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Merge pull request #17 from jspahrsummers/why-lisa-why-why
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Reboot without Promise<T> and synchronous enumeration
  • Loading branch information
jspahrsummers committed Jul 2, 2014
2 parents d7715ae + 7c3b494 commit 15734da
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Showing 19 changed files with 1,592 additions and 1,132 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion External/Quick
Submodule Quick updated from 4527c6 to 5daf1f
234 changes: 167 additions & 67 deletions RxSwift.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

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147 changes: 147 additions & 0 deletions RxSwift/Action.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
// Action.swift
// RxSwift
// Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 2014-07-01.
// Copyright (c) 2014 GitHub. All rights reserved.

import Foundation

/// Represents a UI action that will perform some work when executed.
/// Before the first execution, the action's current value will be `nil`.
/// Afterwards, it will always forward the latest results from any calls to
/// execute() on the main thread.
class Action<I, O>: Observable<Result<O>?> {
/// The error that will be sent if execute() is invoked while the action is
/// disabled.
var notEnabledError: NSError {
get {
// TODO: Put these domains and codes into constants for the whole framework.
// TODO: Use real userInfo here.
return NSError(domain: "RACAction", code: 1, userInfo: nil)

let _execute: I -> Promise<Result<O>>
let _executions = ObservableProperty<Observable<Result<O>?>?>(nil)

/// An observable of the observables returned from execute().
/// This will be non-nil while executing, nil between executions, and will
/// only update on the main thread.
var executions: Observable<Observable<Result<O>?>?> {
get {
return _executions

/// Whether the action is currently executing.
/// This will only update on the main thread.
let executing: Observable<Bool>

/// Whether the action is enabled.
/// This will only update on the main thread.
let enabled: Observable<Bool>

/// Initializes an action that will be conditionally enabled, and create
/// a Promise for each execution.
init(enabledIf: Observable<Bool>, execute: I -> Promise<Result<O>>) {
_execute = execute

executing = .constant(false)
enabled = .constant(true)

super.init(generator: { sink in
.ignoreNil(identity, initialValue: .constant(nil))

return ()

executing = executions
.map { $0 != nil }

enabled = enabledIf
.map { (enabled, executing) in enabled && !executing }

/// Initializes an action that will create a Promise for each execution.
convenience init(execute: I -> Promise<Result<O>>) {
self.init(enabledIf: .constant(true), execute: execute)

/// Executes the action on the main thread with the given input.
/// If the action is disabled when this method is invoked, the returned
/// observable will be set to `notEnabledError`, and no result will be sent
/// along the action itself.
func execute(input: I) -> Observable<Result<O>?> {
let results = ObservableProperty<Result<O>?>(nil)

MainScheduler().schedule {
if (!self.enabled.current) {
results.current = Result.Error(self.notEnabledError)

let promise = self._execute(input)
let execution: Observable<Result<O>?> = promise
// Remove one layer of optional binding caused by the `deliverOn`.
.ignoreNil(identity, initialValue: nil)

self._executions.current = execution
execution.observe { maybeResult in
results.current = maybeResult

if maybeResult != nil {
// Execution completed.
self._executions.current = nil


return results

/// Returns an action that will execute the receiver, followed by the given
/// action upon success.
func then<P>(action: Action<O, P>) -> Action<I, P> {
let bothEnabled = enabled
.map { (a, b) in a && b }

return Action<I, P>(enabledIf: bothEnabled) { input in
return Promise(onScheduler: QueueScheduler()) {
let firstResult = self
.map { maybeResult -> Observable<Result<P>?> in
if let result = maybeResult {
switch result {
case let .Success(value):
return action.execute(value)

case let .Error(error):
return .constant(Result.Error(error))

return .constant(nil)
.firstPassingTest { $0 != nil }

return firstResult!
53 changes: 0 additions & 53 deletions RxSwift/AsyncBuffer.swift

This file was deleted.

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