module.

Examples can be found in the folders src/SMCDEL/Examples and bench.

Dependencies: To get all visualisation functions working, graphviz, dot2tex and some LaTeX packages should be installed. On Debian, please do sudo apt install graphviz dot2tex libtinfo5 texlive-latex-base poppler-utils preview-latex-style texlive-pstricks.

Used BDD packages

SMCDEL uses different BDD packages.

  • Data.HasCacBDD which runs CacBDD from This is the default choice used by the executables and the modules Symbolic.S5 and Symbolic.K.

  • The pure Haskell library decision-diagrams. It is used by the module Symbolic.S5_DD.

  • Optionally, Cudd (with some patches) which uses the CUDD library. To obtain the modules SMCDEL.Symbolic.S5_CUDD, SMCDEL.Symbolic.S5_K, SMCDEL.Symbolic.S5_Ki you should compile with stack build --flag smcdel:with-cudd.


Main reference for the theory behind the implementation, also containing benchmarks:

Additional publications: