$version = "1.6.3, September 2023"; $mode = "coassembly"; $date = "Mon Feb 5 09:21:07 2024"; $installpath = "/mnt/hpc/home/zhanglj/miniconda3/envs/squeezeMeta/SqueezeMeta"; $userdir = "/mnt/hpc/home/zhanglj/squeezemetatrans/hr_data"; #-- Project dir (calculated dinamically on execution, DO NOT MODIFY) use File::Basename; use Cwd 'abs_path'; $projectdir = abs_path(dirname(__FILE__)); #-- Generic paths #$databasepath = "/media/disk7/fer/SqueezeMeta/db"; $databasepath = "/mnt/hpc/home/zhanglj/squeezeMeta/SqueezeMeta/database/db"; $extdatapath = "$installpath/data"; $scriptdir = "$installpath/scripts"; #-- Scripts directory #-- Paths relative to the project $projectname = "shotguntrans"; $datapath = "$projectdir/data"; #-- Directory containing all datafiles $resultpath = "$projectdir/results"; #-- Directory for storing results $extpath = "$projectdir/ext_tables"; #-- Directory for storing tables for further analysis $tempdir = "$projectdir/temp"; #-- Temp directory $interdir = "$projectdir/intermediate"; #-- Temp directory $binresultsdir = "$resultpath/bins"; #-- Directory for bins %dasdir = ("DASTool","$resultpath/DAS/$projectname\_DASTool\_bins"); #-- Directory for DASTool results #-- Customizable binning and assembly %assemblers = ("megahit","assembly_megahit.pl","spades","assembly_spades.pl","rnaspades", "assembly_rnaspades.pl", "spades-base", "assembly_spades-base.pl", "canu","assembly_canu.pl","flye","assembly_flye.pl"); %binscripts = ("maxbin","$installpath/lib/SqueezeMeta/bin_maxbin.pl","metabat2","$installpath/lib/SqueezeMeta/bin_metabat2.pl","concoct","$installpath/lib/SqueezeMeta/bin_concoct.pl"); #-- Result files $mappingfile = "$datapath/00.$projectname.samples"; #-- Mapping file (samples -> fastq) $methodsfile = "$projectdir/methods.txt"; #-- File listing the methods used and their citation info $syslogfile = "$projectdir/syslog"; #-- Logging file $contigsfna = "$resultpath/01.$projectname.fasta"; #-- Contig file from assembly $contigslen = "$interdir/01.$projectname.lon"; #-- Length of each contig $rnafile = "$resultpath/02.$projectname.rnas"; #-- RNAs from barrnap $trnafile = "$resultpath/02.$projectname.trnas"; #-- tRNAs from aragorn $gff_file = "$resultpath/03.$projectname.gff"; #-- gff file from prodigal $aafile = "$resultpath/03.$projectname.faa"; #-- Aminoacid sequences for genes $ntfile = "$resultpath/03.$projectname.fna"; #-- Nucleotide sequences for genes $taxdiamond = "$interdir/04.$projectname.nr.diamond"; #-- Diamond result $cogdiamond = "$interdir/04.$projectname.eggnog.diamond"; #-- Diamond result, COGs $keggdiamond = "$interdir/04.$projectname.kegg.diamond"; #-- Diamond result, KEGG $pfamhmmer = "$interdir/05.$projectname.pfam.hmm"; #-- Hmmer result for Pfam $fun3tax = "$resultpath/06.$projectname.fun3.tax"; #-- Fun3 annotations, KEGG $fun3kegg = "$resultpath/07.$projectname.fun3.kegg"; #-- Fun3 annotations, KEGG $fun3cog = "$resultpath/07.$projectname.fun3.cog"; #-- Fun3 annotation, COGs $fun3pfam = "$resultpath/07.$projectname.fun3.pfam"; #-- Fun3 annotation, Pfams $gff_file_blastx = "$resultpath/08.$projectname.gff"; #-- gff file from prodigal & blastx $fun3tax_blastx = "$resultpath/08.$projectname.fun3.tax"; #-- Fun3 annotations prodigal & blastx, KEGG $fun3kegg_blastx = "$resultpath/08.$projectname.fun3.kegg"; #-- Fun3 annotations prodigal & blastx, KEGG $fun3cog_blastx = "$resultpath/08.$projectname.fun3.cog"; #-- Fun3 annotation prodigal & blastx, COGs $fna_blastx = "$interdir/08.$projectname.blastx.fna"; #-- Secuencias nt obtenidas por blastx $allorfs = "$tempdir/09.$projectname.allorfs"; #-- From summary_contigs.pl, allorfs file $alllog = "$interdir/09.$projectname.contiglog"; #-- From summary_contigs.pl, contiglog file (formerly alllog file) $mapcountfile = "$interdir/10.