- Delete all useless, old blog posts.
- Fix the weirdness in posts that you still want to keep.
- Add navigation from one blog post to next and previous based on date
- Add the images to posts to allow for previews.
- make the image that displays in the blog preview in the list be a link to the blog post
- Add Zines, Code, Pedagogy sections based off of the portfolio section
- create an INCLUDE that allows you to create images that are 50% of the width of the blog post so that you can create a tighter grid of smaller content
- create a container for your pixel art images that cause them to not be resized but rather cropped
- paginate the BLOG posts section
- make homepage display the full content of the 5 posts
- make blog archive show post.excerpt
- Add newlsetter https://medium.com/@davideiaiunese/the-problem-why-a-newsletter-baae4409a526 Uses feedburner.google.com
- [x]Confirm Newsletter is working properly by testing it
- Set up weekly Feed round up for posts using the feed .xml
- Have categories appear at the bottom of each post, as clickable buttons that take you to a category page listing all the posts of that category - Useful: https://codinfox.github.io/dev/2015/03/06/use-tags-and-categories-in-your-jekyll-based-github-pages/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20872861/jekyll-display-posts-by-category https://blog.webjeda.com/jekyll-categories/
- Figure out a useful master set of categories for the site (Essay, Tutorial, Comic, Art) everything else can be handled by tags Add to Personal Reference section in this README.md file.
- add coding proficiencies in about section
- Add posts from Instagram that had considerable writing or worthwhile images.
- Something that aggreagates all my comics teaching posts via category
- Create a page that documents the history of the Dog City Press Project
- Photograph all boxes and books for this post
- Add scans of old comics as blog posts (SNAKES/Whirligiggler/Senior Thesis at CCS)
Personal Reference
- Comics
- Programming
- Essays