diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 027e4dd..0d2260c 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -171,14 +171,11 @@ const names = $bindingIdentifiers.map(node => node.name); - [`.first()`](#first) - [`.forEach(iterator)`](#foreachiterator) - [`.get(index)`](#getindex) -- [`.length()`](#length) - [`.logOut()`](#logout) - [`.lookupVariable()`](#lookupvariable) - [`.lookupVariableByName(name)`](#lookupvariablebynamename) - [`.map(iterator)`](#mapiterator) -- [`.nodes()`](#nodes) - [`.parents()`](#parents) -- [`.plugins()`](#plugins) - [`.prepend(replacer)`](#prependreplacer) - [`.print()`](#print) - [`.query(selector)`](#queryselector) @@ -187,8 +184,6 @@ const names = $bindingIdentifiers.map(node => node.name); - [`.replace(replacer)`](#replacereplacer) - [`.replaceAsync(replacer)`](#replaceasyncreplacer) - [`.replaceChildren(query, replacer)`](#replacechildrenquery-replacer) -- [`.root()`](#root) -- [`.session()`](#session) - [`.toJSON()`](#tojson) #### `.$(queryOrNodes)` @@ -478,10 +473,6 @@ $script = refactor(src); const thirdString = $script('LiteralStringExpression').get(2); ``` -#### `.length()` - - - #### `.logOut()` `console.log()`s the selected nodes. Useful for inserting into a chain to see what nodes you are working with. @@ -568,10 +559,6 @@ $script = refactor(src); const values = $script('BindingIdentifier').map(node => node.name); ``` -#### `.nodes()` - - - #### `.parents()` Retrieve parent node(s) @@ -590,10 +577,6 @@ const declarators = $script('VariableDeclarator'); const declaration = declarators.parents(); ``` -#### `.plugins()` - - - #### `.prepend(replacer)` Inserts the result of`replacer`before the selected statement. @@ -774,14 +757,6 @@ $script.replaceChildren( ); ``` -#### `.root()` - - - -#### `.session()` - - - #### `.toJSON()` JSON-ifies the current selected nodes. diff --git a/etc/README.template b/etc/README.template index 80033e2..2f58e06 100644 --- a/etc/README.template +++ b/etc/README.template @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ const names = $bindingIdentifiers.map(node => node.name); ``` ### Methods -<% const members = exports['shift-refactor!RefactorSessionChainable:class'].members.filter(m => m.kind !== 'Constructor').sort((a,b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name));%><% members.forEach((member) => {%> +<% const members = exports['shift-refactor!RefactorSessionChainable:class'].members.filter(m => m.kind === 'Method').sort((a,b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name));%><% members.forEach((member) => {%> - [`<%= callSignature(member)%>`](#<%= linkify(callSignature(member)) %>)<%});%> <% members.forEach((member) => {%> #### `<%= callSignature(member) %>`