Hi my name is Juan Francisco, (😄 Pronouns:he-him ) i’m currently working on Zentagroup as a Chief Technology Officer (CTO). I'm passionate about software development and cloud (native) computing. Right now, 🌱 I'm trying to improve at data science, machine learning and data analitycs.
I love teaching, I taught at the Universidad Mayor and Universidad de Chile in the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics, in addition to doing some bootcamps on the development and design of modern web applications.
Profesional Cloud Architect | Googe Cloud | 2022 | Associate Cloud Engineer | Googe Cloud | 2018 | Diplomado en Ingenería de Software | Universidad de Chile | 2020 | Ingenería Informática | DuocUC | 2010 |
🔭 See my progress on Qwiklabs https://www.qwiklabs.com/public_profiles/69ab2b90-99eb-4ead-b1f8-3e9dc078ec0f
- 📫 How to reach me: juan.maldonado.leon@gmail.com