$projectname.mapcount"; #-- From mapsamples.pl, rpkm and coverage counts for all samples $contigcov = "$interdir/10.$projectname.contigcov"; #-- From mapbamsamples.pl, coverages of for all samples $mappingstat = "$resultpath/10.$projectname.mappingstat"; #-- From mapsamples.pl, mapping statistics for all samples $mcountfile = "$resultpath/11.$projectname.mcount"; #-- From mcount.pl, abundances of all taxa $mergedfile = "$resultpath/13.$projectname.orftable"; #-- Gene table file $bintax = "$interdir/16.$projectname.bintax"; #-- From addtax2.pl $checkmfile = "$interdir/17.$projectname.checkM"; #-- From checkm_batch.pl $bincov = "$interdir/18.$projectname.bincov"; #-- Coverage of bins, from getbins.pl $bintable = "$resultpath/18.$projectname.bintable"; #-- Mapping of contigs in bins, from getbins.pl $contigsinbins = "$interdir/18.$projectname.contigsinbins"; #-- Bin to which each contig belongs $contigtable = "$resultpath/19.$projectname.contigtable"; #-- From getcontigs.pl, contigs table #-- Datafiles $coglist = "$extdatapath/coglist.txt"; #-- COG equivalence file (COGid -> Function -> Functional class) $kegglist = "$extdatapath/keggfun2.txt"; #-- KEGG equivalence file (KEGGid -> Function -> Functional class) $pfamlist = "$extdatapath/pfam.dat"; #-- PFAM equivalence file $taxlist = "$extdatapath/alltaxlist.txt"; #-- Tax equivalence file $nr_db = "$databasepath/nr.dmnd"; $cog_db = "$databasepath/eggnog"; $kegg_db = "$databasepath/keggdb"; $lca_db = "$databasepath/LCA_tax/taxid.db"; $bowtieref = "$datapath/$projectname.bowtie"; #-- Contigs formatted for Bowtie $pfam_db = "$databasepath/Pfam-A.hmm"; $mothur_r = "$databasepath/silva.nr_v132.align"; $mothur_t = "$databasepath/silva.nr_v132.tax"; #-- Variables $blocksize = NF; $nodiamond = 0; $nocog = 0; $nokegg = 0; $nopfam = 0; $euknofilter = 1; $nobins = 1; $doublepass = 1; $norename = 0; $singletons = 0; $cleaning = 0; $cleaningoptions = ""; $mapper = "bowtie"; $binners = "concoct,metabat2"; $mapping_options = ""; #-- External software $metabat_soft = "metabat2"; $jgi_summ_soft = "jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths"; $maxbin_soft = "$installpath/bin/MaxBin/run_MaxBin.pl"; $concoct_dir = "$installpath/bin/CONCOCT-1.1.0"; $spades_soft = "spades.py"; $barrnap_soft = "$installpath/bin/barrnap"; $rdpclassifier_soft = "java -jar $installpath/lib/classifier/classifier.jar"; $bowtie2_build_soft = "python3 $installpath/bin/bowtie2/bowtie2-build"; $bowtie2_x_soft = "$installpath/bin/bowtie2/bowtie2"; $bwa_soft = "$installpath/bin/bwa"; $minimap2_soft = "$installpath/bin/minimap2"; $samtools_soft = "samtools"; $diamond_soft = "$installpath/bin/diamond"; $hmmer_soft = "$installpath/bin/hmmer/hmmsearch"; $megahit_soft = "$installpath/bin/megahit/megahit"; $prinseq_soft = "$installpath/bin/prinseq-lite.pl"; $prodigal_soft = "$installpath/bin/prodigal"; $cdhit_soft = "$installpath/bin/cd-hit-est"; $toamos_soft = "$installpath/bin/AMOS/toAmos"; $minimus2_soft = "$installpath/bin/AMOS/minimus2"; $checkm_soft = "PATH=$installpath/bin:$installpath/bin/pplacer:$installpath/bin/hmmer:\$PATH $installpath/bin/checkm"; $minpath_soft = "python3 $installpath/bin/MinPath1.4.py"; $canu_soft = "$installpath/bin/canu-2.2/bin/canu"; $flye_soft = "$installpath/bin/Flye-2.9/bin/flye"; $trimmomatic_soft = "java -jar $installpath/bin/trimmomatic-0.38.jar"; $dastool_soft = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$installpath/lib PATH=$installpath/bin:\$PATH $installpath/bin/DAS_Tool/DAS_Tool"; $kmerdb_soft = "kmer-db"; $aragorn_soft = "$installpath/bin/aragorn"; $mothur_soft = "mothur"; #-- Options $numthreads = 8; $mincontiglen = 200; $assembler = "rnaspades"; $canumem = NF; $taxbinmode = "s"; #-- New external database $opt_db = "/public/home/zhanglj/squeezemetatrans/db.list";