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finally added support for custom locations, lines, and columns
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js-choi committed May 3, 2010
1 parent 7c62f85 commit c82c0c4
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Showing 8 changed files with 257 additions and 263 deletions.
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions argfile.xml

This file was deleted.

168 changes: 0 additions & 168 deletions clojure-build.xml

This file was deleted.

3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions

This file was deleted.

85 changes: 67 additions & 18 deletions src/edu/arizona/fnparse/cat.clj
Expand Up @@ -7,20 +7,29 @@
(:refer-clojure :rename {peek vec-peek, when if-when}
:exclude #{for + mapcat find}))

(d/defalias match c/match)
(d/defalias find c/find)
(d/defalias substitute c/substitute)
(d/defalias substitute-1 c/substitute-1)

(defprotocol ABankable
(get-bank [o])
(set-bank [o new-bank]))

(defn- vary-bank [bankable f & args]
(set-bank bankable (apply f (get-bank bankable) args)))

(defrecord State [tokens position context]
(defrecord State [tokens position location warnings context alter-location]
(get-position [this] position)
(get-remainder [this] (drop position tokens))
(next-state [this]
(when-let [token (get tokens position)]
(assoc this :position (inc position))))
(assoc this
:position (inc position))
:location ((alter-location (nth position tokens)) location)))
(state-location [this] location)
(state-warnings [this] warnings)
(get-bank [this] (meta this))
(set-bank [this new-bank] (with-meta this new-bank)))
Expand All @@ -43,16 +52,20 @@

(defrecord Head [involved-rules rules-to-be-evaluated])

(extend Success ABankable
{:get-bank (comp get-bank :state)
:set-bank #(update-in %1 [:state] set-bank %2)})

(extend Failure ABankable
{:get-bank meta
:set-bank with-meta})

(defn- make-state [context input]
(State. input 0 context (Bank. {} [] {}) nil))
(extend-protocol ABankable
(get-bank [success] (get-bank (:state success)))
(set-bank [success bank] (update-in success [:state] set-bank bank))
(get-bank [failure] (meta failure))
(set-bank [failure bank] (with-meta failure bank)))

(defn make-state
[input & {:keys #{location context alter-location}
:or {location (c/make-standard-location 0 0)
alter-location c/standard-alter-location}}]
{:pre #{(or (nil? location) (c/location? location)) (ifn? alter-location)}}
(State. input 0 location #{} context alter-location (Bank. {} [] {}) nil))

(defn state?
"Tests if the given object is a Hound State."
Expand All @@ -62,15 +75,16 @@
(defn rule?
"Tests if the given object is a Hound Rule."
(or (-> obj meta :make-state (= make-state)) (var? obj)))
(or (var? obj) (-> obj type (isa? ::Rule))))

(defmacro make-rule [rule-symbol [state-symbol :as args] & body]
{:pre #{(symbol? rule-symbol) (symbol? state-symbol) (empty? (rest args))}}
`(with-meta (fn [~state-symbol] ~@body) (c/make-rule-meta make-state)))
`(with-meta (fn [~state-symbol] ~@body) (c/make-rule-meta ::Rule)))

(defn- make-failure [state descriptors]
(c/make-failure (c/make-parse-error (:position state) descriptors))
(c/make-parse-error (:position state) (:location state) descriptors))
(get-bank state)))

(c/defmaker prod
Expand All @@ -88,7 +102,7 @@
(make-rule product-rule [state]
(c/make-success product state
(c/make-parse-error (:position state) #{}))))
(c/make-parse-error (:position state) (:location state) #{}))))

(defmacro defrm [& forms]
`(d/defn-memo ~@forms))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -445,8 +459,10 @@
(if (not= token ::nothing)
(if-let [f-result (f token)]
(c/make-success (if pred-product? f-result token)
(assoc state :position (inc position))
(c/make-parse-error position #{}))
(assoc state :position (inc position)
:location (((:alter-location state) token)
(:location state)))
(c/make-parse-error position (:location state) #{}))
(make-failure state #{}))
(make-failure state #{}))))))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -786,6 +802,39 @@
(let [reply (c/apply rule state)]
(update-in reply [:error] annotate)))))

(c/defrule <fetch-location>
"A rule that fetches the current state's location."
{:success "Always.", :product "The current location.",
:consumes "Zero tokens."}
(make-rule fetch-location-rule [state]
(c/apply (prod (:location state)) state)))

(c/defmaker alter-location
"A rule that alters the current location."
{:success "Always.", :product "The new location.",
:consumes "Zero tokens."}
[f & args]
{:pre #{(ifn? f)}}
(make-rule location-altering-rule [state]
(let [altered-state (apply update-in state [:location] f args)]
(c/apply <fetch-location> altered-state))))

(c/defrule <fetch-warnings>
"A rule that fetches the current state's warnings."
{:success "Always.", :product "The current warnings.",
:consumes "Zero tokens."}
(make-rule fetch-warnings-rule [state]
(c/apply (prod (:warnings state)) state)))

(c/defmaker add-warning
"A rule that adds a new warning with the given message."
{:success "Always.", :product "`nil`.",
:consumes "Zero tokens."}
(make-rule warnings-altering-rule [state]
(c/apply <emptiness>
(update-in state [:warnings] conj (c/make-warning state message)))))

(def ascii-digits "0123456789")
(def lowercase-ascii-alphabet "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
(def uppercase-ascii-alphabet "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/edu/arizona/fnparse/clojure.clj
Expand Up @@ -340,9 +340,10 @@
(h/prefix (h/cat (h/lex (h/phrase "~@")) <ws?>) #'<form>)))

(def <deprecated-meta>
(h/suffix <deprecated-meta>
(h/effects println
"WARNING: The ^ indicator is deprecated (since Clojure 1.1).")))
"the '^' indicator has been deprecated since Clojure 1.1; use (meta ...) instead")

;; With-meta #^ forms.

Expand Down

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