Vanilla HTML/CSS/JS browser-based presentation template
A browser based preso template. This template can be used by shell scripts or manual editing to turn a PPT deck into a self-guided, online presentation. It can be then be hosted on any platform that serves HTML pages and associated content.
Corona. The need to give pitches without being in the same meeting room is really what drove this. The specific requirements that weren't met by other existing tools are:
- Office Power Point on the Mac fails badly at HTML export. But that is still the source of
existing decks, example templates, and a common editing tool.
- Requiring other people to install video-conf malware du jour... err. "meeting apps" is rude,
unreliable, and adds friction. (Most) everyone has a browser and a phone.
- Asynchronous, self-guided presentation is a good option to have. Think of it like Netflix for
presentations. Your audience can consume on their schedule, not yours.
- Enable things the web can do, that Power Point can't: links to supporting material,
click-through wire-frames integrated into presentation, in-line capture of feedback or questions,
performance tracking, etc.
- mobile-swipe, keyboard, and mouse-click controls
- auto-play of presentation with configurable times per slide
- auot-play of slide specific audio (narration)
- per-slide notes sidebar, for supporting material, external links, etc.
- table of contents sidebar to jump to specific slides
- directly linkable slides for sharing, reference
- single HTML page, no libraries or externals dependencies
- minimal constraints, heavy commenting, native code to make editing as easy as possible
- wire-frame or demo app click-through integration
- in-line questions/feedback dialogue (requires server component)
- perfromance tracking, telemetry, logging (requires server component)
- meeting mode, presenter driven click-through (requires server component)