This package provides an annotation and interceptor that add layouts support to Thymeleaf under Spring.
Using Maven (or something compatible with Maven repositories):
First, add the interceptor to your application:
public class ApplicationContextConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
ThymeleafLayoutInterceptor layoutInterceptor = new ThymeleafLayoutInterceptor();
layoutInterceptor.setDefaultLayout("layout"); // WEB-INF/templates/layout.html
layoutInterceptor.setViewAttributeName("view"); // the default
Next, create a layout template:
<header><h1>Example Layout</h1></header>
<section id="viewContainer">
<div th:replace="views/__${view}__ :: content" th:remove="tag"></div>
And then a view in the "views" subdirectory of the "WEB-INF/templates":
<!-- foo.html -->
<!-- Note the name of the fragment matches the one specified in the layout -->
<div id="viewBody" th:fragment="content">
<p>View body</p>
Finally, implement a method that returns the layout and view name:
public String foo() {
return "foo";
Or, you can ignore the annotation and rely on the defaults that are set on the interceptor:
public ModelAndView foo() {
ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView();
// do some stuff
return mav;
In either case, the rendered HTML would be:
<header><h1>Example Layout</h1></header>
<section id="viewContainer">
<div id="viewBody">
<p>View body</p>